first outing preparation

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again Thanks DwiPetruk for the Power stones buddy :D )

In the morning Kaida woke up fully refreshed he completed his morning work and went to Yomi's house to take her to training

They both went to their training area and started their morning workout after 2 hours they started the tree climbing exercise first Yomi tried the exercise she was able to climb some distance but after reaching 5 meters her concentration wavered a little and she fell down, Kaida already on alert jumped a little to catch her mid-air and bought her down with a princess carry

Yomi had a blush on her face and silently prayed that time stopped for some time so that she could remain like that but Kaida gently put her down and said

"It's all right Yomi I will wait for some time till you can start doing this without any major problems so don't worry"

Yomi nodded and again started climbing the tree this time she was maintaining her full concentration on the chakra flow in her legs she was able to reach the highest length possible, but when she turned to come back down she became nervous, and her concentration again wavered she fell down and again landed On Kaida's arm 

After that, she practiced that exercise for 1 hour straight and fell 4 times total, when she was able to climb and return 4 times in a row Kaida began his tree climbing exercise

Yomi decided to stand guard for him as she knew firsthand the consequences of a momentary distraction while doing this exercise

Kaida didn't say anything and began climbing he was able to climb to the top on his first try but when he was turning to return, he was also taken back a little and his chakra flow messed up a little he was about to fall, but somehow managed to stabilize himself and came back down he repeated the process a couple times more to reassure Yomi that he didn't need any help in this exercise that's when she felt assured and went to do her exercise too

After completing this exercise they both went back to their houses, took a bath, and left for the academy

The first thing they did was get their weapons which Kenji mentioned on reaching the weapon room on 4 floors they were taken back a little as it was full of different types of weapons, like kunai, shurikens, different types of swords, and many more they made their way towards the receptionist and shown him their ID cards

He made their entry and gave them a packet that contained two kunai and six shurikens though they were not as sharp as those carried by another ninja they were not dull either but since they were given to students for practice their sharpness was reduced a little so that they don't harm each other severely by accident

After collecting their package they went towards their class where everyone was already present Kaida and Yomi went towards Ryota and Kiba and sat with them before they could talk with them Kenji entered the class and began teaching

"I hope everyone has begun practicing the Jutsu I taught yesterday from today we will discuss various uses of the following Jutsu I taught yesterday…"

He began teaching various standard uses of the jutsu and everyone listened attentively some even making notes

After the class was over they were asked to come to the training ground where one other teacher was present seeing the doubt on their face Kenji explained

"Some things are easier to learn after seeing the practical, and weapons practice is among them so I and Kaito sensei will show you a demonstration of the usage of kunai and shurikens in a fight

So watch carefully"

After everyone sat at their designated location both of them started the demonstration

Kaito began running around Kenji at a fast speed and throwing shuriken toward Kenji which Kenji deflected with the help of his kunai 

After throwing 12 shurikens both of them started close combat with kunai as their main weapon demonstration went on for 10 min where they would sometimes get separated from each other and throw shurikens at each other which would be deflected by a kunai 

Since both of them were elite chunins they had to tone down their speed and limit the use of chakra so that students could see and learn from the demonstration

After completing the demonstration Kenji stopped looked toward the students and started speaking

"as you have seen shurikens and kunai can be used in multiple ways in a fight, so you should practice it efficiently as it's proficiency will be graded in your next assignment

Now stand in a batch of 15 and start throwing shuriken at the target in front of you as I had taught in class"

Kaida, Yomi, and Ryota stood near each other and started their practice

And to say that their accuracy sucks will be an understatement as not a single shuriken was even landed on the target

Other students didn't do much better except for the Uchiha twins as they were among the few who were able to land shuriken at the target board 

After many rounds and corrections from Kenji Kaida and group was able to somehow hit the target but still it was far from the centre

Seeing the improvement Kenji said

"Everyone had done well as you guys don't have to learn everything in a day your accuracy will increase with time and practice, so continue training hard and after you guys are confident in your accuracy you can move to an area with a moving target, now the class is dismissed for today"

After listening to Kenji's words everyone thanked him for today's lecture and went towards their home Kaida and Yomi continued their practice like yesterday as they only had 24 hours in a day and most of them were already packed with training they decided to not include shurikens practice in there schedule as they are getting time for it in the academy

Similarly, 3 days went by, and the day of the holiday came

(Yomi's point of view...)

Finally, the day is here, even though I like training with Kaida, but constant training was getting boring as he mostly focused on the training until we were doing something dangerous

But when we do he put most of his focus on me so that I don't get hurt, that's what I like about him he always care for other and tries to protect them even getting hurt sometimes in the process

I am glad that I asked him to take a break even though I was anxious about him getting angry over it

At first, I thought he had changed after that day when he was hurt badly by Suri, but I am glad to know that he has not changed much just became a little more handsome

Why does he have to be so handsome, even during class other girls try to steal glances at him, I am just glad that he doesn't pay them any attention otherwise he will be the most popular boy in the class


After ranting in her mind for some time Yomi decided to choose what she was going to wear on the outing today

Whereas Kaida was having a hard time not doing anything

He woke up at 4:30 AM, due to his daily routine 

(Kaida's point of view…)

'Hmm since I had said that today we will not do any practice I can't do any chakra control exercise either

Even though Yomi would not be able to find it if I did it, I don't like the idea of breaking a promise to a friend

But since I don't have a hobby how am I going to pass this time, lest just clean the house and arrange the furniture to pass some time'

Since most of the shops open after 7 am they decided to go out at 7:30 AM


Next Chapter: first outing

A.N.: Add to the library so you'll be notified as soon as I update the next chapter! I will update a chapter daily for 5 days a week and an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday if your support is good also, please share your reviews about the chapter in the comments both positive and negative one's are appreciated

: - )