kaida’s reward

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again Thanks PaTTeS, cottony, and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D )

Kaida fell into deep thought, he wanted many things at the moment and had not sorted out what he would ask from Hokage as he still had nearly 1 year before graduating from the academy

but still, there was one thing that he would like to have which would speed up his growth as well as many plans he has for the future, he looked toward Hokage and said

"Hokage I have read about a jutsu in the library, which was created by lord 2nd himself, it was a jutsu that greatly helped in both learning as well as in fight, the name of the jutsu was –'Shadow clone Jutsu

But no matter how much I tried to find that jutsu in the library, I was unable to do so, can you please teach me that jutsu"

Hiruzen was surprised by this request, the knowledge about shadow clone jutsu was indeed present in the library but, he didn't expect Kaida to ask him for this, complimenting the luck of the boy in his mind to find about such a thing in the library he said

"Kaida, you were unable to find the jutsu in the library, not because it was not present there, it is just that it is a B rank jutsu, and you can just access D rank jutsu, 

As for teaching you about this jutsu can be easily done, since I have some free time for now let me tell you the theory about this jutsu and tomorrow I will teach you how to perform this jutsu"

Kaida was happy about the prospect of learning this Jutsu so simply, as he was thinking about trying to steal the scroll like Naruto, but stopped since he didn't have plot Armor to save himself if he got caught

Yomi on the other hand fidgeted her hand and nervously looked at Hokage since the jutsu, they were talking about would no doubt make Kaida more powerful than he currently is. 

Hokage watched in amusement for some time after which he said with a small laugh

"haha, you can also learn this jutsu with Kaida, Yomi, since he also got to listen about your reward it is fitting for you to also learn to share his reward, right?"

"yes" Yomi shouted, but then with a blush on her face tried to become so small that no one would see her, Alas she didn't know any such jutsu

(A.N: For extra info, shadow clone jutsu is not a forbidden jutsu like many think, it is multi-shadow clone jutsu which is forbidden and an A rank jutsu :P )

Seeing this Hiruzen smiled and started telling both of them about the Jutsu

"The shadow clone jutsu is very different from the clone jutsu you guys know, as you know that is just an illusion caused by chakra to create a momentary distraction,

On the other hand, the clone as the name suggests, created by shadow clone jutsu can physically attack like you as well as use jutsu, many elemental clone techniques can do just that

Like earth clone of Iwagakure can used for taijutsu warfare as they are quite hard as well as use earth-related jutsu, The same for other elements too 

But what makes shadow clone different from normal clone jutsu is its memory retention capabilities, the shadow clone if destroyed by the enemy, or self-destroyed can transfer its memory back to the caster 

This aspect is what helps many ninjas to learn more which you were talking about Kaida"

Kaida nodded but with a questioning look asked

"Hokage sama, if this jutsu is so much better than clone jutsu, why doesn't village teach it at the academy in place of clone jutsu?"

"the answer to your question is quite simple you know, the chakra consumption for this jutsu is quite high forget about academy students or genin even some chunin are unable to perform this Jutsu 

it takes a large amount of chakra to make a shadow clone as, it contains all of your memories, as well as an order to do something and it also stores some extra chakra to maintain it, though you can add more chakra in it than necessary for it to perform various jutsu

the moment its chakra goes below the point that it is unable to hold your memory the clone gets destroyed and you get the memory back

also if it destroys itself before the chakra runs out then you also get some of your chakras back with memory"

this was most of what was needed for them to know about jutsu after teaching them about this he asked if they had any questions, Yomi raised her hand to ask a question 

"yes Yomi"

"Hokage if the chunins can't do this jutsu, then will I even be able to perform the jutsu?"

"yes that's what I was going to say next, both of you come here I will check if you have the required chakra to perform the jutsu"

Both of them came forward to Hiruzen as he spread his chakra outward than with a smile on his face he said

"congratulation you guys have enough to at least learn the jutsu and make one shadow clone 

Kaida you can make two with your reserve but they will not have much chakra to perform any jutsu"

Both of them smiled, but suddenly Kaida raised a hand this time, Hiruzen nodded his head to ask 

"Hokage sama, can you please tell us how much chakra we possess compared to others"

Hiruzen pondered about how to tell them, then he decided to go with the easiest approach he said

"if we take the chakra of a civilian as one unit when they awaken their chakra, then Yomi you have 15 units of chakra, as for you Kaida you have approximately 32 units of chakra, the chakra used for making a shadow clone is about 10-11 unit of chakra, with practice you reduce that amount to around 7-8 unit of chakra"

Now seeing neither of them had any questions left Hiruzen said

"you can go back for now, come to training are 13 at 6 AM tomorrow, I will teach you how to make a shadow clone there"


A.N.: Add to the library so you'll be notified as soon as I update the next chapter! I will update a chapter daily for 5 days a week and an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday if your support is good also, please share your reviews about the chapter in the comments both positive and negative ones are appreciated

: - )