Chapter 7: The family manor

I sat on the bonnet of the car as I watched the mercenaries and servants unload all the cargo and articles from the moving trucks which had been ferried to the mega-float which housed our manor. Since no one would allow me to do any heavy lifting due to my chest injury, I had to sit everything out leading to me getting very bored.

In order to draw my mind away from the boredom, I decided to look around at the manor which had been my home for the first six years of my life. It was a huge manor with a modern open house design covering around seven thousand square meters in area and towering a massive six stories high.

Inside the manor, opulence and refinement reigned supreme with luxurious furnishings, intricate crystal chandeliers fashioned out of expensive gemstones and expensive multimillion-dollar art works decorating the halls creating an ambience of grandeur.

It also had multiple living areas including spacious lounges, multiple formal dining rooms and cozy seating areas offering both comfort and the visual delight of the surrounding town. The estate also boasted additional amenities such as a private aircraft hanger and runway, an art gallery where expensive one of a kind works of art were kept, multiple outdoor and indoor heated swimming pools, jacuzzies and also multiple gyms and dedicated sports fields towards a numerous number of sports.

There was also a huge garage attached to the manor housing a priceless collection of rare and expensive cars ranging from comfy luxury cars to special edition high end super cars and hyper cars. The need for speed wasn't neglected as the estate also had a race track to vent out the inner speed demons of its inhabitants whenever they felt like it making for a comprehensive and carefully articulated living experience.

The location of the mega float provided breath-taking panoramic views of the surrounding lake and town enhanced even further by the yachts and fishing boats anchored around the piers and wharfs. 

As I was standing there admiring the awesome view, I felt a rough impact on my back followed by a cute feminine scream as my one of my older sisters, Veronica, tumbled to the ground with the box she was holding.

Like all those belonging to the third branch of the Hassaikai family, all my sisters including me, had the characteristic silver hair and silver eyes. The genes were good in our family as the females were all born with breathtaking beauty far removed from any human standards and the males all had an androgynous Adonic handsomeness. The sort of beauty and handsomeness those in my family held was the kind which could charm and enthrall all regardless of gender and age.

It was one of the many reasons why the third branch of the Hassaikai family was often referred to as the 'mythical flower garden of the Empire'…. The sole place where Adonic males and fairies frolicked about. 

My older sister Veronica was a young lady on the verge of turning nineteen this year making her the youngest of my four older sisters. She always wore her hair in a single long braid which reached down to her knees with a royal-purple ribbon with silver dots I had gifted her tied near the end of the braid.

She was short sighted so she normally wore her glasses or her contacts but it seemed like she had forgotten to wear them today. She was such a klutz when it came to things like this and with her forgetful air-headed personality, it fell to me to remind her to wear her glasses most of the time.

If I didn't, she would be running around all over the place bumping into objects and falling to the ground.

Whenever that happened, I was always the first to help her dress her wounds and eventually, everyone in the family soon reached a silent tacit agreement to leave the responsibility for her in my hands. I was peeved at first but soon I got used to it.

Something like her bumping into me, or anyone else for that matter happened on a daily basis so the current situation did not surprise me at all.

I felt slightly guilty since the blame of the incident just now fell squarely on my shoulders. Due to my excitement about moving, I had totally forgotten to remind her to wear her contacts today.

I smiled wryly whilst helping her up from the ground.

"You should be careful walking around without your glasses, big sis Veronica. You should never have tried to move stuff when you can hardly see a few centimeters away from you. At least you should have called me to help.'

I softly chided her as I wiped the dirt off her yellow one-piece dress.

She turned her silver eyes towards me and then  she gave me a cheeky smile.

"That won't do little Shin!" She said whilst waving her forefinger at me, "How can I trouble little shin with my share of the work whilst you are injured like that?!"

"My injury hardly inconveniences me and besides, its mostly healed. I am more worried about you tripping and falling onto something dangerous whilst moving around in that state. Here, let me help you with that."

I answered her whist picking up the box she had dropped from the ground.

"Hold on to the corner of my shirt and follow my steps. Ill lead you into the manor. Make sure you do not fall."

Veronica pouted cutely when she heard my words.

"There you go treating me like a kid again! I can walk just fine on my own like this, see?!" She tried to demonstrate to me but her attempt ended in failure when her foot caught a protruding corner of the tarred pavement and nearly sent her tumbling to the ground again.

Luckily, I managed to quickly catch her before she hit the ground and injured herself.

"Stop being stubborn, big sis. You don't want to disappoint your little brother by refusing his heartfelt efforts and feelings to help now, do you?" I asked as I took her hand into mine and started pulling her towards the manor.

This time she made no efforts to resist or to pull her hands out of mine as she quietly followed behind me whilst hanging her head down trying to hide her cheeks which were red with embarrassment.

I smiled when I noticed this. I was so glad that some things about her never changed.