Chapter 10


Dija was taking her time to speak and it was getting me nervous.

"The model we agreed on the other time, is she still available?"

"Oh, yes. She is in the other room as we speak," I said with the best this-is-a-meeting voice I could muster.

"Hmm." Dija nodded and kept her gaze on a portion of the room for almost fifteen seconds. Yes, I was too nervous, so I counted the tick of the clock. "What if I say that I want you to also be in charge of the entire thing? Providing a model, taking the pictures and videos, editing, and final touches? Will you be able to do that, Kristin?"

The hell?!!!

Excitement poured into my bloodstream with a speed that made my arms twitch. During our first agreement, she had only indicated an interest in hiring a model for the work. As a boss who recognizes loyalty and diligence, I had first suggested Edith for the job, but Dija said her skin tone wasn't suitable. To cut the long story short, Dija selected one of my models herself.

Not only was Dija now offering to use one of my models, but she was also handing over to us the entire filming process!

"We can do that... Dija," I said, trying to contain my excitement. "Do you want to hand us the entire process?"

"Yes. And I also want us to finalize the contract." Dija sat back and smiled. Her fingers ran over the brown file on the table. "I even brought the contract for you to review."

Wow! She came prepared.

She pushed the file to my side of the table, tapping her manicured nails on it, and smiling slyly. Our gazes met.

For some time, I did not break contact, and she did not too. We sat staring at each other, waiting for someone to break the silence.

"Miss— Errm... Dija, this is a really big surprise," I said truthfully. "I thought you might have gotten someone else for the job."

"Of course not! I was just trying to sort out some shit."

My fingers itched to open the file and run through it, but I didn't want to be rude by allocating my attention to the contract, so I ended up stacking it in my drawer.

"You won't go through it?" she asked.

"Oh, I will. I don't want my attention divided."

"I want you to go through it now. There is a particular clause I think you'd like."

Curious, I fished out the file and opened the first page. There wasn't anything of interest there. I did not notice her moving from her seat to stand beside me until her fingers stopped me from moving past a page.

"Here," she said softly, tapping her index finger slowly on a particular clause.

Even before she got so close, I knew she would smell nice, and the scent that filled my brain was something delicious, something that almost seemed edible.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. The contract stated that after the first filming, all the other model and filming demands of the company will solely be on us. Of course, it wasn't exclusive, so my company will be free to sign other contracts as long as it didn't affect the relationship with Dija's company.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Wow." That was all I managed to say.


"Yes! I didn't expect this. Why... Why are you doing this?"

"Should there be a reason?" Since she was standing so close to me, I could not see her face, but I knew she was smiling. She rested her left hand on my shoulder. "Are you happy?"

"Of course I am!" I said excitedly. Already, I can picture the satisfaction on my face after settling my bills and paying June's tuition even before the start of the next semester.

"Good, let's celebrate."

"Of course!" I picked up my phone to call for some good wine when she stopped me.

"What are you doing?"

This time, I swivelled my chair until it faced her. "I... I wanted to order drinks. We should celebrate, right?"

"Don't pretend to be old school, Kristin," she chuckled and rested on her knees. The position gave me a fine view of her breasts and chest flesh. I forced my eyes away.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I've forgotten that the idea of celebration nowadays is going out to fancy restaurants and—"

"Oh, shut up," she chuckled again. I was about to laugh before I felt her thighs on both sides of my dick and her face close to mine.

My heart started beating fast. "Dija?"

"Yes, Kristin," she whispered and cupped my face. As fast as my heartbeat, she leaned forward and kissed me.

The world stopped. I tried to remember what had led to this, but my mind was in too many shambles. She was too hot; I wanted to push her away and pull her close at the same time.

She led my hand to her ass and shuffled closer until her ass was almost sitting on my dick.

At last, she pulled back.

I blinked.

"Dija," I repeated, this time with lips parted in surprise. I don't know if she took my parted lips as a sign but the next second, she pressed her lips into mine again.

What is happening?

I can clearly remember coming into my establishment and sitting in my office. I also remember discussing the contract with Dija. What I don't remember is... how we got to this position.

My shirt was slowly being lifted from the hem and I had to break contact.

My breath was heavy and my voice was husky when I asked, "Dija, what are we doing?"

"The main reason I came here. Don't you wonder, I could have just sent my PA or some other of my staff to give you the contract, but I decided to come in person."

I tried clenching my fist but realized that it was around a mass of large flesh. I had almost forgotten that I rounded her ass. Just holding her ass cheeks made me want to strip her naked, spread the walls of flesh, and dive into her repeatedly until she squirted all over my dick.

Good lord! My thoughts are making me hard just like they did with June...


I suddenly pictured June's naked form on the bed, her vibrator on her clit.

"I can feel your dick," Dija continued, breaking me out of my train of thought. "I'm getting you hard, am I not?"

No, the thought of June was... But I didn't say that.

"You won't mind me fucking you?"I asked her to be sure of what I was going to do.

"Of course. You fucked a friend of mine. I love what I heard about you. I want to be fucked that way so bad."

So I got a contract and also get to smash the CEO of the company? The universe must have seen my ordeal in the hands of June and decided to send help before I explode.

I didn't bother asking about her friend because I might as well not remember the name.

"Do you want us to... do it here?" I asked softly like I wasn't sure I wanted to do it.

"Yeah, I'm too impatient to go somewhere else."

"You asked for it." I didn't give her time to fully digest the sentence before grabbing her waist, lifting and pushing her onto the table, and smashing our lips into each other.

As we kissed, I fumbled for my belt. She wanted to be fucked by the renowned Kristin, right? I'd give that to her.

With my trouser laid around my ankles and my erect cock in full display, I pulled her close, grabbing her hips for support. My lips turned up in a smirk. "You're not in any underwear. You came prepared, huh?"

"I'm always prepared, Kristin. Put it in."

I did put it in. And not in the way she expected.

Grabbing her waist tighter, I settled at her entrance. Between breaths, I plunged in.

She gasped and jerked back, but my grip on her was strong. Without giving her time to adjust, I started a steady thrust.

"Fuck..." She sucked air in through her teeth and threw her head back. Her clothed cleavage moved in sync with my thrusts, her body bouncing on my table.

I threw a quick stare at the door. I wasn't scared of anyone barging in on us since none of them would foolishly come in without knocking when I have a visitor—especially a visitor like Dija.

She felt so tight as her pussy wrapped around my dick, the contact making me get closer to the edge with every stroke.

My hands found her breasts. I massaged them while plunging into her.

"Kristin..." Her voice was low, dreamy. It was either she was trying not to alert my workers or she was finding it difficult to speak. Talking about speaking, I decided to help her 'not speak.'

I pulled out of her and dragged my legs to the side of the table where her face was.

"Open up," I ordered. She obeyed instantly, tilting her head to the side to take my dick into her mouth. I started my thrusts again, this time slowly, to reduce her gagging noises.

Her lips pressed on my dick from all sides was the most beautiful image I've ever seen. The mighty Dija, on my table, sucking my dick and taking my cock into her pussy... Just the thought thrilled me.

I leaned forward—deepening my thrust—and inserted a finger into her while rubbing my palm on her clit.

She moaned. The sound came out as a muffled cough.

Saliva trickled down the sides of her mouth as I pushed forward, diving into her throat this time.

She started writhing, twisting her body while trying to speak. I overpowered her flaying wrists before pulling back just a bit. If she thought I was going to leave her just like that, she must be joking.

She started thrashing again and I finally understood what it meant when I saw her thighs vibrating. I increased the force of my rub on her clit and inserted two fingers from my free hand into her.

I heard her scream vibrate on my dick before her hips lunged off the table, her thighs vibrating like a milling engine.

I slowly moved deeper into her mouth. Her face was gradually becoming red, her nostrils flaring as she tried to suck in a sufficient amount of air.

That was when I pulled back.

She gasped before opening her mouth wide and swallowing fresh air.

As she recovered, I went to the other side of the table, pulled her close, and dived into her pussy again.

"Kristin!" she screamed and then clamped her hands on her mouth when she realized how loud she sounded. Tears streamed down the corners of her eyes as I fucked her.

I was also close. Dija's thrashing and tears had aroused me enough. I held her thighs in place and grunted as I felt the flow of satisfaction rush from within me.

I did not hold back. I gritted my teeth, my breath coming out in gasps dumped all my cum into her.

Some seconds later, I collapsed on my chair. Dija's spread legs allowed me to see the way my cum ran down the walls of her pussy, and the beautiful destruction I created there.

"Kristin," she called out weakly. I heard a hiccup before the next sentence rolled out, "Congratulations to us. I look forward to working with you."