Science Lab Obtained

Jade, affected by the somber tone of his admission, asked, "Just how many people are there that have unlocked their abilities anyways?"

"Throughout the years, I mean, probably thousands, but as of right now, we only have about a hundred spread throughout the United States. I'm not entirely sure about Japan and a few other countries, but it's about the same, I'm sure. These creatures have only been becoming more dangerous," the Director explained, offering a stark perspective on their dwindling numbers and the escalating threat they faced.

Jade, seeking further understanding, pressed on, "What about before these monsters started showing up?"

The Director's smirk hinted at the complexity of their situation, "Well, that was a problem in of itself. From the information passed down to me from the previous director, we had only learned about the crystal and eventually ripped it from the center of the Earth about 20 years before the first creature appeared."