Cafe Part 2

The waiter went on, "Because a bunch of tough dungeons appeared lately, the hunters didn't have time for the easier ones. So, a few of the simple dungeons started falling apart, and that's when those pesky monsters came out, causing all kinds of chaos."

"Seeing this, we're genuinely concerned that our café might suffer damage. We put all our savings into opening this place, so it's incredibly disheartening," he explained, tears welling in his eyes. He then tried to alleviate their worry, saying, "I'm sorry for causing you concern. Please accept my sincere apologies for any inconvenience that I caused," as he bowed.

Tarun reassured, "It's alright." In response, the waiter nodded and said, "Please go ahead and place your order." Both of them perused the menu, engaged in a brief discussion to finalize their choices, and eventually settled on a pair of red velvet cakes as their appetizers, followed by each person selecting their preferred coffee.

A few minutes later, the waiter returned with their orders and skillfully served the items. Once the waiter had departed, Tarun eagerly exclaimed, "Let's dig in!" The red velvet cake proved to be a delectable treat, its soft texture and rich flavor winning Tarun over. He was so enamored by it that he promptly ordered more, along with a selection of other cakes.

Observing Tarun's enthusiasm, Elena kindly advised, "You might want to pace yourself; but we'll be eating again in a few hours, so try to hold your cravings a little."

Elena's words triggered a recollection of Joseph's earlier advice in Tarun's mind. A sense of disappointment washed over him, and he responded, "Alright, cancel the previous order. Please bring us the black forest dessert only, and pack two pieces of each of the other cakes for us to take with us." He continued, "May be we can't eat now but it doesn't means that we can't eat it later."

Elena and the waiter were visibly surprised by Tarun's unexpected change of plans. When Tarun turned to look at Elena, attempting to amuse her, she couldn't contain her laughter, uncertain of how to respond to his whimsical decision.

The waiter, maintaining their professionalism, acknowledged Tarun's request and promptly served the black forest dessert, remarking, "Here's your dessert. Please savor it while we prepare your takeout orders."

An abrupt, crackling noise echoed within the dungeon, catching Tarun's and Elena's attention. Tarun, with his keen instincts, swiftly turned to look at Elena, who also conveyed her concern through a shared look. Together, they directed their gazes towards the source of the disturbance within the dungeon, their senses heightened and on high alert.

The crackling sounds intensified, becoming more frequent. Elena, now alarmed, raised her voice to address the café patrons, urgently exclaiming, "Everyone, find a place to hide, or be ready to run if you can! The dungeon is opening. Drop what you're holding and move quickly!"

Tarun's confidence shone through as he calmly remarked, "No need to worry. Just prepare me a pair of red velvet and black forest cakes. I'll enjoy them after I've taken care of those monsters." He directed his attention towards Elena, the confidence in his eyes unwavering, and stated, "I'll handle the creatures in the dungeon, while you focus on ensuring the safety of the civilians."