Is It A Dream?

As all the minotaurs closed in on me, I couldn't bear the thought of meeting my end as a virgin. Desperation pushed me forward, and I lunged at the one that appeared the weakest.

Suddenly, another notification appeared: "You have defeated a minotaur and received a sword as a reward." My trusty baton had transformed into a sword, and the message continued, "Your baton is now stored in your item pocket."

With newfound confidence, I gripped the sword and swung it with all my might, beheading the minotaur before it could react. "You have slain another minotaur and received another sword as a reward," the notification announced.

Equipped with two swords, I began to slice through the oncoming minotaurs one by one, earning notifications for each kill but no additional rewards. I surveyed the area for any remaining threats, but there were none. That's when the police arrived. An officer asked if I was okay, and I assured him I was fine.

Unbeknownst to us, the hole remained open, and a fresh batch of minotaurs emerged, sending the watching crowd into a frenzy. Bullets from the police had no effect on these otherworldly creatures. One officer turned to me and said, "I believe your swords are the only way to stop them. Please help us resolve this situation."

Feeling like the hero of an apocalypse manga, I charged once more, utilizing my years of self-taught swordsmanship honed from MeTube and anime. After killing some more minotaurs a notification appeared: "For killing 20 minotaurs, you have received 2 'E' grade swords." My old swords were stored in my item pocket, and a ring on my left hand proved to be a useful item storage. I marveled at my newfound equipment.

The encouraging officer approached me and asked about my sword-fighting skills, to which I replied, "I learned from MeTube and anime." He smiled and mentioned the prevalence of inspiration from anime in such situations.

But the question remained – why hadn't the hole vanished? We couldn't answer that mystery. Then, another crackling sound emanated from the hole, and this time, more powerful minotaurs emerged, ten at once. The hole changed color, growing in size and intensity. A colossal minotaur, towering over the others, stepped out and let out an earth-shattering roar. He commanded his ten minions to charge toward me, recognizing me as their adversary due to the swords I wielded.

As the minotaurs closed in, I turned to the police officer to offer some words of reassurance, but he had already fled. Nevertheless, his encouraging shouts reached me, "Go, go, you can do it."

I couldn't help but wonder, "Is this a dream?" If it was, I would embrace my role as the hero and face this surreal challenge head-on.