Chapter 11


Fuck that man who calls himself my uncle.

I hate him! Yet, here I am, fantasizing about him like a fool. I sat up on the bed and glanced at my wall clock —yeah, my uncle is too old-fashioned.

I have already done my assignments and gone through the essay I was given. Yet, the time hasn't moved. I called Mark not too long ago, and we chatted about unimportant things.

He would have come over to the house had it not been for my uncle's stupid rules about me not having a visitor.

Fuck that old man!

I groaned as I plopped down on the bed once more. I'm going to go crazy in here before the end of my grounding period.

However, the thoughts didn't sound all that bad. If only my uncle will miss work; he could spend some time with me. That's a win-win, I tell you.

The sound of his car on the driveway made me sit up in bed. I rushed to my bathroom and peeped through the window at the devil's son.

Yeah! He's the devil's son for making me fall for him and denying me the pleasures of having sex with him!

He got down from the car, and his eyes immediately went to my window, as if he knew I was watching him. I stupidly docked, despite knowing he couldn't see me because it was one-way glass.

I rushed out of my bathroom, and straight to my bed where I covered my body with my blanket as I pretended to be asleep, knowing he will come over.

It only took a maximum of 5 minutes for him to knock on my door. “Doll, are you in there?”

I scoffed.


He's calling me a doll, making it seem like he didn't ground the living hell out of me after denying me the best orgasm ever.

“Doll? Are you sleeping?” He knocked on the door once more, sounding like a concerned uncle.

I rose from the bed when he knocked the third time, “what do you want?” I snapped.

“Oh,” he turned the doorknob and stepped inside with a smile. “You are still awake?” He came close to my bed.

“Why? Is it by force to sleep?” I gave him a once over before my nose scrunched up in detest. “Why do you smell like you got drowned in a bottle of perfume?” I moved back because of the smell.

“… Well,” he nervously ran a hand through his hair which looked a bit longer than it when I last checked them out.

There was a day stubble on his jaw, making me wonder when was the last time he shaved.

“Why are you acting suspicious?” I folded my arms. “Don't tell me you had sex with one of those whores?” I asked in a bitter tone with my eyes narrowed squarely at him.

“Doll.” He called out in a warning tone as his eyes turned a bit dark.

“I know, I know,” I waved him off. “You are the adult here, so it doesn't matter the number of women you fuck. You are permitted to whore your life out, while I stay at home grounded for a crime I'm not guilty of.” I folded my arms, with a little pout in my mouth.

He sighed, “Dinner will be ready in an hour," he said as he turned to leave.

“Be sure to wash your body and hands clean before you prepare my dinner. I wonder what kind of disease those whores have.” I said in a bitchy tone, not mindful that I was speaking to my damned uncle.

He froze at my words, but instead of saying a word, he turned and left.

Oh, is someone acting like an adult?

I snorted the moment the door banged behind me. He might act all high and might as he wishes, but that won't prevent me from pursuing him because I have already set my eyes on him.

Despite the scolding and grounding, I'm not ready to give up my pursuit until he gets a restraining order on me.

I chuckled at the thought of that. Well, that's that.

I sat on my bed and played on my phone, liking every video or picture I came across on Facebook.

Though the friends I have on Facebook are mostly my high school classmates, I have never spoken to any of them. I'm just a sassy nerd who loves my uncle so much to pay heed to any other.

Compared to me, Mark is a social butterfly. I'm not introverted. I just like staying to myself, if you get what I'm saying.

“June, dinner is ready!” Kristin called exactly an hour later.

I didn't reply to his call as I rose from the bed, and headed over to my walk-in closet. The perks of having a rich uncle are these, I get to have a room that's larger than most people's parlour and a walk-in closet with clothes that came to make any girl drool.

My uncle doted on me since I was a kid. He gave me anything I ever wished for —aside from what I wanted the most. I just need to have him by my side all the time. And not just as an uncle, but as a lover.

Fuck what the world will say. Fuck societal judgements. I don't freaking care. I don't conform to such rules because meh, you can't tell the heart whom to love.

I got dressed in one of the bum shorts I got for the summer. The jeans clung to my arse like a second skin, exposing a bit of my fleshy arse. Should I so much as bend, my uncle will be blessed with the sight of my red lacy panties.

I paired the shorts off with a crop top that barely covered my breasts. I didn't tie my hair up because I know how much my uncle loves it when women let their hair down.

I once heard him telling one of his friends how much he loves it when women let their hair down because he can easily hold it as he feeds them with his large cock.

Speaking of large cocks, I can't wait to have a taste of my uncle's, not like I have tasted any at all —just saying.

I left my room with a seductive smile on my face. If it wasn't because of the eyebrow it will raise, I would have worn some heels.

Heard that shit makes women more attractive, and that's the look I'm hoping for. I want to be damned seductive that my uncle won't be able to resist me.

Kristin's back was towards me when I entered the kitchen. “Something smells good,” I sniffed the air.

“Take a sit, I need to dish these out,” he said with his back to me.

“Hmm,” I strode over to my chair, and sat on it, widening my legs a bit as I watched him. He dished out food and carried it to the table.

“I made spaghetti and meatballs,” he winked at me. “There's a chocolate ice cream in the fridge. You can have that as dessert,” he said once more as he tried not to fully look at me.

“I have something in mind for dessert; something that turns watery after 30 minutes,” I picked up my fork.

He didn't say a word, and I know he's mulling over the words I just said. You better be because I'm talking about your damned cum!

I didn't look up as I ate my meal, with my focus on the delicious spaghetti.

Kristin knows how to cook. That was one of the things that endeared me to him. I discreetly glanced up, to see him too engrossed in eating to pay me any heed.

For the first time in forever, we ate in silence, which is a bit better than some strained arguments.

“Thanks for the delicious meal,” I rose from the chair with my half-empty plate. His eyes immediately went to my exposed stomach, and I saw him swallow before he turned his face to the side.

Oh my, is he blushing?

I turned and took a step towards the kitchen before I 'mistakenly' threw down on the floor.

“Bless me!” I bent down to take the spoon.

In so doing, I turned, to see his entire focus on my arse.


With a smile, I picked the spoon up and went into the kitchen to drop my used plates.

He was still sitting in the same spot when I exited the kitchen; I strode towards him and leaned down, so I could whisper into his ears. “Take care of that damned boner if you don't wish me to help you out, Kristin.”

I straightened and walked towards my room with a self-satisfied smile when I heard him cuss under his breath.

Mission accomplished.