When Henry had finished taking in his last batch of blood, he was discharged and allowed to go meet his uncle. Hannah drove my sister and me to our house, which was going through a renovation. My dad had invited a couple of artisans to put everything back in place. The whole place was as busy as a nightclub.

Doing the dishes and standing next to Hannah, I said, "I'm not at rest. I perceive that something bad will happen soon."

Hannah adjusted her glasses and asked, "What were thinking was going to happen in the first place? Did you think Santa would come to share a couple of presents with everyone in the family? Did you see the amount of damage Henry's uncle caused? Except he is running out of town, I don't think your dad will let him be."

Hannah left before dinner. It was so weird and unusual having dinner with my family at the same table where I got slung on. Everyone was quiet, reluctantly eating their meals. We had spaghetti and chicken.