Chapter 9


For the umpteenth time since the week began, I gritted my teeth.

"June, can you stop throwing words into my mouth?!" I practically yelled within the interior of my car. It is not in my habit to yell, I don't do it, but these past few days have been hectic.

"I'm not throwing anything into your mouth, and definitely not words. You said I shouldn't masturbate to thoughts of my uncle. And I asked if it will be okay to do it to the thoughts of other guys... Maybe Mark."

She is intentionally trying to rile me up. And guess what, it's working!

I exhaled."That's disgusting."

"No, it's not. Mark is a guy, remember?"

"He is your friend!"

"Yeah, that's why I used his name as an example. I didn't say I masturbate to thoughts of him. What were you thinking, uncle?"

June!!! I feel like slamming my fists against the wheel after hitting my forehead on the windshield. With the way it is going, I might run mad before the start of another week.

"June, be a good girl and go through your punishment without making things worse for yourself." I exhaled in relief when she didn't give a comeback. Just when I thought it was finally over, she scoffed and hung her legs on the dashboard.

"I don't say anything whenever you bang women in the house. I have never complained or said anything about that. Why does it seem like everything I do is wrong, while you get to be the perfect one?"

I exhaled again. The urge to close my eyes a for moment was so strong, but I had to restrain myself since I was behind the wheel.

Maybe I should just fucking wait until we get home before going ahead with the conversation.

"June, nobody said anything about being perfect," I said calmly, trying to catch my breath. "There are just some things you should say or do at this age."

"Uncle Kristin, I'm nineteen for fuck sake! I'm an adult!" She cupped her breasts, her eyes narrowed at me. "A child cannot have this body!"

And just like that, I found my gaze wandering to her breasts. My imagination took a wild turn when I remembered seeing her naked with the vibrator on her clit.

A sense of longing made my trousers tight. I swear, I need therapy.

Blaming my reactions on the multiple interruptions of my release, I gripped the wheel tighter and focused on the road. Silence seemed the only option in this scenario.

"Your punishment continues," I said immediately the house came into view. "I will go to the office after dropping you off. I don't expect you to go out or receive visitors. Is that clear?"

Even though she said nothing, I knew she heard me.

When the car finally stopped, she was the first to alight, intentionally stomping her feet into the house in a show of displeasure.

Somehow, I feel like June's behavior is my fault. Now I think about it, I spoilt her rotten—and that wasn't my fault.

For a young child who'd just lost her mother, I had to fill the gap by showering her with love and attention. Yes, she cried every day at that time, but my presence made things better.

I don't regret taking care of June the way I did—I will never—but I feel like if I had laid down some rules, she might have turned out better.

I made my way inside the house while massaging my temples. The turbulence of the day decided at that moment to pitch a tent in front of my head.

Noooo... I'm supposed to go to the office to check on my workers. Taking care of June's tantrums for the past few days has allowed me to exercise my privilege as CEO by staying at home and dishing out orders to my workers.

The thought of driving to the office forced a sigh from me. I collapsed on a couch in the sitting room.

The headache was slowly spreading now, and before evening, I know that my brain would have almost been completely fried.

With a chuckle, I realized that a headache is the most subtle thing that has happened to me in the week so far. Never—and I repeat, never!—had I gone so long without sex.


A thought struck me. June's punishment should give me just enough time to get myself somewhere and get rid of this "stress."

I grabbed the keys on the table with an announcement, "June, I'm going to the office, I will be back soon!"

I didn't hear a reply so I made my way to her room.

"June?" I knocked.

"I heard you!" she called from within in a voice that gave out how much boredom she was roped in. "See you later."

I didn't expect anything different. "Don't leave the house. I'll be mad if I get back and see that you broke any of the rules of your punishment. It won't be funny."

Not waiting for an answer and relieved that I could finally get my privacy, I raced out of the house.

I could have just called Brenda and met up in a hotel, but I don't dare to face her after what happened. I'll just get someone else.

As I maneuvered the network of roads, my mind wandered back to my sister. It seemed like only yesterday that that accident claimed her life...

The vibration in my pocket stopped my train of thought.

I furrowed my brows when I saw Edith on the caller ID. "Hello."

"Hi sir!" she said a little too loud. Edith is an actress in my entertainment company and she has been of great help to me and the growth of the organization. "Are you around the office?"

Should I lie? Straight is the way to my designated point: the hotel, and at the next bend is the way to the office. And I was just 30 km from the bend.

"Why do you sound excited? What happened?" I answered her question with a question of my own.

"Dija is here!"

I slammed on the brakes so hard that my chest almost collided with the wheel. "Are you serious? What does she want?"

"She only said she wanted to see you in person."

"Keep her busy. I'm almost at the office."

I didn't wait for an answer before stepping on the gas, channeling the car away from the road leading to the hotel. Business first; my desires can wait.

Himaldila Dija is the daughter of the famous Mrs. Himaldila, a business typhoon and single mother who grew herself out of the ashes of an abusive husband and tumultuous marriage, leaving the union with three daughters. With the support of her daughters, Mrs. Himaldila successfully has three companies.

The one of interest, a recently opened cosmetic company, needs a model to run an ad. I don't know why one of my models was selected for it, but one thing I know is that Dija is the one in charge of this cosmetic company. We were supposed to have a meeting about the offer and contract a long time before now, but she always gave an excuse. I soon pushed aside the offer after realizing that she may have found someone better for the job.

But now...

I slowed down at the gate to answer the greetings of my security men.

Getting to my office was more difficult. Everyone was whispering with excited gestures, pointing to my office like little children.

The model who was selected for the ad couldn't stay in a spot for three seconds. I answered their greetings and rushed into my office.

In my entire life, I have never been so happy with Edith. Considering that she is an actress, I wasn't surprised to see the way she forced out chuckles at Dija who was sipping on a glass of wine, chatting with Edith like they had known each other for centuries.

"Miss Himaldila!" I echoed when I noticed that the women—except Edith who was pretending—were too busy in their conversation to see that I was standing behind.

Edith was on her feet in a moment, flashing the brightest smile I'd ever seen on her face. "Welcome boss. I was just telling Miss Himaldila about my new role in HIS QUEEN'S romance series."

Wow! They discussed that far?!

"Oh, thank you so much." Turning to Dija, I smiled warmly, "I hope you didn't have to wait long?"

"Not at all," she said softly, giving me a once-over. Fuck, I should have worn something better! Well, coming to the office wasn't in my plan. From the corner of my eyes, I caught Edith's thumbs-up as she slipped out. "I didn't think I will even meet you in the office today. It's late in the afternoon."

"Oh yeah. I was at home when the call came in that you are around. I had to run over." I extended my arm for a handshake. "Nice to meet you again, Miss—"

"Dija will be better, Kristin. My sisters are more comfortable with the 'Miss' title."

"Oh, sorry. I just thought, you know, since we are in a business setting. Sorry if I—"

"Nah, it's okay. I'm here for business, but I don't want the setting formal," she smirked and took my hand. "Take a seat, Kristin."

Okay... forget about the fact that I am being offered a seat in my office, I thought business wasn't supposed to be mixed with pleasures or informalism.

"It's nice to have you here." I sat opposite her. My eyes landed on a brown file on her side of my larger-than-life table. My heartbeat increased. Apart from the financial benefits, a contract with the Himalayas will push out the name of my company. "Is there anything else you'd like?"

She swirled her drink, her slim manicured fingers curled around the glass. "I'm okay with this." I quickly surveyed her. Dija is hot, maybe too hot for the present state of my hormones.

Who the hell wears a cleavage-exposing peach gown to strike a deal anyway?

"Okay..." I drawled to let her know that I am all ears.

She sipped from her drink and then laid it on the table. "Yes, Kristin... To the reason I'm here."