Got My First Skill

Without a second thought, I blindly charged at the formidable minotaurs. Their strength was astounding, and I found myself in a constant struggle, switching between offense and defense with just two swords.

Facing the relentless attacks from all sides, I found myself primarily in a defensive stance. In those intense moments, I yearned for four hands, which would have allowed me to both defend and attack simultaneously.

Suddenly, a notification appeared, displaying, "You have gained a skill: 'Sword Kinesis.'"

"Using this skill, you can control up to five swords without physically holding them, as long as they are of a lower level than the ones you hold in your hands."

In awe of my newfound skill, I couldn't quite believe it. Determined to try it out, I activated "Sword Kinesis." The notification confirmed that the skill was now active. Two of my remaining swords levitated on either side of me. I envisioned the trajectory of these floating blades and used my held swords to fend off the minotaurs' relentless assaults.

My first successful maneuver involved blocking a minotaur's attack with my held swords and using the floating ones to stab at its vulnerable areas, like the neck and stomach. The tactic proved effective, and I dispatched the remaining minotaurs.

Another notification displayed: "You have slain all 10 level 2 minotaurs."

"For this achievement, you've earned a grade D sword as a reward." The D class sword replaced the one in my right hand, while the E class sword hovered above my head.

The crowd around us erupted in joy. But there was someone who was not happy. The red minotaur bellowed and charged directly at me, launching a devastating attack. While I managed to block it, the sheer force shattered the ground beneath me, along with a few of my ribs. Then, he followed up with a horizontal strike. Although I managed to block it, his strength sent me airborne for a few seconds before I collided with a nearby wall.

Now, my E class sword lay broken, along with my ribs. I decided to utilize my Sword Kinesis skill, aiming to pierce the minotaur's neck and stomach. 'Woww' both of them were broken just from only one attack and it was performed by me

With just one sword remaining in my hand and no way to block his ferocious strikes, I opted for my most powerful attack. I timed my dash toward the minotaur so that I would strike him after his weapon touched the ground. Using the top of his single-edged axe as a platform, I leaped and channeled all my strength into this final strike.

And, at last...

My last sword also shattered into pieces.