Why Do People Enjoy Such Advertisements?

Yang Ruoqian and his two colleagues entered the elevator and, as usual, pressed the button for the basement floor. Unexpectedly, Gao Naiyun pressed the button for the first floor.


"Hmm?" Yang Ruoqian turned, puzzled, "Aren't you coming with us today?"


Gao Naiyun adjusted the decorative band on her forehead, speaking in a soft, muffled voice, "Landlord, my mother is undergoing surgery soon. I need to move closer to the hospital to care for her. I might have to vacate my rented room these days."


Chang Zhiqing's eyebrows furrowed with concern, "Is her condition serious? How much is the surgery? Do you have enough savings?"


Although Chang Zhiqing had been making subtle "territorial" moves recently, her concern wasn't directed at Gao Naiyun. The two remained close friends.


Yang Ruoqian gave a questioning look, sharing the same concerns.


Gao Naiyun smiled, "Don't worry, I've gathered enough money. Thanks, Sister Chang!"


"You should be careful if you're staying alone. It's best to choose a place with a community," Yang Ruoqian advised, showing concern for the somewhat naive girl. "If anything happens, call me or Chang Zhiqing. Don't think you're bothering us."


Gao Naiyun, despite appearing naive, had a strong will. She might silently shoulder all burdens, just as she did in her previous life.


Understanding his concern, she giggled, "Got it, thanks for caring, boss!"


Ding! The elevator reached the first floor.


"I'll go ahead then!"


"Stay safe."


"Take a picture of the license plate before you get in an online car!"




In the underground parking lot, just like previous days, Yang Ruoqian took the driver's seat, and Chang Zhiqing sat beside him.


"Yang Ruoqian, let's head to Qian Da Plaza across the street," said Chang Zhiqing as she buckled her seatbelt, "I have a class reunion tomorrow, and I want to buy a new dress."


The idea of shopping made Yang Ruoqian's skin crawl, "It's just a reunion. Do you really need to buy new clothes?"


Chang Zhiqing smirked, "Just one dress, it'll be quick. You can wait outside; no need to come in with me."


As long as it wasn't a shopping spree, Yang Ruoqian thought it was acceptable. "Alright, but be quick."


They quickly reached Qian Da Plaza, parked the car in an open parking area.


"I'll be right back," Chang Zhiqing said, handing him a chilled coffee bottle, "Bought this for you, enjoy."


She then stepped out of the car.


Yang Ruoqian sipped the cold coffee and muttered, "Be careful in those high heels, they look uncomfortable."


He then distractedly watched the promotional activities of the "Milky Snow Ice City" tea shop.


"I know," she replied, shutting the car door and heading towards a boutique.


"Welcome!" The store assistant, noticing a beautiful woman who'd just alighted from a luxury car, greeted Chang Zhiqing enthusiastically, anticipating a big sale.


"I'll take this one, get me the right size," Chang Zhiqing said, pointing to a prominently displayed silk embroidered cheongsam. She quickly provided her measurements.


"You have great taste!" The assistant complimented, then added, "This design can be custom-made, would you like that?"


While the idea was appealing, she needed the dress for the next day. "No need, just the right size will do."


"Alright, I'll get it for you to try on."


After about ten minutes of trying on clothes, the store clerk looked at the woman before her – an enchanting beauty with a mix of classical charm and seductive allure – and couldn't help but compliment, "This dress suits you perfectly!"


The dress perfectly outlined her exquisite figure, showcasing her long legs through the high side slits. Which man wouldn't be mesmerized?


"Not bad," Chang Zhiqing remarked, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She smiled slyly, resembling a cunning fox, "Get me the same dress in a smaller size, wrap it up, and I'll pay."


"Ah?" The clerk paused, taken aback, before hurriedly replying, "Yes, please wait a moment."


Just then, the repetitive jingle of the milk tea shop nearby started playing. "You love me, I love you, Milky Snow Ice City is so sweet..." The annoying tune echoed for what felt like the fifth consecutive time.


Yang Ruoqian checked his watch for the third time, grumbling, "It's just buying a dress. Choose one, try it on, pay, and leave. Why has it taken over twenty minutes?!" In those twenty minutes, the milk tea shop had already launched two promotions.


Before he could see Chang Zhiqing emerge, another promotion from the milk tea shop started. "Special summer offer, let our new spokesperson cool you down!"


New spokesperson? Could it be Huang Rushi? Had they already shot and released the advertisement within a day? Such efficiency!


Remembering that Huang Rushi had come to work during the day, Yang Ruoqian felt his speculations were likely accurate. "Let's see how the advertisement our company took on turned out."


Straightening up, Yang Ruoqian looked at the massive billboard. A stout, dark-skinned man with a sweet smile wore a silver crown, a red cape, and mimicked the belly of the Snow King, dancing and singing along to the catchy tune. At the end, Huang Rushi even formed a heart with his arms.


Yang Ruoqian nearly spat out his coffee all over the dashboard. "Stay away from me!" Was this even a promotion for a milk tea shop? It looked more like a parody. Would people really enjoy such advertisements?


To his horror, not only were the customers not deterred, but more and more people were drawn to the unique advertisement. Some laughed heartily, recording it on their phones, while others simply bought a cup of milk tea. The advertisement was surprisingly effective!


Yang Ruoqian wasn't concerned about the potentially harmful milk tea; he was more worried about the ramifications of such an advertisement. With the milk tea shop being a national chain, the advertisement would be broadcasted nationwide. The video might already be circulating online!


Yang Ruoqian had initially thought that collaborating with a low-cost milk tea shop and Huang Rushi would be a minor endeavor that could earn some advertising money. However, given the current scenario and the increasing crowd, Huang Rushi's popularity might surge even more.


His fanbase would surely grow. "Huang Rushi, are you trying to prevent me from getting that 5,000 bonus?" Yang Ruoqian felt utterly defeated.


At that moment, Chang Zhiqing returned to the car, having purchased her dress. Seeing Yang Ruoqian's distraught face, she curiously asked, "What did you see? You look like you've lost your soul."


"Nothing," Yang Ruoqian replied dejectedly, stepping on the gas, "Let's go home."


Some earned advertising fees, some enjoyed milk tea, and some simply found joy. But Yang Ruoqian, amidst the mental pollution, felt he'd lost out big time. He didn't want to see another milk tea shop for a month. "Milk tea shops, get out of my life!"