Chapter 17 Yuan Yuan's Trap

Stacy had been through an emotional rollercoaster in the past few weeks. Her mother's health had been precarious, but finally, there was a glimmer of hope.

The hospital had discharged her, and she was making a speedy recovery. However, amidst the relief of her mother's improving health, Her dad was still dealing with finances. The company was still struggling to stay afloat, and the stress was taking a toll on her.

She had hoped there was a way she could help, but her father wouldn't let her. He always told her it was fine he could handle it, it bothered her a lot, anytime she came home she always met him in his study with his assistants, sometimes even till it was midnight.

One evening, after a long and exhausting day at the hospital, Stacy received a message from her friend Yuan yuan. It was an invitation to a celebration at a famous bar to mark her mother's recovery. Without thinking too much, Stacy agreed to join the gathering.

She felt it was a well-deserved break, not just for herself but also for her friends who had supported her during her mother's illness. Yuan yuan quickly sent messages to Aaron, Jayden, and Hayley, asking them to meet up at the same bar.

As the clock struck 7 in the evening, Stacy bid farewell to her coworker An Xin and left the hospital. She headed to the address Yuan yuan had sent her, unaware of the unexpected events that awaited her.

Stacy's heart raced as she stood outside the famous Bar, her mind filled with a mix of excitement and curiosity. She had received a message from her friend Yuan yuan, inviting her to celebrate her mother's recovery.

Little did she know that this invitation would lead her down a path she never could have imagined.

As she entered the dimly lit bar, Stacy's eyes scanned the room, searching for familiar faces. And there, amidst the crowd, stood Jin, her boyfriend.

A surge of joy coursed through her veins as she rushed towards him, unable to contain her excitement. She wrapped her arms around him, feeling the warmth of his embrace, and planted a light kiss on his lips. He was always busy so seeing him here made her really happy.

"Jin, I have missed you so much," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine affection. Jin's face lit up with a bright smile, his eyes sparkling with love. But as Stacy glanced around, she noticed that not everyone shared their happiness.

Aaron, Stacy's crush, wore a somber expression, while Yuan yuan, her mischievous friend, stood up and spoke with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

"Enough with the lovey-dovey, let's celebrate!" Yuan yuan exclaimed, her tone laced with impatience. She moved to sit next to Aaron, her eyes darting between Stacy and Jin.

Stacy couldn't help but feel a pang of unease, but she brushed it off, attributing it to Yuan yuan's playful nature.

As they all settled down, Stacy and Jin sat close to each other, their hands intertwined. Hayley, Stacy's closest friend, broke the silence by asking about Stacy's mother. Stacy's face lit up with a smile as she replied, "She is fine. She is going to invite you guys for dinner soon."

Yuan yuan raised her glass and said, "Okay, we are here to celebrate Aunt Feng's quick recovery. Let us make a toast to that!". They all lifted their glasses and drank, the alcohol warming their bodies and loosening their inhibitions.

As the night wore on, the group became increasingly intoxicated. Yuan yuan, pretending to be drunk, suggested they leave, claiming it was already late.

She took charge, dragging them all out of the bar and hailing a taxi. Stacy, still unaware of the hidden intentions, followed Yuan yuan's lead, trusting her friend's judgment.

They arrived at a hotel, where Yuan yuan had made a reservation. She insisted that Stacy stay with her, claiming they needed to catch up. Oblivious to the ulterior motive, Stacy agreed, not realizing that she was being led into a trap.

Meanwhile, Hayley, Jayden, and Aaron left with Jin, their drunken state making it difficult for them to notice anything amiss.

Jin, however, already knew what she was up to, but there was nothing he could do. Yuan yuan wanted him to get rid of Stacy fast; he felt conflicted emotions in his chest.

Yuan yuan, seeing that the others had left, led the stumbling Stacy upstairs to the hotel rooms. She stopped in front of a door, her eyes gleaming with a sinister grin. "Um, Stacy, I need to use the restroom. Go in first, I'll meet you later," she said, her voice dripping with false concern.

With that, she walked away with a grin on her face, leaving Stacy standing outside the door, her mind clouded by alcohol.

Confused, Stacy moved on to the next room away from the previous one, knocking a few times before realizing she didn't have a room card.

Just as she was about to give up, the door swung open, revealing a handsome man with a deep frown etched on his face. He was rather irritated by her presence, he hated people who were a nuisance. But Stacy spoke before he could even say a word.

"You're not supposed to be in my room," he said, she said with a frown on her face, this was her and yuan yuan room, why was a strange man in it.

Stacy, her senses dulled by alcohol, forced her way inside, shocking the man. The door closed behind them, with a very dark expression.