Chapter 50 – The Hero Is Always Fashionably Late

Vegeta's stern gaze returned frontward as Goku materialized beside Ajax, aligning himself shoulder-to-shoulder with the young Earthling. In this fated encounter, the two formidable titans locked eyes, sizing each other like predators as their piercing gazes meticulously searched for chinks in the other's metaphorical armor.

After a moment of silent assessment, Goku subtly tilted his head, casting a brief, inquisitive glance toward Ajax. It was clear that Goku was silently inquiring for a status update after the intense confrontation with Nappa and Vegeta.

"It's been a long fifteen minutes, Goku. Chiaotzu and Tien have fallen, and I was forced to eat a Senzu bean initially reserved for you. Gohan, however, is largely unscathed," Ajax responded, understanding the unspoken inquiry in Goku's gaze.

Goku's expression hadn't been cheerful to start with, and it became even more somber as Ajax recounted the events of the past fifteen minutes. Goku nodded solemnly as he absorbed the information, his gaze scanning the battlefield for confirmation of Ajax's words. His eyes started with a downward flicker towards the fallen Nappa, then spanned the distance to Yamcha, then further to Tien lying face down, and finally lingering on the trio of Gohan, Piccolo, and Krillin. He scanned the trio, meticulously checking their conditions.

The entire battlefield observed in collective silence as Goku advanced with slow and deliberate steps toward Gohan. There were no interruptions as Goku knelt before his son.

"Are you alright, Gohan? I'm back."

Gohan nodded fervently, unshed tears welling up in his eyes and threatening to spill. In an instant, he hugged Goku, wrapping his arms tightly around his father's neck. He took a deep breath, taking in the familiar scent.

Goku rubbed Gohan's back in a rhythmic motion, the same way he'd always done whenever Gohan had run to him because of a nightmare. As he did so, Goku tenderly pressed his lips to Gohan's forehead. Within Gohan's tight embrace, Goku turned his head towards Piccolo and gave a nod of appreciation, acknowledging the role Piccolo had played in Gohan's life over the past year.

"I've been keeping tabs on what's happening in the past year through King Kai. Thanks for taking care of Gohan, Piccolo."

"I'm raising him for world domination," Piccolo snapped back brusquely.

"Sure thing, buddy."

"I'm not your buddy!"

Krillin patiently waited his turn as he watched the exchange unfold, finally sharing a solemn nod with Goku as their eyes met. Having fought shoulder to shoulder through countless battles, experiencing both triumphs and losses together, their bond had long transcended the need for spoken words. They hadn't been friends their entire life for nothing. Not a single word passed between the two friends, yet in that simple exchange of nods, everything that needed to be said was communicated—the unspoken emotions, mutual trust, relief, understanding, and unwavering support.

Having ensured the well-being of every fighter on the battlefield, Goku returned to the spot where Ajax had stood. The Saiyan hero radiated a calming aura as he walked back. Goku placed his hand on Ajax's shoulder gently, a simple gesture that offered more reassurance than any number of words ever could.

"Kami gave me updates on the battle. Good job," Goku gave Ajax's shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I am here now. Let me handle the rest."

Goku spoke those words with such unshakable confidence and sincerity that Ajax felt the tension in his body melting away almost unconsciously. After hours of being on high alert and navigating life-and-death situations, Ajax finally allowed himself to relax. A deep breath escaped him as the accumulated pressure on his shoulders finally slid off.

Ajax's gaze lingered on Goku's broad back as Earth's strongest fighter took determined strides toward Vegeta. Ajax couldn't help but marvel at the aura enveloping Goku– the unmistakable presence of a main character, a hero among heroes.

But it wasn't just confidence either. Yamcha had also exuded confidence, perhaps even more so than Goku, but he had sorely lacked the sheer presence that Goku had. Ajax pondered, wondering to himself if this was the quality that defined a main character from the rest—to instill confidence and hope solely through one's presence, irrespective of how overwhelming the adversary may be.

Ajax felt like he was five again, fervently cheering for his heroes on the television screen as they fought with the fate of their world hanging in the balance. Ajax blinked. Was he having an All Might moment right now? There were some remarkable parallels between him now to when Deku had watched All Might's debut video. In Goku's presence, Ajax certainly felt as if everything would be miraculously okay, that the life-threatening struggles they just faced had been resolved—even though he was well aware that Goku would ultimately face defeat against Vegeta.

In the interim, Goku and Vegeta's gazes clashed. The friction of their personalities and destinies colliding had infused the air with tension fitting for a confrontation where the fate of Earth was held in balance.

"So, you're Kakarot," Vegeta remarked, his tone oozing with authority and derision in equal measure. "The so-called hero."

"I have never thought of myself as a hero. And my name is Son Goku," Goku corrected.

"You're a Saiyan, so your name is Kakarot."

Goku frowned at the unexpected response. He found himself slightly taken aback by the seemingly petty insistence on addressing him by his Saiyan birth name—a name to which he felt no inherent connection to. It was a name burdened with a purpose, intent, history, and moral code that he inherently rejected. A year ago, Raditz had painted a picture that the Saiyans were gung-ho about respect and honor, but at this moment, Goku could not perceive any of those qualities.

Typically, he would let such comments slide without a second thought. Normally, he wouldn't be bothered in the least. However, today was anything but typical. The fate of his home was on the line, his friends were dead, his family was in imminent danger, and he, excuse his language, was not in the mood for petty bullshit. You want to be petty, Vegeta? Fine, two can play at that game.

"So, you must be Vagita then."

"No, it's Vegeta, you imbecile. And for a low-class like you, refer to me by my proper title. I am your Prince," Vegeta bristled, irritation weaving into every aspect of his face.

Goku quipped back without missing a beat, "Oh, my bad, Prince Vagina."



Goku had dropped his utterly ballsy jab with a level of audacity that had the entire battlefield instantly falling deathly silent.

Vegeta's face transformed instantaneously, contorting into a mask of unbridled rage as a prominent vein throbbed on his forehead. "What the f*ck did you just call me!?!" 

Meanwhile, still spread eagle on the battlefield, Nappa erupted into boisterous laughter. His deep, booming guffaws echoed through the air, replacing the silence following Goku's bold remark.

"OHHHH, he called you Vajayjay! I don't know what Raditz was talking about, cause Kakarot got balls of pure steel! BIG brass ones! AHAAHAHAHAA!!"

"SHUT THE FU*K UP NAPPA!!" Vegeta regretted not vaporizing Nappa earlier. He really should've rid himself of the pain in his ass when the opportunity presented itself. Actually, what was he thinking? He could still do that right now.

Goku tensed and discreetly adjusted his position, positioning Ajax and Nappa behind him. At the same time, he steered the conversation in a new direction. "Why did you try to kill your comrade before? Don't you hold any regard for your allies?"

"Nappa was incapacitated and taken hostage. A Saiyan warrior doesn't count on being rescued. On the battlefield, it's either victory or death," Vegeta's reply dripped with cold pragmatism as he crossed his arms after regaining his composure.

Goku's body tensed at the callousness. His strong belief in the value of friendship had always guided his actions and often led to him extending mercy even when it might not have been warranted. Now, faced with Vegeta's ruthless philosophy, Goku felt rather compelled to voice his disapproval.

"I don't agree with that."

"Your agreement is irrelevant to me," Retorting with complete indifference, Vegeta began to tap his fingers against his arms in a sped-up and irritated cadence. "Against my better judgment and every instinct I possess, I shall grant you and your offspring one final opportunity. We remain a rare breed, and unlike Raditz, a battle power of four thousand meant you aren't entirely worthless."

Goku's neutral countenance darkened as his displeasure deepened. What little of the vibrant energy that often defined him drained away and was replaced by stern resolve.

"My answer hasn't changed. Take your offer and shove it."

"Watch your tone! I am your Prince!"

"Your status is irrelevant to me."

Ajax observed Goku's response with a quizzical tilt of his head, his interest piqued. Was it just him, or was there something different about Goku? Perhaps it was recency bias coloring his impressions, thanks Dragon Ball Super, but this version of Goku appeared notably more... intense? Sassy? Where had the happy-go-lucky main character disappeared off to? The Shonen energy? What on earth had happened?

Across from everyone else, Vegeta ground his teeth, a visible vein throbbing on his forehead as his anger and frustration mounted. The Saiyan prince began to channel the unbridled force of his power, causing the air around him to crackle and the very earth beneath him to tremble. Dirt and small rocks began to levitate, ensnared by the escalating intensity of his burgeoning energy.

Ajax felt Vegeta's pressure crash into him almost like a physical force, prompting him to subtly readjust his posture to prevent him from being pushed backward, not unlike someone bracing against an unexpectedly strong wind.

Meanwhile, Goku remained unbothered by Vegeta's power, instead beginning to raise his own energy to match the force exerted by the Saiyan Prince. The space between them snapped and popped with low-frequency booms, like that of distant thunder, as their auras collided, creating an invisible barrier that erupted in sparks at the point of contact.

Vegeta's scouter began to beep urgently. The Saiyan prince tore his gaze away from Goku for a moment, glancing at the readings, then back to Goku, only to immediately snap his attention back to the scouter in sheer disbelief.

"What does it say, Vegeta?" Nappa bellowed from his downed position next to Ajax.

Vegeta turned his disbelieving gaze toward Nappa, then toward Ajax, who now wore an incomparably smug smirk on his face.

"It's— it's over NINE THOUSAND!! A mere low-class warrior?!"

Unknown to Goku, the numerical evaluation of his power level had challenged the very foundation of hierarchy that had defined Saiyan society. For generations and generations, the talent of a Saiyan had been determined by the power they possessed at birth. This test, spanning countless generations, had consistently proven to be an accurate estimation of future battle prowess.

And, battle prowess was the cornerstone on which Saiyan nobility earned their right to rule—born the strongest, destined to become the strongest.

Of course, every so often, there would be a rare genius who would defy the established hierarchy and leap a tier higher. However, never had there been anyone who had managed to ascend from the bottom to the very pinnacle–except for one sole exception: Bardock. Vegeta should know, since Raditz, that trash, had been assigned to him in the futile hopes that the worthless fool could somehow replicate his father's feat and develop his power to surpass his hierarchy. To no one's surprise, Raditz remained a low-class warrior.

Vegeta observed Kakarot with narrowed eyes. Had Bardock's hierarchy-defying strength skipped Raditz altogether and chose Kakarot instead?

While Vegeta pondered, Nappa's jaw hung agape at the revelation of Goku's staggering power level. "Holy Shit! Which dumbass dispatched a warrior with such latent potential off to this backwater planet?!"

Goku shifted his body slightly towards the fallen Saiyan General. "You're defeated and your role in this battle is over. Admit your defeat and leave this planet."

"I cannot abandon my Prince."

"But you are no longer part of this battle," Goku insisted, determined to make his point despite Nappa's unwavering loyalty.

Nappa sneaked a glance at Vegeta, catching a glimpse of Vegeta's neutral and dispassionate countenance. Despite the inscrutable facade, the Saiyan General seemed to glean something there. "Fine," Nappa grumbled, his tone gruff yet accepting.

"Swear it on your Saiyan honor and pride." Unlike Goku, who might place trust in others more than he should, Ajax needed a more binding commitment. If Saiyan honor was truly paramount as they claimed it was, then swearing this oath would provide a more concrete reassurance—as much reassurance as a verbal promise could, in any case.

This time, Nappa directed his gaze fully at Vegeta, his eyes meeting those of the Saiyan prince. Goku and Ajax turned their attention to Vegeta as well, in anticipation of the response from the Prince of All Saiyans.

Contrary to his earlier pride and disdain, Vegeta adopted a solemn demeanor as he engaged in a moment of silent contemplation. After a pregnant pause, he finally spoke, "Will you honor the universal treaties regarding prisoners of war?"

In perfect unison, Goku and Ajax exchanged puzzled glances, tilting their heads in confusion at the unfamiliar topic.

Vegeta sighed in annoyance and impatiently clarified, "You are not to torture, kill, or humiliate any prisoners of war."

"Yes," Goku affirmed immediately. 

Vegeta, satisfied with Goku's response, nodded at Nappa in curt acknowledgment.

"Ok. You have my word, sworn upon my honor and pride as a Saiyan, that I shall no longer engage in any further battles on this planet unless commanded by my Prince." Nappa quickly recited his vow.

"Fair enough." Goku acknowledged Nappa's commitment with a simple yet firm nod.

Breaking eye contact, Goku diverted his attention to the surrounding battlefield, scanning the area as he contemplated the next course of action. "Let's settle this somewhere else." Goku was determined not to involve anyone else in the impending fight.

"Do as you wish, Kakarot. It won't make a difference," Vegeta replied with confidence.

With that declaration, the two Saiyan warriors took off, their energy propelling them skyward and away from the battlefield below.