Auction House

After lunch concluded, and preparations were made, the group headed to the Aetherian Blades auction, organized at a grand venue. The elegant and vast building loomed before them as they arrived at the location.

While navigating through the labyrinth of chairs within the bustling auction hall, Tarun's eyes caught a familiar face – none other than Alex, the individual he had encountered at the café, the one who had graciously paid his bill. A warm sense of gratitude enveloped between them as they exchanged not only pleasantries but also a valuable crash course in the intricate world of auctioneering.

Amidst the sea of seats, Alex took the time to detail the influential personalities present, placing particular emphasis on the infamous weapon collector, Louise Cromwell. Alex's insights added depth to Tarun's understanding, painting a vivid picture of the key players in this high-stakes event. The auction atmosphere became more intriguing as Tarun absorbed the nuances of the auctioneer's art and gained valuable knowledge about the influential figures that would shape the unfolding events in the elegant yet charged setting of the Aetherian Blades auction.

As the curtains gracefully ascended, they unveiled a stage adorned with an array of gleaming weaponry. The excitement in the room reached its peak as the bidding kicked off. In the initial moments, Tarun moved with swift decisiveness, securing an A-grade sword for a surprisingly modest sum of 10 million dollars. The energy in the room surged as the stakes soared, creating a palpable buzz of anticipation and fervor among the auction attendees.

After a while, the atmosphere in the room grew tense as the auction reached a captivating moment—the unveiling of a healing dragon sword. Its ivory hue and brilliant glaze held the audience spellbound. A riveting bidding war ignited between Tarun and Louise, reaching an astonishing climax at 650 million dollars. The room erupted in cheers as Tarun emerged victorious, even though this triumph had depleted his reserves. The intense competition added an electric thrill to the air, marking a pivotal moment in the auction's unfolding drama.

The drama heightened once more with the introduction of yet another dragon sword, the Venom dragon sword. Louise, determined not to let this coveted weapon slip through his fingers, swiftly escalated the starting bid from 10 million to a staggering 650 million dollars, surpassing Tarun's financial capacity. Although Tarun faced defeat in acquiring the Venom dragon sword, he adeptly redirected his focus, ensuring his presence in the auction by securing a diverse set of 24 swords for a more manageable sum of 150 million dollars.

Once more, a collective hush enveloped the hall as the Canopus, a soul-infused sword, took center stage. In this pivotal moment, Tarun's determination soared to its zenith. Undeterred by the relentless interjection from Louise, the stakes reached astronomical heights. Fueled by an unwavering desire, Tarun made a bold move, emptying his entire savings and committing a staggering 325 million dollars to claim the coveted Canopus.

As the final gavel fell, signaling the end of the auction, the participants converged on the exchange area. Tarun, laden with a collection that mirrored his triumphs and defeats, exchanged hard-earned currency for weapons of mythical caliber. The Aetherian Blades auction had concluded, leaving an indelible mark on Tarun's journey through the enchanting world of legendary weaponry.

Tarun kept all the swords, except the healing dragon one, in a special pocket. Then, he took out his regular dragon sword and touched it to the healing dragon sword, just like he usually did. All of a sudden, both his sword and bracelet started shining really bright, and he saw a message pop up right in front of his eyes.

"You have successfully absorbed 'Healing dragon sword'."