Titanis Fairy

The fairy, taking a moment to collect her thoughts, addressed the lieutenant's role and the apparent lack of communication about Ty's whereabouts. "Yes, actually, but uh, if you're his mentor, shouldn't they tell you where or when they move him? Seems a little rude not to do so?"

Lt Daemon nodded in agreement, his expression turning slightly grim. "Yeah, that makes sense. But, by 'they,' I mean the King's game master, General Omina, and a few others. So, they have full control over them, as if they were livestock."

The fairy's mood seemed to dampen at the realization, her head dropping a bit. "I see…"

"But beyond that, don't worry about it. It's not the first time she has done this, so I've quite become accustomed to having to track down my candidate, if you will. But what else did he need you to do?" Lt Daemon inquired, shifting the conversation back to the tasks at hand.