Tarun v/s Vikram

Upon hearing the person's words, they decided to head to the training facility. Inside, they observed hunters engaging in friendly interactions, with some participating in casual battles and others in more intense duels. Finding an empty space, they chose to initiate their own friendly bout.

In the vibrant training room, Vikram and Tarun's impending clash sent ripples of excitement through the group. Joseph, appointed as the mediator, took his position as the onlookers gathered. The metallic clash of weapons echoed as Vikram brandished his signature claw, a weapon synonymous with his every battle, while Tarun, wielding a humble E grade sword, channeled his mana into it.

As the clash unfolded, Vikram's claw weapon danced through the air, its razor-sharp edges cutting through the training room's charged atmosphere. Tarun, calm and focused, expertly parried each strike with his E grade sword, its blade infused with swirling mana. The clash of metal and the crackle of magical energy created a mesmerizing spectacle.

Vikram, determined to break Tarun's defense, employed a series of swift slashes and feints. His claw weapon unleashed a flurry of attacks—spins, lunges, and sweeps—each executed with precision. Tarun, however, remained steadfast, his sword movements fluid and seemingly effortless as he deflected every assault.

Sensing the need to shift tactics, Vikram unleashed a sudden burst of elemental power, summoning a torrent of fire to engulf Tarun. The flames roared and danced around them, casting dramatic shadows on the walls. Yet, Tarun, undeterred, used his mana-infused sword to create a protective barrier, deflecting the fiery onslaught.

The spectators, enthralled by the unfolding spectacle, gasped as Vikram unleashed a surprise move. He channeled the energy within him, transforming his claw into an ethereal form—a swirling vortex of energy that threatened to overwhelm Tarun. In response, Tarun tapped into his mana reserves, creating a counterforce that pushed back against Vikram's ethereal assault.

The climax approached as Vikram, sensing Tarun's momentary vulnerability, taunted him into an aggressive stance. Seizing the opportunity, Tarun focused his mana into a single, devastating attack. With unparalleled precision, he executed a lightning-fast maneuver, delivering a final blow that left Vikram defeated and the training room in stunned silence.

The aftermath saw a humbled Vikram acknowledging Tarun's prowess, and the group recognizing the diversity and mastery of skills displayed during the bout. The training room became a canvas where elemental forces collided, leaving an enduring impression on the group's training legacy.

In the wake of the intense battle, the training room echoed with a mixture of cheers and awed whispers. Vikram, though momentarily defeated, couldn't help but appreciate the depth of Tarun's abilities. The group, now buzzing with animated conversations, marveled at the varied techniques displayed during the bout.

Tarun, still wielding his mana-infused sword, offered a hand to Vikram, signaling respect between adversaries. The camaraderie within the group flourished as they exchanged insights and discussed the intricacies of the fight.

As the members dispersed, Joseph, the mediator, stepped forward, a knowing smile on his face. "That was a spectacle, gentlemen. Each move, every attack, showcased the uniqueness of your skills. It's not just a victory; it's a lesson for all of us."

The training room became a hub of collaborative learning. Vikram and Tarun, again sparred, exchanging techniques and refining their abilities. The group witnessed an amalgamation of claw-wielding finesse and mana-infused precision, creating an atmosphere of shared growth.

News of the epic battle spread throughout the training facility, drawing the attention of instructors and fellow trainees alike. Requests for demonstrations poured in as Vikram and Tarun found themselves inadvertently becoming mentors to those eager to learn from their styles.

After their training session, they refreshed themselves and sat down for lunch. As Tarun geared up for his first-ever auction, he carefully sorted through his finances, discovering a substantial 100 million US dollars at his disposal, excluding the recent 100k dollars from the Greek government for aiding in dungeon clearance. However, with a strategic mindset, he decided against utilizing his entire wealth and deliberately excluded the recently acquired sum.