Sang ri went with him the next day to shoot his first song video.

Ssng ri....Wow! Looks like youve spent alot in this video.

Jung shi....It was indeed alot but its my fisrt video and i want it to be the best.

Sang ri....I undersrand, am sure it will come out well.Go for it so that i can buy your album and listen to this masterpiece.

Jung shi....(Everything she does and says stays on my mind, she is so sweet.) Thanks alot.

Sang ri....Stop thanking me everytime, its my job anyway.

Sang ri recorded everything, after shooting the video, they went back to the company.

Jung shi....Am so tired.

Sang ri....I know, these things are so tiresome but you will benefit from it.

Jung shi....In two weeks time, my album will be complete and i will release it.

Sang ri....Really? Then let me make for you a youtube channel mr.LJ.

Jung shi.....Dont worry about that, my manager will handle it, youve done enough already.

Sang ri.....Why dont we celebrate your hard work today with Yeona?

Jung shi....Good idea, i love it.Its my treat then.

After working, they went to a restaurant and ate while drinking Soju, Sang ri was wasted.

Jung shi....Sang ri, where do you live?

Sang ri....I dont...know...

Yeona....She is so wasted to even talk properly.

At that time, Min yu went inside the same restaurant and saw them, she ran to them.

Min yu....Sang ri?

Yeona....Do you know her? 

Min yu....Ofcourse i do, and who the hell are you?

Yeona....Am her friend Yeona.

Min yu....Yeona? So your that friend who left her? How dare you show your face to her? Sang ri, lets go home, its me, Min yu.

Jung shi....I can drop you off.

Min yu....No thanks, lets go Sang ri.

Sang ri....I want to...stay with Yeona...and sing LJ's song.

Min yu....Enough already, your wasted so lets go home.

Sang ri....I said no, i dont want to.

Yeona....Just let her be, we will take her and keep her safe.

Min yu.....Now you care about her? Fine!

Min yu left angrily and Yeona took her to her place, in the morning, she was sober.

Sang ri....Ouch! My head hurts.

Yeona....Drink this.

Sang ri....Yeona? How did i end up here?

Yeona....You were wasted and i brought you here, you cant remember anything anyway.

She checked her phone and Min yu had called her several times.

Sang ri....Shit! Min yu is now angry at me, she is going to kill me.I should go now.

Sang ri went and met with Min yu.

Sang ri....Am so sorry Minnie, i drunk alot last night that i didnt even know what happened.

Min yu....Thanks alot for embarassing me infront of that guy and your friend Yeona.

Sang ri....What do you mean? Wait....did you come to take me home? Gosh! Am never drinking again, am so sorry if i said anything hurtful to you.

Min yu....Am still angry at you for not telling me that your friend was back and you knew about it but kept it a secret from me.

Sang ri....Am so sorry, am going to introduce you to her soon.I didnt introduce you to her because we were not on speaking terms by then.I should head to work now, love you, later.

She went to the company.

Sang ri....Am sorry about last night.

Jung shi....Why are you apologizing? Anyway, i want to show you the ad about my upcoming song.

Sang ri....Wow! This is so wonderful, wait, it has 28k views in just 8 hours.

Jung shi....Do you think thats alot of views?

Sang ri....What are you even talking about? These are alot of views for a debuting solo artist, its really big.

Jung shi....Am glad.

Sang ri....I still cant believe this, am so proud of you Jung shi.

She hugged him since she was excited.

Sang ri....(Shit! What am i doing? Am crossing the line now, control yourself Sang ri.)

She tried to pull away from the hug but Jung shi didnt let her.

Jung shi.....Lets be like this for sometime.

Sang ri....(What is he saying?)

Jung shi.....(My heart is really racing, am...into her, i like her for real.)

They stopped hugging.

Jung shi....Sorry about that.

Sang ri....Its okay, i kinda got alot excited so, am sorry too.

Jung shi....Why? Is hugging bad? I also...wanted to do it because your always supporting me and your always here for me, it really means alot Sang ri.

Sang ri....(What is he saying? Its so heart touching.) Your welcome.

Jung shi....Anyway, i've been writing a new song and i kept thinking about you and all your motivational words, i will show you the lyrics.

Sang ri....Why...why would you think about me when writing a song?

Jung shi....I dont know, you just inspire me.

Sang ri....(Shit! I cant be seriously blushing right now.But, why is saying such serious words? He seems to mean what he said, but why??)

Jung shi fell for Sang ri seriously but Sang ri had no idea.She was suprised for the words he kept tellin her though didnt take it as a big deal since she always thought that he only loved Sang mi.