Tricked and Thrown

As the rest of the wolves dived in, Sanguina smirked. She spun around, catching a swift blade that came downward. "Like I would fall for that same trick more than once!" she scuffed.

Throwing her body weight to the left, she twisted the blade between her hands, flipping Ren into the air. He threw a fist toward her, but her eyes gleamed red as she sidestepped, dodging the strike. The wolves pounced, all diving on top of her, but were blown away by a surge of dark energy.

Scratches and bite marks covered Sanguina's body, but they slowly healed as a violent torrent of energy swirled around her. "Max Ultimo Vampirism Mode!" she declared, her muscles flexing. In a blinding moment, her fist connected with Ren's chest.