End Of The Program

I immediately called Victor and told him about my current situation. He said, "I will try my best to help you." I with a low voice murmured, "You know Victor sometimes I feel like someone is watching me entire time. I sometimes think to share it to other persons so that they can help me. What is your opinion about this Victor?"

After listening it, Victor become silent. No voice was coming from other side. I called him multiple times. He slowly replied, "You will get your passport and Visa tomorrow. My colleague will personally deliver it to the place where you are resting now. If you need any help, don't forgot to contact me."

To that I replied with a grin on my face, "Thank you Victor. You always help me in difficult situations." He cut the call. I continued my conversation with the guild leaders.

"Passport and Visa problem are solved. Now only one problem is left. Tickets and stay in Greece.", I asked. Vikram replied, "Leave the rest to me.", by showing thumbs up to me.

After saying these words, Tarun stopped talking. There remained silent for few seconds. Seeing his silence, host first saw towards the direction where that girl was sitting. She was still there so he told Tarun to continue. To which he replied, "It's over."

"Tomorrow will be my flight and I will board my first international flight. Isn't it exciting?", said Tarun. The host literally waiting for this moment. He was completely annoyed by the actions of Tarun. He with excitement started announcing to the audience -

"As you listened, this is the complete story of a powerful hunter of our country who helped us countless times to save the human kind. We cannot put a value to his great contributions for this country and for our earth."

(Everyone in the audience started applause.)

"We also wish you that you will achieve great things in future protecting the human kind. You may even bring an end to this problem that whole world is facing. And also we wish you get good artifacts in tomorrow auction."

Tarun smiled listening his words and said, "Thank you everyone for your great wishes and also thanks for supporting me."

The program ended successfully.

Entire team of the program came towards the Tarun and again thanked him by bowing their heads. The host said, "We are really grateful to you. You accepted to give your valuable time just after clearing 2 S grade dungeons in one day. We are also sorry for distributing you. But today was a great day to us."

Tarun replied, "It's ok. I didn't felt any problem during the entire program. Also thank you for inviting me. It was also a great day to me, sharing my experience with you. Hope we meet again."

After the programme, Tarun returned to the hotel using a cab. He has to catch a flight next day at 2:30 pm sharp from airport near to his hotel. It takes nearly 30 minutes to reach the airport from his house.

He ate some food while seeing the mails he recieved. Among them there were Visa and Passport. He then called the reception to know who delivered those mails to him. The reception told him that someone mentioning Victor had given those mails.

His doubts of being fake were clarified after listening Victor's name. He then took rest. He was excited for his journey.

On next day, he freshen up and packed all important things like Visa, passport and other official documents. He then left for airport.

In airport, other 3 guild leaders along with some other people were waiting for him. He asked, "Am I late?" Vikram replied, "No you are in time. But the flight is running with a 30 minutes delay."

Joseph said, "Does everyone present here? If present then let's move." To that Asmitha said, "Wait. One of my member is still not here. I contacted her. She is on the way. So let us wait for few more minutes." After seeing towards the entry gate, she said-

"There she is."

Tarun saw towards the mentioned direction along with Joseph. A girl with sky blue top and dark blue jeans was running towards them with a trolley on her hand.