Shattered Heart

The journey back to Tarun's family was like a magical ride filled with excitement and nerves. As the door opened, revealing the comforting embrace of his home, Tarun felt like time had folded, and he was a kid again. His parents, eyes brimming with joy, hugged him as if they could squeeze away the years of separation.

"Mom, Dad, meet Elena," Tarun grinned, introducing his companion. A twinkle of excitement flickered in his parents' eyes, maybe thinking she was more than just a friend. Tarun, quick as lightning, clarified the situation.

"Mom, Dad, she's not my girlfriend. She's my friend, and there's something I need to share about her," he began, guiding them through Elena's story, a tale of loss and strength. His parents listened with kind eyes, the lines on their faces softening as they took in the weight of Elena's past.

As Tarun suggested Elena to freshen up, he reassured his parents, "She's been through a lot, but she's strong. I'm glad you understand." Their nods spoke volumes of the compassion they felt.

When Elena returned, Tarun's mother with a bright smile on her face, uttered words that warmed the room, "You are not alone. You are our family member." Overwhelmed by such unexpected acceptance, Elena's eyes welled up, unable to hold back the emotions that surged within her.

A grand feast, orchestrated by Tarun's parents, became a celebration of laughter and newfound connections. The aroma of home-cooked delights mingled with the scent of unity, creating a tapestry of belonging that would forever mark that day.

Days turned into a canvas painted with shared adventures. Tarun and Elena explored malls, faced dungeons together, and savored the city's diverse flavors. Unbeknownst to them, the invisible thread of their companionship was weaving a delicate and resilient pattern.

Observing this blossoming connection, Tarun's parents couldn't help but wonder about the unspoken feelings between their son and Elena. One day, they decided to gently unravel the mystery, seeking Tarun's true sentiments towards his companion.

In a moment of contemplation, Tarun realized that some things are better spoken. He decided to propose to Elena, a decision that led him to inquire about her whereabouts from the guild leader as he was not able to contact her. Learning she was in a dungeon, Tarun, armed with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, rushed to the location.

As he waited anxiously, the dungeon entrance started shining seeming like they are coming out. Members who came from the dungeon appeared sad, tears streaming down their faces, seemed to carry the weight of a shared sorrow. Unable to contain himself, Tarun approached them slowly, his bouquet trembling in his hands.

The truth unfolded before him with heartbreaking clarity as someone came out of the dungeon entrance with a body in their hand. It was Elena, held in the arms of a fellow guild member, was lifeless. The bouquet slipped from Tarun's grasp as he sank to his knees in disbelief.

Through tear-filled eyes, the guild member spoke of Elena's sacrifice, how she had bravely given her life to ensure their survival in the dungeon. Someone from those hunters stepped forward and said that the final words of Elena were, "Tell Tarun, that I love him.", after saying this she lost her breath.

The world seemed to shatter of Tarun as he emitted a cry of agony, a cry so powerful it resonated like a dragon's roar that the very earth quivered in response. The guild members hastily conjured mana barriers, attempting to contain the anguish that threatened to consume everything.

But Tarun's sorrowful cry pierced through, breaking even the barriers that sought to protect the surroundings. The world stood still for a moment, gripped by the enormity of loss and the echoes of a love that transcended even death.

The air was heavy with grief as Tarun, holding Elena's lifeless form, gazed upon her closed eyes. The world had lost a hero, and he had lost the one who had become his heartbeat.

Elena's sacrifice, her last words, and the guttural cry of Tarun intertwined to form a symphony of sorrow that echoed in the hearts of those who bore witness. The emotional resonance lingered, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of readers, as they vicariously experienced the depth of love and the pain of irrevocable loss within the pages of Tarun and Elena's intertwined destinies.