In the morning, Henry's eyes opened slightly. He gently let out, "Where am I?"

I rubbed my eyes and answered, "You're in Mrs. Elizabeth's house. You lost so much blood, so Hannah and I had to rush you here."

Henry looked at the blood bag and the intravenous pipe. He turned his head to the other side of the bed - away from me - and said, "Your sister did this. Your family is indeed insane. She tricked and captured me."

"Henry, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I came immediately when I discovered that you were missing. I visited your uncle and he told me how you were coming to visit me."

"I never came to visit you, Emily," he turned to me. "What happened to your face?"

"Your uncle attacked my family. We barely made it out alive."

"Good; that's a recompense. You all deserve worse."