This Not Has To Be A Dream

With a shattered sword and dwindling hope, I braced myself for the inevitable end of my dream and possibly my life. My one and only wish in that dire moment was for a powerful sword that could help me defeat the minotaur looming over me.

The minotaur fixed its gaze upon me as if he intended to vanquish me with his mere stare, when suddenly, a notification materialized before my eyes, proclaiming, "Congratulations!!!"

In my mind, I couldn't help but wonder, congratulations for what? Was it for reaching my untimely demise?

Then, another notification appeared, stating, "The Legendary Dragon Sword has taken an interest in you."

"It wishes to become your weapon and support you in all your battles."

The emotions coursing through me were indescribable. Even if a beautiful girl had proposed to me, I doubted I'd feel this elated. Why was my heart pounding so fiercely? Was this what people called love?

The next notification asked, "Do you wish to accept the Legendary Dragon Sword?"

In my mind, it registered more like, "Do you wish to accept this legendary chunk of diamond?"

Without hesitation, I accepted it. In a sudden burst of radiant light, my right hand held something remarkable. The minotaur and I watched in anticipation as the brilliance intensified, eventually revealing a sword with an extraordinary contrast.

The patterns on the sword were so stunning that if they were a person, I might have proposed marriage and dreamed of having two children named "Shinny" and "Designy."

Following the sword's appearance, a bracelet with five dragon-like sculptures materialized in my hand. Each sculpture had its unique color and appearance.

The minotaur seemed to resent the sword in my grasp and lunged at me once more. However, this time, not only did I block the attack, but I also sent it back towards him.

It was as if the spotlight was finally on me. I unleashed a flurry of attacks on the minotaur, each strike punctuated with all my strength. With a powerful horizontal blow to his left side, an impact so intense that it created a small sonic boom, sending the minotaur soaring into the sky. He managed to halt his ascent with his weapon.

Then, a notification popped up, revealing, "You now have 500 mana points."

"You can now use fire dragon's roar attack and it would consume 500 mp."

The first message brought a smile to my face, but the second one made me frown.

"Never mind, let's see what this attack can do," I thought.

With all my might, I shouted, "Legendary Fire Dragon's Roar Attack!" As I did, the red dragon on my bracelet aligned itself with the front face of my sword, and its eyes glowed as fire burst forth from my weapon.

My body moved of its own accord, and a powerful fire beam attack, complete with the dragon's head, emerged and hurtled toward the minotaur and the gaping hole behind it. The size of the minotaur seemed minuscule in comparison to the colossal dragon's head.

A notification flashed on the screen, declaring, "You have defeated the boss of the dungeon, 'The Red Minotaur' of level 5, and cleared this dungeon."

"For this achievement, you have received a bracelet (for storing items), a shield, and a ring (which can restore 1 mp per minute, up to 500 if worn). The mana consumption for Fire Dragon's Roar has decreased to 495 mp. (Wowww)"

This couldn't be a dream, could it? My first official sword was none other than the "Legendary Dragon Sword."

And just as I reexamined the weapon, another notification popped up, revealing, "It is Legendary Dragon Sword

Grade: SSS."

I could hardly believe my eyes, and my response was simply, "Whhhaaaattttt!!!!"