Yeona and bought for her pads and a pair of jean pants, she took them to her.


Sang ri....Thanks alot Yeona.

Yeona....Will you really go with Jung shi?

Sang ri....Ofcourse i cant, am already embarassed enough to face him now.Tell him that i will pass.

Yeona....I understand, i will go and tell him to go alone.

Sang ri....What about you?

Yeona.....I will stay with you.

Sang ri.....Why? Just go with him.

Yeona.....Your still my bestfriend and i cant live you like this, Jung shi will understand because he looked worried about you.

Sang ri.....Thanks.

Jung shi left with her camera.

Yeona....You can come out now, he has left.

Sang ri....Okay, i should go home now because my day is ruined now.

Yeona.....Lets go to my place instead, you need company now.

Sang ri....I will go home and wait for Min yu, she is my friend.

Yeona....Okay but let me keep you company for now.

She took her to her place.

Yeona.....Here, drink this warm water to feel better.

Sang ri....Thanks, your place is so cozy.

Yeona....I know, you should come and visit often.

Ssng ri....No thanks, we are not close anyway.

Yeona....I understand.Am sorry for not answering your calls, i forgot my phone in the airplane yet i didnt memorise your number.I knew that you always called but i had no way to reach out to you, am sorry for being careless.

Ssng lost your phone? I thought that you didnt want to talk to me.

Yeona....I can never not want to talk to you, i always missed you and wanted to come back so bad.My dad got into a car accident and he spent six months in comma, it was a tough time for us.

Sang ri....What? Sorry, i didnt know that you went through all that, it must've really been hard for you guys.

Yeona.....It really was and i always wished you were with me because you were the one who comforted me in hard times like that, but i didnt even have your number to call you.

Ssng ri....Stop ssying that, am going to cry.Am so sorry that you went through that, am glad that you came back because i missed you too.

They hugged while crying non stop.

Sang ri.....So you became a makeup artist, am so proud of you.

Yeona....Am also proud of you too, how the heck did you even become a fighter?

Sang ri....(Am sorry but i cant tell you Yeona what i really iam.) Lets not talk about this now, lets just reconcile.

Sang ri spent the day and slept at Yrona's plac.In the morning, she went to work but she was feeling shy to fae Jung shi for what happened to her yesterday.

Sang ri.....Hy Jung shi.

Jung shi....Hy, i took your camera and recorded everything i did yesterday.

Ssng ri.....Really?

Jung shi....I didnt want you miss anything since your my first huge fan and Yeona.

Sang ri....About Yeona, you were right, i didnt know what really happened to you guys.

Jung shi....Its okay, its all in the past now.Hope you guys reconciled.

Sang ri....Yeah, we reconciled because i missed her so much and am happy now.

Jung shi.....Am sure that she is very happy too because she missed you everyday in the states and wanted to see you so bad.

Sang ri....So, when are you releasing your album?

Jung shi....Not so soon, i still have to do alot of things for it to be complete.Am shooting the video for my first song tomorrow.

Sang ri....Thats great news.

Her phone rung and it was Han soo calling.

Sang ri....Excuse me, i need to answer this.

Jung shi....Its okay, go on.

She answered the call.

Han soo.....Can we meet today?

Sang ri.....Sure, why?

Han soo.....I just want to see you.

Sang ri....Okay, i will tell Min yu to join us too.

Jun shi.....(Is she talking to her boyfriend? She is smiling...why do i care? Its not my business anyway.)

Sang ri ended the call.

Jung shi.....Was that your boyfriend?

Sang ri....No, why?

Jung shi....Nothing.

Sang ri....It was my bestfriend and he was asking to meet me today.

Jung shi....Whatever, its not my business.

Sang ri.....(Whats with his reaction?) Lets go, you have to sign a contract with the fashion company for an ad.

Jung shi....I almost forgot, lets go.

After working, she waited outside for Han soo to pick her up, Jung shi was watching her from his office.Han soo arrived and took her in his car.

Jung shi.....Did she lie to me? She said it was her friend, then why is it a guy picking her up in that fancy car? Could it be that she has a boyfriend? Gosh! Why is all this bothering me? Do i...have feelings for her? It cant just used to her company, thats all.

Jung shi was slowly falling for Sang ri but he didnt realise it, he kept denying it but his heart was falling for her slowly each day.