Sanguina vs Ren

Sanguina's eyes narrowed as the gold projectiles hurtled toward her. She raised her hand, summoning a dark barrier that absorbed the impact of the first wave. The force pushed her back, her heels scraping against the metal floor as she struggled to maintain her balance.

"Impressive trick, but you'll need more than shiny objects to take me down," she snarled, her fangs gleaming under the dim light of the vault.

Ren's laugh echoed through the confined space. "Oh, I have plenty more in store for you," he replied, twirling his katana with one hand while his other manipulated the gold, directing it like a conductor leading an orchestra.

The gold reformed, twisting and coiling into serpentine shapes that lunged at Sanguina. She dodged swiftly, her movements a blur as she sliced through the golden serpents with her blade. The clinking of metal and the hiss of shattered gold filled the air, creating a cacophony of sound.