Dungeon Cleared

The dungeon expanded slowly, and from its depths emerged a horde of menacing creatures. These beings bore reptilian visages with human-like torsos encased in armor-like scales resembling those of fish.

They didn't immediately launch an assault on the officers who were firing bullets at them. Some deflected the bullets with their weapons, while others seemed impervious to the projectiles, as if the bullets had no effect on them.

As the dungeon got bigger, a bunch of 30 to 40 scary monsters came out, making it really crowded. Among them, there was a super tough monster who seemed like their leader. He had really tough, shiny scales that looked like armor, and his face was like a crocodile with sharp teeth and mean eyes.In his hands, he held a special double-bladed axe that was extra sharp. This big monster was clearly the boss of the dungeon, the one in charge.

With a deafening roar, the boss sent shivers through the nearby onlookers. Tarun and Elena quickly ran over when they heard it. The boss then told his minions to attack, and the monsters obeyed, grabbing their weapons and charging at the people.

Tarun jumped high into the air, pulled out his dragon sword from his pocket, and then unleashed a powerful move called the "Fire Dragon's Roar." When the monsters saw this massive attack coming their way, they got a bit scared and started to slow down, realizing the danger they were in.

The attack covered the monsters in front, turning them into ashes. Tarun then sprinted toward the remaining monsters. He skillfully and swiftly slashed at each monster, creating a mesmerizing pattern of magic with his sword that anyone watching closely could appreciate for its beauty.

It appeared as though a skilled artist was delicately painting with graceful strokes using a fine brush. In just a few moments, Tarun managed to defeat all the monsters, leaving only the boss standing. The boss, infuriated by the one-sided carnage, raised his axe high and let out a furious, deafening shout.

The boss swung his axe toward Tarun, who countered by concentrating his magical power around his sword. With a swift move, Tarun's dragon sword cut through the boss's weapon as easily as a knife through butter. Seeing his axe nearly split in half, the boss turned to Tarun, fear etched across his face, as he realized the dire situation he was in.

In a swift maneuver, Tarun moved past the boss and reached his back. Just as the boss was about to turn his head to spot Tarun standing beside him, his head was separated from his body and thudded to the ground. In the boss's lifeless eyes, the reflection of Tarun holding his sword was starkly visible.

The boss's lifeless body gradually dissolved into the air, and the same happened to his head. Tarun received a notification stating that the dungeon had been cleared. The officials present were left in a state of shock and disbelief, unable to comprehend the incredible sight they had just witnessed. It was a moment they struggled to process.

The officials were completely stunned, as someone had managed to clear the dungeon in just a few minutes without causing any damage. Tarun made his way toward a nearby cafe, and Elena smiled, saying, "I didn't even have to take my weapon out of my item pocket, and you cleared it all." Tarun replied modestly, "Well, they were pretty weak, what can I say?"