Deadly Training

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Again, Thanks cottony, DaoistnPuZ96, DaoistlElWq1, Geoffrey_Abbott, D4rk_Sky, Wesley_Tebbens1998, PaTTeS, Ramot, Parzival_D_Phantom, Apex_predd, DaoistDragonEye, Tito_Barnes and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)



Hiruzen at first wanted to read the memory of kaida to check if there was something he was hiding, but quickly discarded that thought as reading memory can be dangerous for a person and harm them mentally

Now kaida had become too valuable to even try, as he didn't want to lose such a powerful card 

While Hiruzen was thinking this Kaida and Yukihiro reached the Training area, but they didn't start training until just now 

"Kaida I think we need to change our plan now, since you now have access to the chakra metal sword we need to start your different training," Yukihiro said

"You are going to teach me chakra flow now?" Kaida asked with his eyes practically glowing

"yes but chakra flow is quite deadly so you are not going to do the training, we will sit and watch your clone do the practice while I will tell you how to rectify the mistakes your clone makes"

Kaida just nodded his head, too excited to learn it now, because now chakra flow had become too powerful to ignore with his fire chakra

Kaida quickly made 24 shadow clones and half of them used transformation jutsu to become a sword needless to say chakra metal sword 

But this time their design was different from Yukihiro's sword rather it was based on his memories from a previous life, from a game he used to play as a child 

A completely black sword with a wavy pattern, truly a beauty 

Even Yukihiro was impressed by the sword, he took one sword and passed his fire chakra from the sword, not seeing any problem with the sword they went to the next phase of the training 

Each of Kaida's clones picked one sword and began trying to pass fire chakra through the sword, which was not very difficult due to constant training during fire chakra control training 

The real problem started when they began their sparing session as just a small scratch or even gaze from the sword and the clone would be dispersed 

It was to a point that within just 10min only 6 clones were remaining since Kaida only had 8 hours before the effect of the soldier pill would end he constantly made new clones one by one for 7 hours, after which Yukihiro stopped him from continuing any further

He went back to his house after eating 4 times his usual serving as his exhaustion this time was much more than normal

Then with a sleep of 22 hours, he was as fresh as a daisy, this was the first time that kaida woke up with a peaceful smile and not an urgency to train

The time he came into this world he was extremely happy that he could now live a happy life without the constant pain that haunted every second of his previous life

But living a normal life was never an option in ninja world if you don't have the power to protect it, as any time you may be sacrificed for the greater good, and you are supposed to feel happy about that

Fuck that

But if you have enough power then there is nothing stopping you from living the way you want

Though he has not reached that level of power, for now, he has gotten something more, he has become important to Konoha 

Now at least he doesn't have to worry about higher of Konoha to fuck his life anymore

And if power is concerned he can now see that if he continues his training like he is doing now, he can reach Jonin level in 3 to 4 year at max

Sorting out his thoughts kaida got up from his bed and once again sent his clone shopping, after having a hearty breakfast with Yomi they once again went back to training now she had also completed her elemental training and she would also take a soldier pill today so that she can learn 5 elemental jutsu in 3 days she have with her sensei

Upon reaching the Training area Kaida was not surprised to find Yukihiro waiting for him recently their bond was deepening a little as before kaida used to train on his own and only talked to him when he completed his training 

Now the case is different, Yukihiro was actively teaching his now and due to the miraculous effect of the soldier pill he had almost spent a year with Yukihiro by the end of 15 days if we take clone memories into consideration 

No doubt ninja grow up fast due to chakra their body mature quite early and remain in prime form, as for mental age I think I am already 14-15 years of age if I take into consideration the time my clones were used to

This thought was a little frightening

For the next three days, kaida keep on making new clones to practice chakra flow, since they can even let a single scratch on their body, the clone was developing extreme defense and offence was already high due to fire chakra flow, as stated previously there was no other elemental chakra as destructive as fire chakra slowly kaida was becoming very scary opponent in kenjutsu without even knowing 

At the end of the third day kaida's clones were able to spar for 30 min before they get disperse, though the time may not seem much it was the time in which they didn't even get a scratch on their body when 2 hours were remaining Yukihiro called kaida and said…


(A.N: Hey if you liked this new theory I came up with please leave a comment, I like it when you guys share your views with me:-D)