3. The Main Character

What kind of person is Eden? As someone who has read the novel and knew about this main character more than anyone else, Arluna learned four most important thing about him. First, he likes money. No. He loves money. He would use any means to squeeze the money out of a rich person. Second, he hates getting hurts. He got so used to getting hurt that he hates it.

Third, he won't care about other people except his own people. Despite his stoic personalities, he's actually an affectionate person. As for the fourth and most important thing, he dreamt to lived a rich and lazy life. He didn't want anything to do with responsibilities or anything similar to it.

So, why this type of person suddenly volunteered to become a leader in this central where there were more than four hundreds people?

'It's because he wants to resolve his regrets,' she thought for a moment before focusing back to the things in front of her.

"Today, we will be trying to clear the monsters on this area." Eden pointed to a place on the map as he said that. The place was at the east where the sun would rise. He decided to expand this central shelter from there.

Three months.

That's how long he has been a leader in this central shelter. In that three months, he trained the people in this central shelter to become stronger. He taught them how to use their ability properly as well as a way to defeat the monsters in the most efficient way. Now he felt that they are ready to face even more challenges and gathered people to this meeting.

"Out of all places, this area has the least amount of monsters. We can kill them with our numbers. Of course, the other monsters from another area will come once they noticed something was wrong, but I already have a way to deal with that," he said with a calm and stoic face.

"I already explained each of your roles before, so we will began right away. Any objections?"

Arluna raised her hands. All people turned to look at her. They have been amazed at this girl's beauty that seems to be out of this world. They were many man who tried to flirt with her yesterday but she ignored all of them. Even now, those men still look at her with a gaze that seemed to be full of desires.

"I will stay next to you," she nonchalantly said that.

"Why?" Eden asked her with a frown as everybody else looked at her in shocked.

"Just because. Plus, I could prevent you from getting hurt."

The word 'prevent you from getting hurt' seemed convincing to Eden, as he is someone who hates being in pain. He also knew that this girl was strong. It has been proven by how she can make someone who was known as a tyrant to be so obedient. That's why he just nodded his head before dismissed everyone.

* * *

Albert, who used to be a leader of this central shelter and gave up his positions as he decided to serve Eden instead was the only one left in the meeting room. His gazes as he looked at Eden was odd. Then he stated what was on his mind in amusement.

"It's unusual for you to let a stranger to stand by your side. Did you decided to trust her since she saved Theo?"

Eden scoffed at the question. "Trust her? I don't trust her at all nor do I think I will be in the future. She's someone who wears a mask. Whether it's to hide her faces or identity, I don't know. But what I know is that I could not trust her. Even if she's someone who could make a tyrant obedient, she would not be able to do as her pleases here."

"I see. Shall I ask our people to keep an eye on her?"

"Yes, but not too many. Otherwise she will notice it,"

"Understood." Albert abruptly left without any sound after that.

Eden was the only one left in the room. He was still thinking about Arluna. She's a mysterious person to him, as he didn't have any records about her.

"Is she also the results of my actions?" he quietly mumbled to himself. It is possible for that to be the case, as he already changed a lot of things.

"It doesn't matter. As long as she won't disturb my plans. But if she did... I will just passed her to Adeline in the future." Then he got up to head out of the building. A lot of people has already waited for him.

One out of third people in this central shelter will be joining on this monster extermination. They still need to have a lot of people to protect the central shelter from monsters. There was also a resource gathering squad, where they were tasked to search for food, clothes or other necessities.

In short, they need to split the group and could not take more people with them in this monster extermination.

"Let's go." Eden said before a light appeared under his feet. It was actually someone else's ability that allows him to move faster. Then he started to run. Other people followed him by using their ability.

"Do you need some help?" asked a man towards Arluna. He heard that her ability was healing, so she probably needs other people's help to catch up to the others like Eden.

"Thank you, but no need," she politely decline. Then continue to said, "It's been a while since I last exercise."

Right after she said that, she ran. She didn't use any ability. It's her physical strength alone, but she already cut through the people who used their ability to move faster. She slowed down a little once she catches up to Eden. Eden just glance at her before focusing on the front.

'He's surprised,' she inwardly smiled as she looked at him. He might still look stoic and unbothered to others but to someone like her who has read the novel, she knew what he thinks.

'He must thought that I'm a scary person.'

Eden was weak. It's probably unusual for the main character to be weak, but that's the truth. That's why he always wary of a strong person, regardless of their age and gender. He always scared of getting beaten up by a strong person.

'The thing is, he didn't have any intention to get stronger.'

It's because he hates training. Training is tiring and that's why he hates it. And since he wants to live a lazy life in the future, he can't get too strong or else he will be burden by responsibility of saving the world.

"There's a Larbee in the front!" someone shouted.

"Squad 5!" Eden loudly called out. Ten people started to move towards the monster. They were one of the squads that were tasked to clear the monster on the way to their destination. This way, they would be able to get there much faster.

The monster, which was the combination of larvae and bee, looked really disgusting. But the people here looked relaxed, as if they have fight this monster many times before.

"A Grade 5 monster is nothing to us!" One of the people in the squad shouted.

Arluna put on a poker face when she noticed the person seemed to be glancing at her. It was clear that he tried to impress her. Unfortunately, it was all for naught because she already knew the strength of the people in this central shelter like the back of her hands.

"Let's just continue," Eden started to speed up as he said that. Arluna followed him, leaving the person slightly disappointed.

"There's more Larbees in the front! There are twenty of them!"

This time, they stopped running. It couldn't be helped. There were many Larbees blocking their way. They seemed to be telling these humans that they have trespassed their territory. Thinking that, Eden smirked.

"How funny," he lightly said.

It's really funny. These monsters were the ones who suddenly appeared in this world and wrecked havoc, causing all the living beings in the world to suffer. Now, they were telling the humans to go away when they wanted to reclaim their home. There's no way he would just let them be.

Eden took a step. That step was light, but the people around him held their breath. As he took another step, the monsters started to screech. Some of the monsters fly towards him, but stopped after a few meters away.

'But there's a reason why he is the main character,' Arluna thought as she looked at his back. Then she looked around her. Everyone focused only on a single person.

"So this is what charisma looks like," she mumbled.

This was something he got from someone. That person has been amazed by his charisma, thus the person gave him an ability before dying. It's an ability that turned charisma into 'aura'. That aura then has a name.


That name was truly fitting, as many people has sweated already. They felt fear by the pressure he exuded. Even the monsters that charged at him earlier were screeching before turning back to their group.

"Squad 3! Attack!" His stoic command made the aura become the strength to his allies.