
Standing in a makeshift open space between Malachi and Leo, David took a deep breath and started to circulate the energy inside him to activate his ability and create a fire spear.

In actuality, David did not need to do this. He could have created the fire spear as he had been doing when he activated his ability for the first time. However, David did not want to do this. Sure, it was the easiest way of using his ability, but the easiest way wasn't always the best way. If he continued using his ability like that, there was no way he'd ever gain full control over it.

And what David wanted more than anything at the moment was to have full control over his ability. The idea of suddenly losing control just because he had no firm grip irritated him.

After taking a few deep breaths, David spread out a hand, and about two seconds later, a fire spear materialised in mid-air beside him.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on David's face.