2. Arluna

She was being led to the basement of the building. The person who led her was Max. She didn't release his subordinates and asked only him to bring her here. She also has made several counter measures in case his subordinates tried to run away or break free. She didn't worry about Max trying anything funny either as they already signed a contract. He will suffer if he go back on his words.

They stopped in front of the stairs leading to the basement. Max turned on the torches and slowly descended the stairs. The girl followed behind him before urging him to go down faster. There's a door at the end of the staircase and the girl casually broke the door with just one punch.

Upon entering, she could see a skinny boy. He had put his hands on both of his ears due to the loud bang of the door breaking. His body slightly shaking, showing that he's scared. The girl went to the boy and moved his hands from the ears. She made him look at her.

"Don't worry. I'm someone who came to save you," the girl smiled at him. The boy nodded his head, he believed what she said.

"Now let's get out of here." She took the boy's hands and led him out of the room. She shoot Max an icy look and asked him to follow her.

"Can you wait here for a while? I have some matters to handle," she gently told the boy when they are in a room different than the room she tied the people. The boy just nodded his head. Then she dragged Max out of the room by the collar. She's going to give them a proper beating.

About an hour later, the people coming out of the room looked completely fine but each one of them have their body shaking. They looked as though they just experienced a severe mental trauma. Their leader was no exception. They all flinched whenever they made eye contact with the girl. The girl just ignored them and walked to get the boy.

"Now tell me where your brother is," she crouched down so her faces was the same level as the boy. The boy's eyes opened wide.

"You know my brother?"

"Yeah, I know him," she nodded but then she frowned. "But your brother hasn't known me yet."

At the last statements, the boy became a bit wary of her. His brother has told him to not trust people he didn't know or the people his brother didn't know. The girl understood this and began to say to him.

"But I really came here to save you. I have no intention to harm you or your brother," she smiled to reassure him. The boy believed her again.

"Now let's meet your brother." Then she asked Max to lead them out of the building. Thanks to him, they smoothly got out even though they were many curious stares aiming to them.

"If you have nothing more, I will take my leave," he was speaking respectfully as he didn't want to show just how eager he was to get away as soon as possible from this girl.

"Wait a moment." Her calling made him flinched. Her next sentences made his body began to shake.

"You follow us," she nonchalantly commented.

"W-why? I-I thought-"

"Are you questioning me now?" her gentle voices made him shut up. His shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Let's go," They began to move as the boy told them a direction.

* * *

They arrived in front of another central shelter. Just like the central shelter where Max is the leader, this central shelter is also a four-story building. Quite a few of people guarding the outside of the building. Some of them started to run towards them as soon as they saw the boy.

"Theo!" One of the people called out the boy's name. But his friends suddenly stopped him.

"What are you doing?" The man unhappily looked at his friends but his friends pointed somewhere.

"Look at who's behind him." At the statement, the man finally realized Max who was standing behind Theo. A man who is known as a tyrant was here. Then he started to point his weapon at Max.

"What are you doing here? Do you want to make him as hostage?!" the man shouted angrily. It was clear to him who kidnapped Theo yesterday.

"Don't worry. We meant no harm," the girl calmly stepped in between them.

"Who are you?" The girl just opened her mouth before closed them again.



The people around the outside of the building all got shivers ran down their spine. They all turned their heads to look at one direction. A tall man with a white hair was heading in their direction. His pale yellow eyes has an odd glow in them. He looked calm, but the violent aura around him made the people who faced it felt difficult to breath.

'He really seems like a main charater,' the girl thought as she looked at the man.

"L-leader!" The man who question the girl earlier barely managed to get a word out. He knew this handsome man in front of him was quite angry.

The white haired man opened his mouths while pointing to Max.

"You. Today. Dead."

The girl was the only one who did not affect by the aura but she realized the situation did not looking good. She came up with the best solution in a second. She raised her hands and began to smack Max at the back of his head, making him instantly knelt on the ground. This sudden actions made people shocked. Even the white haired man stopped walking for a moment.

"He came here to repent for his mistakes. He won't do anything to this boy or anyone related to him ever again," the girl began to explain.

"And how am I supposed to believe that?" The man voices became colder than before, but the girl remained calm.

"We already signed a contract. Let's head inside first and I will show it to you."

The white haired man went silent for a moment. Then he nodded before leading them inside.

"Tell me what happened first," the still cold tone sent shivers to Max.

The girl calmly responded. She explained how she was fighting against a monster when she saw Theo got abducted. It was when she just got transported into this world. It was until a day later that it hit her that all of this seemed familiar. Then she met a person from Max's central shelter and told him she needs food. Thus led to the whole incident. Of course, she just told this white haired man a half truth.

"This is it," the girl showed the contract as a proof to proved her stories. She needed to convince this man in order for her plans to work.

The man silently read the content on the contract. Then he put down the contract and looked at the girl again. His gazes turned sharp as he asked her.

"And what is your motive? I don't believe in pure kindness."

The girl knew why this man is like this. It's natural. In this chaotic world where humans suddenly gained superhuman abilities, anything could happen. It's hard to believe another people when there's a law of kill or getting killed. This man in front of her knows this the best.

"The reason why I saved him because that child's ability is important in the future."

"You know about his abilities?" The girl just smiled at his questions. The man understood that and didn't ask any further.

"So, what do you want?"

"A job," the girl shortly answered.


"I need a place to stay. In return, I can be a healer in this central shelter. What do you think?" The girl can actually set up her own camp that is more better than this central shelter but that would be tiring. Moreover, this was not a suitable time to do so.

The man started to stare at her in interest. Theo who sat besides him just confirmed that she was not joking. So the man asked.

"How strong is your healing ability?"

"I can regenerate an arm," the girl casually answered. The people in the room looked at her in shocked.

"That will be useful," the man calmly responded like her abilities didn't amaze him at all.

'Of course. He's someone who has witnessed many monster-like abilities after all,' the girl didn't say that out loud.

"Does that mean I passed?" the girl asked.

"Yes. You are welcome... I forgot to ask. What is your name?"

The girl smiled. This will be the first time she introduced herself since coming into this world. She began to open her mouths.

"My name is Arluna. Nice to meet you," she extended her hands for a handshake.

"My name is Eden." Eden grabbed her hands. This will be a starting point of their teamwork together.