For a moment, a period of silence was observed. "But that makes no sense. Why would your uncle opt to adopt you if he knew you would take over the wealth when he dies?" Deborah broke the silence.
"She's right. Why would he adopt you?" Jeremiah questioned.
"Your mom. It's clear why she left now. She left because she was afraid they would kill her too. She knew that they killed him," I said.
"It doesn't add up. If your mom knew that Mr. Solomon killed your father, why would she let him adopt you?" Emma questioned. "This is insane."
"Maybe she was threatened," Elena said.
"Why would you threaten a woman to adopt her child when you killed the Father?" My uncle asked.
"Maybe we're the ones looking at it from the wrong angle. It might just be that Henry's uncle killed his father because he wanted Henry," Mirabel said.
My uncle scoffed and said, "Aren't there orphanage homes? Why can't he adopt a child? That makes no sense."