4. Luring A Snake

They finally reached their destination after half an hour. They were able to get here this fast thanks to the squads that clear the monsters on their way. Or else, it would take them at least an hour to get here. Arluna looked at the landscape of the area.

The reason why this place have the least amount of monsters was because it was filled with a mist. This mist was harmless to humans and it seemed to keep some of the monsters away from this area. It was like this place was ruled by an overlord. She turned to face Eden.

"Looks like this mist won't hinder our work. But it will be a problem if the weather suddenly changes," she stated her concerns. This world didn't have something like a weather forecast anymore. It will be bad if they couldn't see each other because of the mist and rain.

"Don't worry. We will retreat once the situation didn't look good," Eden replied to her before he jumped up to climb one of the three-storey building in the area. He needed to be on a high place to have a clear view of the battlefield for him to give these people his command. Arluna also followed him.

Since she's just a supporter, there was no need for her to fight. So it will be better if she just watches from the place that will not affect the battle. Moreover, it will be easier to know if someone got hurt from this high place, so she can immediately come to their rescue.

"Aren't you strong? Why don't you help them fighting?" Eden nonchalantly asked her.

"Fighting isn't my thing," she casually replied. "Plus, I can't use much of my strength."

'Currently, I can only use thirty percent of my strength. Any more than that, this mask will break,' she thought. She knew Eden was currently suspicious of her. It's because she wears a mask all this time and a person who hides their real face was the one he wary the most.

'I have no intention of showing them the face behind this mask. I don't care even if they couldn't believe me because of it.' She glanced towards Eden. 'That's why I will power up this main character a little so I don't need to use much of my power,' she firmly made up her mind.

Meanwhile Eden...

'Why I suddenly got chills? This is not the chills because of a powerful monster may appear but more like a chills that something annoying will happen to me,' Eden thought before looking around him. Then he started to distance himself from Arluna. He felt like he can relax a little if he do so.

The walkie talkie in his hands suddenly light up. He turned it on.

"This is Squad 5. We have reached the battlefield and got into our position."

"What about the others?"

"Squad 1 in a position."

"Squad 2 in a position."

"Squad 3 has also got here."

"Squad 4 are ready."

"Great. The operation, 'Luring A Snake Out Of It's Cave' begin right now." As he said that, all squads began to move. They will lure all the monsters in one place. After that, they planned to finish them using a large scale attack.

'Things are progressing like in the novel so far,' Arluna thought as she looked down on the battlefield. There were two people with taming ability lead the monsters towards a certain area. These two teenagers were a twin.

'Two of the important characters, Andrea and Andre. They will be the founder of Beast Kingdom.'

The twin looked at the monsters like they were trying to send some kind of signals. The monsters then turned to the right and went straight to the location they intended. There were also squad that used illusion using the mist to lure the monsters. Eden watched all of this with indifference.

"Looks like things can be done earlier than planned," Eden mumbled. Arluna who stood beside him didn't say anything. She already knew what will happen next. It was also the reason why she chose to stay close to this main charater.

"The phase one has been completed."

The walkie talkie in his hands informed them. Eden looked at the people that has climbed on top of the other building. These people have telekinesis ability and have been trained to be able to move a rock that weighted a twenty pound. They will move the remains of the crumbled buildings and dumped it on the monsters. This will be one of their large scale attack.

As soon as they were ready with the rocks and other large and heavy materials, Eden gave a command.

"Let it go."

They let go of their control on the floating rocks and let it fell on top of the monsters. The monsters that was not affected by the illusion or the ability of the tamers started to get away from the area. They started to run like they have gone crazy to get away from that place quickly.

"Block them!"

"Kill them!"

Unfortunately, all of the squads have positioned themselves at the monsters escape route. They have prepared to not let even one monster escape from this place. The monsters that ran like they have gone mad cannot react properly towards the humans that tried to kill them. It gave these humans the advantage to finish them quickly.

As all of these happened in one area, the place quickly became a pool of blood. It's the blood of the monsters. They were many roar and screeching of the monsters. They were screaming in pain. The people on top of the buildings that could see everything below let out a gasp.

It was the first time they have seen such a scene since the world became like this. They never seen the monsters looked so scared and running away like this. Usually, it was them that was running. It's human who has always been scared by these monsters and ran away from them. But now, it was different.

"The phase two has been completed. There are no more monsters in the area."

Squad 1 informed Eden through the walkie talkie.

"Arluna," Eden called out to the girl that stood beside him. Arluna instantly understood his intention and jumped off the building.

The battle was over, so she needed to check those who have injuries. As she walked towards the people in the mist area, her shoes was drenched in blood. She frowned at this. The people in the distance almost covered themselves completely in blood as well. This made her frown even harder. She felt like to not get close to those people.

She turned around as she was contemplating to just wait until everything was completely over before healing them until she made eye contact with Eden. It made her remember the name of this operation, 'Luring A Snake Out of It's Cave'. She needed to heal these people in order for the operation to be successful.

"Fine. I need to make sure to power up this main character after this," she mumbled before quickly walked to the people in the distance.

The people that could feel the pain but couldn't see the injuries due to the blood covering their bodies were happy to see Arluna coming towards them. They have heard their leader personally said her healing abilities are strong. Of course, Eden intentionally did that to raise their morale but he wasn't the type to lie about such things.

That's why they were filled with anticipation as they waited for her to come.

"Give me your hand," she said to the woman that have her body covered in blood the most. The woman did as she asked.

Arluna closed her eyes and started using her power. Silver light came out of her hands. The woman just looked at her in confusion. Unlike the healing abilities she has experienced before, which gave her a warm sensation, this healing ability didn't make her feel anything special. Arluna close her eyes only for a few seconds before opening them again.


"E-excuse me?" The woman came back to her senses and stuttered.

"I'm done," Arluna casually answered the woman that reacted stupidly.

'So quickly?!' The woman was shocked by her healing abilities. Even though her injuries were not serious, but it still took normal healers to heal it less than a minute. But this girl has done it for a few seconds only.

As the woman continued being shocked, Arluna already moved towards another person. They were still in the middle of the battlefield. That's why she needed to quickly heal these people because another battle can start at any moment.

"At least she seems reliable," Eden commented as he looked at Arluna. His gazes have been sharply observing her since the moment she jumped down. His experience made him always need to be wary of a strong person in this world and Arluna was someone he didn't know what her full strength is.

As he deep in thought, the ground started to rumble. Fortunately, they already knew this would happen so they readied themselves and didn't stumble on the ground.


The ground started to shake violently. It grew more intense as time passed by. It's as if something is going to come out of the ground. Eden smirked.

"The snake has come out," as he said that, the area that was full of monsters corpses has a tall pillar suddenly appearing from under the ground. The pillar, no, the monster let out a roar.