
After conquering the formidable dungeon, Tarun found himself thrust into an unexpected scenario in the hunters resting area. A government official, with whom he conversated before entering the dungeon had gone missing, and when he inquired about it, he found that she had momentarily stepped away to make a call to her son. The mere mention of a mother's call stirred within Tarun a profound longing—a poignant yearning that echoed with the distant memories of his own parents.

As Tarun dialed his parents' number, a potent mix of anticipation and homesickness engulfed him. The phone rang, as he said a simple 'hello', his mother's voice, brimming with joy, reached his ears. "Tarun, my dear! It's been so long since we heard your voice," she exclaimed. His father, equally delighted, chimed in, "How's everything, son? Are you taking care of yourself?"

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, gracefully spanning the months of communication confined to text messages. Tarun's voice resonated with joy as he updated his parents on his recent achievements and adventures. Amid the laughter and affectionate exchanges, his parents expressed a palpable yearning for his physical presence.

Overwhelmed by the desire to reconnect, Tarun resolved to visit them soon. Thoughts of buying gifts for his parents filled his mind, and he eagerly headed to the mall, fueled by the anticipation of finding the perfect gifts for them.

In the vibrant mall, amid the diverse shops and the constant buzz of consumer activity, Tarun's eyes widened with surprise at the sight of Elena. Their eyes locked, and a comforting warmth enveloped them as they exchanged greetings after a prolonged separation. Tarun inquired, "How have you been? All good?" Elena responded with a simple "Yes." He continued, "Great. What brings you here?" She casually replied, "Nothing special. Just browsing around for some things. And you?" Tarun proceeded to recount his day, detailing everything from calling his parents to purchasing thoughtful gifts for them.

Elena's countenance underwent a subtle transformation, a shadow of sorrow casting its presence upon her. Observing this change, Tarun inquired with concern, "What happened? Why do you look so sad?" Elena, her eyes revealing a hint of vulnerability, chose to confide in Tarun, saying, "It's nothing. It just reminded me of my parents. They passed away when the first dungeons emerged."

Tarun, understanding the weight of her words, responded with genuine empathy. Sensing the depth of Elena's emotions, he offered his unwavering support, side-hugging her in a silent acknowledgment of the profound significance of familial bonds. In that shared moment, amidst the bustling surroundings, Tarun became a comforting presence for Elena, acknowledging the grief that resurfaced and standing by her side in solidarity.

In a sincere display of friendship, Tarun addressed Elena, "Don't say that. I'm here for you. My parents are pretty welcoming; if you want, they can unofficially adopt you as my wife." He injected a touch of playful sarcasm into his words, successfully lightening the mood as Elena laughed, understanding Tarun's banter. Seizing the moment, he continued, "But, jokes aside, let's forget everything for now. How about we go do some shopping for my parents? I mean, our parents."

Elena, still chuckling, agreed with a playful tone, "Sure, let's go." As they meandered through the diverse array of malls, their shopping excursion unfolded into a delightful adventure. Laughter echoed through the corridors as they shared stories and carefully selected meaningful gifts. From sentimental mementos to practical treasures, each item was chosen with meticulous care.

Dialogues resonated through the bustling aisles as they debated the merits of different gifts. Tarun, always the charming conversationalist, infused the experience with playful banter, skillfully lightening the weight of Elena's grief. With each shared moment, their bond deepened, transforming the seemingly routine shopping trip into a delightful excursion filled with genuine laughter, mutual understanding, and the promising seedlings of a newfound and enduring friendship.