Chapter 49 – Fake It Till You Make It!

Ajax could sense Goku's distinctive energy approaching, growing closer with each passing moment. By his estimate, Goku should arrive within the next two minutes, so he just needed to hold off Vegeta for that brief period. It was a task far easier said than done since the power asymmetry between them meant it would take far less than two minutes for Vegeta to kill him.

Ajax swallowed hard as he stared at Vegeta, acutely aware that the next two minutes were one of many moments that could decide everything.

"Congratulations, you've bested Nappa. It seems your species isn't entirely worthless after all," Vegeta wore a wry smile and began to slowly clap his hands mockingly, an applause that sounded more like a backhanded compliment than any genuine praise. Abruptly, Vegeta's smile dropped from his face. "However, you're still far from being a match for me."

'No shit, Sherlock.' Ajax thought as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Though he stood firm against the menacing pressure that emanated from Vegeta, he could feel his heart racing within his chest and pounding in his ears. All the while, Vegeta's gaze penetrated him with unsettling intensity.

"How did you manage to heal yourself so thoroughly?" Vegeta was curious. The speed and efficiency at which the native had restored himself to peak condition was unnatural. Even the most advanced, absolutely cutting-edge healing pods available anywhere in the Universe could not hope to match a pitiful fraction of what had been demonstrated. He should know; he had spent more time in them than he cared to admit.

"Oh, we've got a nifty little thing on this planet. It's called 'none of your goddamn business.'" Ajax was very pleased his voice remained steady throughout. Fake it till you make it, baby!

Now, contrary to what most would have anticipated at this point, Ajax had not been dishonest about Korin's supply. The truth of the matter was, while it had been undeniably true that Korin only had two Senzu beans available at the time of the invasion, it was also equally true that Korin had granted Ajax three beans. Nearly a full year earlier, Korin, recognizing Ajax's potential and commendable feat of surviving the Ultra Divine Water, had generously gifted him a Senzu Bean as a symbol of support.

Ajax never ate it. 

At the time, Ajax had very seriously contemplated using the Senzu bean as a means to recover from the Ultra Divine Water's ravaging aftereffects. However, he had ultimately made the calculated risk to forgo the immediate remedy, opting to trust in his body's adaptive capabilities. It was a gamble that paid off, as, by the time he reached the midway point to the Lookout, he had successfully adapted to and overcame the Water's searing aftereffects.

Now, in the heat of the battle against Nappa, Ajax fully reaped the rewards of the Senzu Bean, leveraging it as the secret trump card that he had unleashed at the most opportune moment.

That being said, Ajax had initially planned to defeat Nappa without resorting to this failsafe. He had originally intended to keep the Senzu Bean in reserve as a second wind for Goku during his inevitable showdown with Vegeta—a usage he would openly admit to be more optimal than on him. However, Nappa's unexpected strength had forced his hand, leaving him with no alternative but to deploy his failsafe prematurely. Despite deviating from his original strategy, Ajax had no regrets using the Senzu Bean, since he had only managed to survive because of it.

Ajax tensed, his focus immediately snapping back into place and his thoughts instantly banished, as Vegeta laughed at his response and advanced slowly toward him.

"Fair enough! It was indeed none of my business."

Underneath Ajax, Nappa stirred, coughing and sputtering as he struggled his way back to consciousness. His bleary eyes instinctively honed in on Ajax, who stood above him, directly in his line of sight. As Nappa recognized Ajax, a surge of anger twisted his features.

"YOU– what is this h-healing bullshit! T-this is unfair!"

"No, you were just sloppy, Nappa," Vegeta rebuked with disdain and shot a disappointed glare at his fallen comrade. "You did not confirm your kill and simply assumed he had died when you knew they possessed an unknown healing ability. They committed no dishonor, as they had clearly demonstrated these capabilities during the two-hour break. It shouldn't have taken you by surprise. Even if they hadn't, it wasn't their responsibility to explain their abilities–nor showcase them–to you."

Vegeta redirected his attention to the remaining Z Fighters—Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin—and scoffed at their expressions.

Following Vegeta's lead, Ajax briefly glanced back. The trio stood together, their expressions reflecting a mix of awe and disbelief at the unexpected victory over Nappa, a foe they had believed insurmountable without Goku's intervention.

Piccolo was still in a protective stance in front of Gohan, as though shielding him from an imminent threat, remarkably similar to the way he had done in canon. The green-skinned warrior's antennae twitched in heightened alertness, while Gohan peered out from next to Piccolo's legs. Ajax couldn't help but ponder whether Piccolo would have met his canonical fate had he not consumed that Senzu Bean when he did.

Vegeta's gaze snapped to Nappa, who had started attempting to rise feebly. "Nappa, hurry up and return."

"God, I wish I c-could Vegeta, but they got me good. I can barely move a si–single muscle right now." Nappa coughed and spasmed in pain.

Ajax, sensing a potential opportunity, planted a single foot on Nappa's chest, applying light but firm pressure to keep the large Saiyan pinned to the ground.

Simultaneously, Ajax raised a hand, his palm facing downward toward Nappa. An ominous glow cast shadows across Ajax's features as a formidable energy blast materialized on his palm, swirling and crackling with power. Though nameless, the attack was clearly more than capable of ending Nappa's life.

"I have a better idea. You back off, Vegeta or Nappa dies."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes in response to Ajax's ultimatum. The Saiyan prince meticulously assessed the situation, his gaze flickering between Nappa's battered form and Ajax's resolute stance. Decision made, Vegeta countered the threat by presenting one of his own, aiming an even more potent energy orb at Ajax and Nappa.

Ajax hid an internal grimace. His ploy to buy time had proven less effective than he had hoped. He had intended to use Nappa as a bargaining chip to create a temporary standoff, but he should've known better than to expect leniency from a Saiyan as ruthless as Vegeta. While the Saiyans had displayed a far better relationship than in canon, he had either overestimated their camaraderie or underestimated their cruelty. Regardless of which, exposing his bluff now would be disastrous.

After a brief moment of contemplation, Ajax expanded the Ki orb in his hand, the blast growing in both size and intensity. As he did so, Ajax's mind raced, searching for a solution.

Contrary to Ajax's expectations, it was Nappa who summoned the inner strength to speak up and break the standoff. His voice, though weakened and strained, reached all relevant parties with remarkable clarity.

"Don't worry about me, Vegeta! I know you remember what I taught you about hostages! Do it, my Prince! Consider it my final lesson to you!"

Ajax was genuinely surprised by Nappa's defiant declaration and glanced down at the Saiyan General. Nappa had begun to grasp at Ajax's foot still resting on his chest with his one remaining good arm. His fingers clawed at Ajax's boot as if attempting to anchor Ajax's leg to himself.

Due to Nappa's injuries and lack of strength, his grip on Ajax's foot resembled more of his hand flopping onto Ajax's boots than any real hold. However, the symbolic gesture was not lost on anyone. Nappa, in his final moments, sought to assert control over his destiny, aiming to face death alongside his enemy by bringing Ajax down with him.

Vegeta froze at the unexpected words and gesture, his body locking in place. His visage twisted with a mixture of conflicting and indecipherable emotions as he stared into Nappa's eyes.

After an infinitesimal moment that felt like an eternity, Vegeta raised his hands once more, intentions clear. The energy within him surged, ready to extinguish the lives of both Nappa and Ajax with cold efficiency.

"Thank you for your service, Commander General Nappa. You are now honorably discharged. May you depart with pride," Vegeta declared with cold and detached finality. Without a moment's pause, he unleashed his enormous blast—a torrent of energy roaring toward Nappa and Ajax with indomitable force.

Ajax's instincts kicked into action as he discarded his attack and blurred away from the impending blast with lightning speed, effortlessly tearing himself away from Nappa's feeble grasp. In the blink of an eye, he had left Nappa behind, allowing Vegeta's attack to continue racing forward, eager to consume everything in its path. As Ajax distanced himself, he witnessed the energy wave collide catastrophically with Nappa, observing the Saiyan General reduced to bare bones, then to dust. As the blast surged into the distance, it left only an enormous trench in its wake.

Or, at least, that was what would've happened had Ajax not needed Nappa alive too.

Following the explosion, Vegeta's gaze diverted sharply to the side where Ajax floated, slightly above the trajectory of the blast. In his grasp, Ajax held onto Nappa by his black underwear-armor, the once-mighty Saiyan General swaying limply in Ajax's grip like wet laundry.

"You're giving me a w-wedgie…" Nappa added awkwardly after a moment of significant hesitation.

As if burned, Ajax immediately dropped Nappa like a hot potato and hastily wiped his palms on what remained of his pants.

"Oww…" Nappa mumbled into the dirt where he had faceplanted.

Ajax touched down beside Nappa. He was not about to repeat Goku's mistake and carelessly throw a vulnerable Nappa next to Vegeta like the canonical timeline. Although this Nappa wasn't paralyzed like his counterpart was in canon, Ajax didn't get this far by taking unnecessary risks. It's best he stayed close to this idiot to ensure Vegeta didn't kill him.

"Hmm, so you were bluffing," Vegeta declared with a stoic air, his voice just a tad too cool and composed.

Ajax raised a skeptical eyebrow. "How did you know I was bluffing?"

"How did you know he was bluffing?" Nappa mumbled, still face down.




 The ensuing silence was deafening.

Vegeta's scouter beeped, breaking the extended silence, and flashed data across its visor. Granted a timely escape from the inquiries, Vegeta crossed his arms and turned stoically toward the direction of the approaching power, his eyes tracing the energy signature's trajectory. He staunchly ignored both Nappa and Ajax's questioning looks.

Mentally, Ajax permitted himself a subtle sigh of relief. Vegeta choosing to sidestep the question by biding his time until Goku's arrival suited Ajax perfectly. Whether Vegeta declined to answer due to seeing it as a perceived admission of weakness, an assault on his pride, an affront to his masculinity, or whatever other reason—Ajax gave zero f*cks about it. He was here to stall, and it was mission accomplished, as far as he was concerned.

Ajax was definitely saving this as potential blackmail material against Vegeta in the coming years though.

In due course, Ajax mentally marked off one more item from the MASTERPLAN as his eyes focused on a figure at the horizon.

Goku had finally arrived.



Keep Nappa alive – (COMPLETED)

Stall for Goku – (COMPLETED)