Auction House

I defeated the dungeon boss and as 'Sarrevana' promised, I got 'Black Phantom' sword. It was an SS grade weapon. This sword has no soul but I got an additional skill with the sword.

'Phantom move', using this skill I can become invisible for 30 minutes of time and it consumes 2.5k mana. It doesn't matter to me as I have 'Dragon heart' which is like a sea of mana to me. I can use this skill only when I use 'Black Phantom' sword and it was ok.

I can even use my new skill 'Demon's wrath' using this sword so it's not a bad option. Three guild leaders came towards me and the guild leader of 'The perfectionists' guild said, "It is better to introduce ourselves."

"Myself Joseph.", said the guild leader of 'The perfectionists' guild. "I am Asmitha.", continued the guild leader of 'The Queens' guild. "And myself Vikram.", said the guild leader of 'The Royal Tigers' guild. I also told my name which they already knem from starting.

We came outside the dungeon with the remaining team after mining mana stones. We also carried the dead bodies of 5-7 hunters who sacrificed their lives in protecting the human kind. After a few minutes, the dungeon was closed. The officials there managed the remaining things.

We were sent to the hotels to rest and have further discussion later. Next day, I got call from govt to visit an official government building. As I reached the office, I saw the guild leaders of other 3 guilds too. After having a little chat with them, we were called by the officials to enter the main office.

It was like a deja vu to me as it already happened to us. But this time there was no president but a higher official was sitting there on the chair. We entered the office by taking his permission and greeted him before he gave us permission to sit.

He said, "I don't want to extend the things. You have cleared many dungeons within 2 weeks without getting any money or anything. So first we will award you for your contribution to help us. After clearing that I want to ask all of you only one thing. What are your future plannings?"

Asking the question he completely became silent. Then everyone except me said almost same thing. Their goal is to make their guild more powerful so that they can clear an S grade dungeon all by themselves.

To that he nodded his head and said, "Great. Then what about you Tarun? What are you planning to do?" I replied, "As I first said, I will work on contract basis. Anyone who needs me have to contact me or make an appointment with me. That's all."

He grinned and stood. Seeing him stand, we also stood. He bowed and said, "Thank you for helping your country in difficult times and we hope you will do same in the future." We all bowed and said, "We will. It will be our first priority."

After that we all left the official building. Joseph told us that we had to treat ourselves for clearing two S grade dungeons. So we made a plan to have a lunch in a restaurant. We went to the nearby restaurant. We entered the restaurant and ordered the food.

In the mean time, Vikram started discussion by saying, "Tarun, how many weapons and artifacts do you have now?"

I replied, "I have one S grade, one SS grade and one SSS grade sword along with 2 item pockets and an A grade suit which I recently purchased."

"As I got my payment from clearing 3 A grade dungeons, I am planning to buy some new artifacts and swords."

Vikram replied, "Oh, actually I was also planning to buy some artifacts and weapons. So I decided to go to an auction house this week to buy some good artifacts." I asked with curiosity, "Can I join you if you don't have any problem?"

He replied, "It will be great. But the location of this auction is Greece. If you don't have passport and Visa within 3 days then it will be a problem." I replied, "Ha, let me make a call to someone."