The King of Nothing

Confusion flickered across Jade's face, her eyes igniting with a soft white glow at their centers as she considered the creature's words. "And why do you think that?" she asked, a hint of skepticism in her voice.

The creature's response carried the weight of centuries, a testament to its vast, yet shadowy, experiences. "Even in my short time around and what I have heard, he has given parts of him for as long as he has existed for one reason or another, and I have never seen it not play out in his favor."

Pausing for a moment to let the gravity of its statement sink in, it then added, "If I were a guessing king, I would say you will die upon the summoning, and you will be the vessel for his summoning."

"But I suppose that isn't too much of my concern. However, I do believe you have the potential to assist me in preparing for the great coming."