Taking 2nd Exam

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again Thanks PaTTeS, DwiPetruk, and everyone else for the Power stones buddy :D )

Kenji went towards Hokage's office, after reaching in front of his room he knocked

Knock knock

"come in"

Kenji entered after listening to the command, He bowed and greeted

"Lord Hokage"

"good morning kenji, so what do you want to say"

"Sir, two of my students think that they are ready to take 2nd exam, even though I tried to tell them that they should take their time in learning this jutsu, but they kept saying they are confident enough to take the exam," kenji said with frustration in his voice

Hiruzen smiled and asked

"Are those students Kaida and Yomi"

Kenji was surprised by this sudden question, How did lord Hokage know about their name since this incident had just occurred 

Seeing his face Hiruzen replied 

"they both are quite hardworking fellows and talented ones too, so it was not difficult to guess their name

You can go back and tell them they will have to take their exam in one hour in training area 13"

Kenji just nodded respectfully and left

Hiruzen had a smile on his face thinking, about how Konoha would have two more talented ninjas in the future, he called his secretary and told her that he would be busy for 2 or 3 hours so he told Shikaku to handle the work in my absence after 1 hour,

The secretory just nodded and went back

Shikaku was from the Nara clan, the father of Shikamaru Nara, and was currently Jonin commander of Konoha, just like everyone from Nara Clan, he was also blessed with a great mind but a lazy personality when he heard that Hiruzen transferred all his work to him, he can't help but curse under his breath 

Kenji went back to the academy and called Kaida and Yomi and told them that they would have to take the exam in training area 13 in one hour, lord Hokage himself would watch that

Kaida just nodded but Yomi got tensed up hearing that they would have to take the exam in one hour and lord Hokage himself was watching, but remembering their training and Kaida's confidence in their ability when he was talking to kenji she calmed down

They swiftly made their way toward training area 13, Konoha has many forests inside their village, their length varied from each other and they were named as training areas for ninjas, one can pay and book one training ground if they want to practice something new or dangerous 

Training area 13 was present in the west of the academy, it was a flat ground with the size of 4 football ground and surrounded by a thick layer of trees 

Kaida and Yomi went to the training area and started doing warm-up

After around half an hour kenji and Hokage came to the training area, seeing both of them doing some light exercises, Hiruzen smiled a little 

"Both of you come here, it's time to begin the test," kenji said

When they heard the command both of them went toward kenji, there seeing that Hokage was present both of them bowed their head

"It has been so long, how are you guys doing" Hokage asked

"We have been practicing hard just as you said the previous time" Yomi replied with a wide smile on her face

"very well, I heard that you guys want to take your 2nd exam, are you guys confident in your use of shuriken and those three jutsu"

"yes hokage" Kaida replied 

"very well you guys have to show your skills in shuriken throwing, hit those targets first"

When he said that 3 targets emerged from the ground at a distance of 250m, first Yomi decided to take this test she went forward and threw 3 shuriken back to back and all of them hit the dead centre of the target,

Similarly, Kaida took the test, and with similar speed, he hit the target back to back at dead-centre

Seeing this Hiruzen smiled and said

"very good, now I will through a target in the air at the same distance you guys have to hit the target before it reaches the ground "

This time Kaida decided to take the exam first

Hiruzen used his chakra to make a target like the previous time but tossed it in the air unlike the previous time, 

When it was in the middle of the air Kaida took out a shuriken, and threw it at the target, it hit at the dead centre again 

This was enough to pass any student but, Hiruzen decided to check the limit of the Kaida so this time he tossed three targets at once in the air Kaida seeing this took out three shuriken and threw them one by one 

All of them hit the target at the center, this time he threw five targets in the air, seeing Kaida quickly shifted toward Yomi and shouted 

"Yomi give me your weapon bag"

Yomi threw her back as fast as she could, Kaida caught the bag and swiftly took out five shuriken from it and threw them at Target one by one, but due to time constraints, one shuriken missed the center by a little

Hiruzen was surprised by the quick decision-making capability of Kaida, as he forgot that academy students had only six shurikens allotted to them, and increased the number of targets. He turned toward kenji and asked 

"Can you please retrieve those shurikens"

"yes, lord hokage" kenji quickly used body flicker jutsu and brought all those shurikens back

Hiruzen pointed toward Yomi, and kenji gave all those shuriken to Yomi, Yomi quickly understood what that meant

This was her time for the test, so she got ready Hiruzen once again did the same thing and Yomi was able to hit all the target 

After Yomi hit her last target Hiruzen said

"very good both of you, that's enough, now let's proceed towards jutsu"

Kaida and Yomi became ready to show their progress in the ninjutsu, the Hokage said


A.N.: Add to the library so you'll be notified as soon as I update the next chapter! I will update a chapter daily for 5 days a week and an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday if your support is good also, please share your reviews about the chapter in the comments both positive and negative one's are appreciated

: - )