Training 1

Jade, holding the cube delicately between her fingers, revealed her reluctance, "The director wanted me to eat it, and to be honest, I just couldn't. The idea of eating such a disgusting creature to 'get stronger.' I don't know, but I just threw it up."

Gojaro, visibly taken aback by her admission, responded with a hint of surprise, "You refused to do what the Director told you?"

Jade paused before clarifying, "Well, no, I tried but failed. However, I was able to secure lab space to test on it. I wonder if its DNA is the same… if it even has DNA. But I will run some tests to see if I can learn more about the cube and these creatures."

Gojaro's expression softened, understanding the predicament. "Sure, you're kinda on your own here to work out and do what you need to do before you are summoned for your next mission. By the way, just don't go anywhere proclaiming who you are, as they went through a lot of trouble to stage your death."