Recon Fairy

The revelation that Ty shared momentarily unsettled the fairy, her mind racing with questions about the true nature of their world and the games they were embroiled in. "Wh-What do you mean, after the stories you read to me before that rude Gui burned them, no he made this do something else."

"Focus, Recon Fairy," Ty gently urged, understanding her shock but emphasizing the importance of the tasks at hand. "I will explain to you another time, but please try to focus on the three tasks I need done so we can get back to Nanako, Todd, and everyone else. You are a big piece of this puzzle, okay?"

Her determination renewed by Ty's words, the fairy's eyes brightened. "Okay, so I will find Lt Daemon, find JJ and…" she paused, trying to recall the final task.

"You're going to find the strongest blue shirt and give him a message for me," Ty clarified. "It's worth a shot given the nature of this tournament."