Monday meeting

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

30 power Stones I will release one extra chapter 

60 power stone I will release two extra chapter

100 power Stones I will release three extra chapters

Within a week so BRING ME POWER STONES)

(A.N: Again Thanks PaTTeS, cottony, Cadmus_Crow, Ramot, Fluffy_pillow1

 and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D

Now, I want to ask for help, especially from you guys, as you can see we have more than 30 chapters now, but we still don't have many reviews so we don't get our rating TT

So this is a request if you like this novel please write a review :D


Since it was an important week for them they should learn as much as they could. Both of them decided to postpone their holiday for this week

After a constant practice of shadow clone jutsu, they were able to reduce the jutsu cost to a maximum of 9 units of energy, though Kaida can sometimes make it by using 8 units of energy, they were a rare occurrence,

Leaving that aside the major change that happened due to their training was a sudden increase in their chakra reserve, they can't measure there as accurately as Hiruzen but still, they can feel that they have somehow doubled their chakra reserve in one week,

Whether it was due to increasing their spiritual energy like Hiruzen said, or always emptying their chakra reserves and feeling it back to back using shadow clones, or the combination of both 

But due to this, their learning speed has doubled, Yomi was now able to make 3 shadow clones and Kaida was able to make 6 shadow clones and had a feeling that very soon he would be able to make his 7th clone, 

On Sunday 11 brains were working on increasing their knowledge as much as they could, at night they played shogi with 4 matches at the same time, they have reached the beginner level in that too due to playing close to 100 matches against each other in the last week, Kaida was playing to increase is tactical thinking and ability to think some move ahead

On the other hand Yomi was just playing because, she was getting to spend some time with Kaida, she did not have any interest in tactics, but since the growth was apparent in such a method she decided to stick with it till the end, as at least she is getting some alone time with Kaida 

Since they didn't know about the timing they had to report to Hokage, as he just said that come to his office on Monday, so they decided to go to his office at 6 AM to enquire further

(on Monday…)

Kaida and Yomi woke up and got ready, from when they had learned shadow clone jutsu, their house was very clean and arranged, one Kaida clone cleaned the room, and the other made breakfast for them

Yomi was really happy, that they got to learn this awesome jutsu, now they could eat breakfast made by Kaida, without him wasting time, and breakfast was the only meal of the day in which they didn't eat nutrient bar and ate an actual meal for last week,

After eating breakfast, they went toward Hokage's office, on reaching the office Kaida went to the receptionist and said

"Good morning miss, lord hokage had asked up to come to his office on Monday though he hasn't provided a specific meeting time. Could you please inquire about the timing when should come"

"Of course, little gentleman, both of you can sit there, I will ask lord hokage about this"

She said while ruffing the hair Kaida, Yomi made a pout while seeing this but kept her mouth shut

They both sat on the sofa, and after 10 the receptionist came to them and said 

" Lord Hokage is free now, and asking both of you to go to his office"

In reality, he was going to do some work, but when he heard that both of them were here, he remembered that he indeed forgot to tell them the time, so he postponed his work a little to meet them

"Lord Hokage" both Kaida and Yomi greeted Hokage while bowing 

"So how is your training going, have you guys made any progress in shadow clone jutsu"

"yes lord Hokage we were able to reduce the cost of shadow clone jutsu to some extent"

"Oh, very well make a shadow cone with the least amount of chakra you can"

Both of them nodded to each other and performed the hand sign for shadow clone jutsu


Two clones were formed near them, but Hiruzen was dumbfounded, that they were able to reduce the cost this much in just 1 week, which would take most ninjas months of practice, and it was not even the most shocking part, they had somehow doubled their chakra reserves, he asked both of them 

"tell me exactly, what you guys were doing for the whole week"

They can tell by the tone of Hiruzen that he is serious for some reason

So they told him about their full schedule, and listening to that an understanding came on the Hiruzen's face 

they had not used 1 week as 1 week, in reality, due to using shadow clone, they were able to learn same thing a ninja will learn in2-3 months as 

they somehow trained for 18 hours daily for the last 1 week and used 4-8 shadow clones for learning they have just somehow managed to do it, the work of 3 months in 1 week

he remembered the teaching of Hashirama Senju, "Talent is just working harder than working hard", and these two ninjas in front of him were proof of this 

he smiled and said 

"very good both of you, if you continue to work this hard, I am sure both of your parents will be very proud of you in heaven 

Now the most important thing for which I called you is this"

He took out two chakra papers and put them on the table, seeing Yomi suddenly said

"Lord Hokage, we have already checked our chakra nature, mine is lightning, and Kaida's is fire, you don't have to waste that chakra paper" and then as a whisper "It is costly"

"hahaha, no problem my child this much is nothing for you guys, as for your chakra nature

It is wonderful news that you have a lightning attribute it is very rare and hard to tame but this attribute can make you strong if mastered properly, as for Kaida there is no element as destructive as fire so you too can become strong

But this chakra paper is special you will see once you pass your chakra from it"

Both of them nodded and passed their chakra from it

Kaida paper was divided into 3 different sizes the largest one burned the medium-sized one got bisected into two and the last one turned into dust

As for Yomi her chakra paper was divided into two parts, lasted one crumbled, and the second one became wet 

Hiruzen was very happy with the result, it was not daily that you got to see such a combination, and that too in such talented children, he said

"very good the details you just got tell us about all of your chakra nature, since both of you have such a great combination of chakra attributes, I will arrange a teacher for both of you to learn from, as you may know, in 3rd part of your academy you guys were going to learn elemental jutsu, 


A.N.: Add to the library so you'll be notified as soon as I update the next chapter! I will update a chapter daily for 5 days a week and an extra chapter for Saturday and Sunday if your support is good also, please share your reviews about the chapter in the comments both positive and negative one's are appreciated

: - )