Entrance Exam

( thanks DwiPetruk and Farid_Izlan for power stone :D 

And this is for all my readers in 2 days I will release images of Kaida and Yomi in the review section…)

A chunin then got up and gave a report to the one leading the meeting, Kishio looked at that report and sighed, after 3rd great ninja war the 3rd Hokage had assigned him to supervise the entrance exams And he was told to pass as many students as possible as Konoha had lost thousands of ninja recently 

Looking at the report, he found out that 1652 students were participating this time which was quite a large amount, he said

"we will proceed as planned first we will take the physical test, which will eliminate the physically unfit students"

Kenji Masashi who was assigned to take the physical exam shouted when he got the confirmation to start the test

"Everyone, the first phase of our exam will begin now, you have to run 10 laps around the training ground on the path that has been marked 

10 laps are minimum, but you can continue further as each extra lap will give you more points "

When the group of students first heard that they have to run 10 laps around the field more than half of them sucked a cold breath as it will be around 5 km and even with stronger physique than normal person from earth, they still could not run that much without putting some serious amount of practice in it 

Kenji blew the whistle which indicated the start of the test at that time everyone started running 

Kaida turned to Yomi and said

"let's run at a normal phase as this is more like a test of endurance than speed let's see how much we can run after resting for 1 week"

To this yomi just nodded 

Around 500 hundred students stopped running after 4 to 5 laps and 400 stopped after 8 reps but the remaining students which numbered around 700 were running even though some looked like they were in the last moments of their life 

The children who completed all 10 laps were just 452, all other children were eliminated and asked to return, with advice to train more and take the test next year

All the students of the orphanage were also eliminated except for Kaida, Yomi, and Suri even though Suri was unable to run anymore, he had completed 10 lap

Still, some children decided to continue running which amounted to 64 students, most of them belonged to some reputed clan and had been given special training from early on

But after another 10 laps, the amount reduced to half of the previous amount which further reduced to 10, after another 10 lap 

2 of them being Kaida and Yomi but the difference can be seen easily as even those students who were from reputable clans were now out of breadth, Yomi after seeing this turned toward Kaida and asked 

"It seems like even they are considering stopping now should we also stop for now"

"No need old man said that we have to perform our best, don't tell me you are tired and using them as an excuse"

Hearing the taunt Yomi replied 

"I am not tired BAKA, Let's make a bet about who can run more"

"what's at stake," Kaida asked

"hmm winner will get a massage from the loser"

Hearing that Kaida instantly agreed while other children who were still running looked at both of them and thought

"How are they better than us I am sure they are not from any clan I know"

They had a pride of their own of being from a reputable clan and it was stopping them from losing against someone with no background

But now they too were at their limit they stopped after 30 rounds assuming that Kaida and Yomi were also at their limit and would stop soon

Well what waited didn't only surprise them but also some teachers who were watching the test 

Yomi had run for 58 rounds in total but Kaida had gone ahead of his capacity and ran 62 rounds to win the bet

Kenji came to them to tell them about their score, but he was shocked to see the dejected expression Yomi it became clear when he heard Kaida words

"you lost, but it's not your fault I am simply too awesome to lose"

But seeing the tear in Yomi's eyes Kaida did a 180-degree turn and started saying

"Hey I am just joking you were super good, don't be sad oh I will buy you something when we become ninjas"

"Do you even remember how many times you had said this to me?" Yomi asked

"yes, a complete total of 12 times and I am a man of my word just wait till I become a ninja"

Kenji decided to step between and said

"well now that you guys have completed your physical test only chakra evaluation is left 

and seeing your excellent result Hokage himself has decided that he will check your chakra level congratulation"

both of them nodded and simply followed Kenji 

"Congratulations on passing the entrance exam both of you," Hokage said with a fatherly smile on his face 

But Kaida became confused and said

"lord hokage we have just taken our physical test, our chakra examination is still remaining"

"well both of your score in the physical exam is so high that you don't even need to take a chakra examination as the feet of running 30 km is not something any child can achieve without constant training 

But don't worry I will do your chakra examination so you can come forward one by one"

Listening to that yomi went forward but Hokage didn't even need to make any physical contact and he easily examined Yomi's chakra which surprised him a little as it was 5 times the amount a normal awakened had and some early genin had a similar amount of chakra to her 

After Yomi Kaida went forward but this time the shock of Hokage was doubled as the amount of chakra Kaida possessed was nearly 2 times that of Yomi and 10 times the initial amount everyone unlocks 

Hiruzen thought "Well now it's clear that he is the same as his father in terms of chakra"

Next Chapter: Test results

A.N.: Add to the library so you'll be notified as soon as I update the next chapter! I will update a chapter daily for 5 days a week and an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday if your support is good also, please share your reviews about the chapter in the comments both positive and negative ones are appreciated

: - )