Sang ri.....I should go home now, its late already.

Jung shi....Let me take you.

Sang ri....No, your still busy workin on your album so dont mind me.

Jung shi....I insist, lets go.

Sang ri....But...

Jung shi....Hurry, i dont even know where you live so let me take you and see your place too.

He drove her to her place.

Sang ri....This is my place, thanks for bringing me.

Jung shi....Wow! I didnt know that you live in such a rich neighborhood.

Sang ri....Well, i do live here.

Jung shi....Arent you going to invite inside for a cup of tea?

Sang ri....Huh? Sorry, my friends are coming over, so..

Jung shi....I would like to meet your friends too.

Sang ri....Can it be some other day?

Jung shi....Why? Am already here, so, lets go inside.

Sang ri....(Whats with him? Its more like he wants to know more about me, could it be true?)

They went inside and later, Han soo and Min yu arrived.

Sang ri....Guys, this is my boss Mr.Lee Jung Shi, sir, these are my friends, Min yu and Han soo.

Min yu....I know him, we met last time when you were drunk.

Jung shi....Nice to meet you guys.

Han soo....Why are you here?

Han soo got angry.

Sang ri.....Well, i invited him inside for a drink, be good Han soo, will ya?

Min yu....So, lets get to know eachother.

Jung shi....Good idea.

Han soo....I will help Sang ri cook dinner.

Sang ri....Thanks.

Jung shi....I would like to help too.

Han soo....No thanks, we will manage.

Sang ri....Enough both of you, i will do it myself.

She cooked and served them.

Han soo....Eat this Sang ri.

Jung shi....(So this guy likes her too? I cant let him take credits when i like her too.) Sang ri, do you have a boyfriend?

Min yu....Why would you ask her that?

Han soo....Its not your business.

Jung shi....Am just curious.

Ssng ri....Well...

Han soo.....What if she has?

Sang ri....Stop it guys, your not kids.

Min yu....Sang ri, lets talk.

They went to her bedroom to talk.

Sang ri....Whats with them?

Min yu....I think that boss likes you.

Sang ri....I dont think so, he likes my sister.

Min yu....What do you mean? knew him even before the mission?

Sang ri....Sorry, i forgot to tell you.

Min yu....You better tell me everything right now.

Sang ri told her everything about her past life.

Min yu....So his even the brother to that Yeona? Its so messed up.

Sang ri....Thats why am tellin you that he cant like me he likes Sang mi.

Min yu....I can easily tell that his into you, cant you tell? But be careful because your undercover now.

Sang ri....I know.

They went back to them, Jung shi left and Sang ri escorted him outside.

Sang ri....Good night.

Jung shi....Thanks for tonight.

Sang ri....No biggie, drive safe.

Jung shi....I will, see you tomorrow then.

Jung shi drove his car and left.

Sang ri.....(It really cant be true that he likes me, its not true at all.Stop thinking about it Sang ri.)

Later, Han soo and Min yu left too.Jung shi worked on his album day and night since he was to debut as a solo artist.Sang ri was always with him, it was already teo weeks.

Sang ri....Today is the day youve been waiting for, lets get started, now.

Jung shi....Please God, be with me on my debut, my album so it all goes well.

Sang ri.....Trust me, it will go well.

He uploaded his first music video on his youtube channel and the lyrics with the audio.

Sang ri....Give me your phone, your p.c and your tab.It will stress you because your going to check the views every now and then.

Jung shi.....Your right, here.

Sang ri....I will check for you and give you the news tomorrow.

Jun shi....Okay, your right.

Sang ri....Lets go and celebrate with my friends with Yeona for your first solo album LJ.

Jung shi....I would love that, thanks alot Sang ri.

Sang ri....Lets go then, my treat.

As she was walking away, Jung shi pulled her and hugged her.

Sang ri....Why...are we hugging?

Jung shi....Because it feels right.


Jung it.

They all went out to celebrate but Sang ri and Jung shi sneakingly looked at eachother.

Sang ri.....(Am so fuckin uncomfortable, why the heck did he hug me? Why is he looking at me like that? This is getting stuck on my head, stop thinking about it Sang ri.Your on an undercover mission, get in line.)

Jung shi....(I wish i could express my feelings a bit more to her, but she might quit and i dont want to leave my side.This is driving me nuts.)

Han soo noticed how they were looking at eachother and so did Yeona.

Han soo.....(Are they dating? Why are they looking at eachother like that?)