
(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday (DONE)

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday (LET'S SEE)

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(We had 98 powerstones this week, though it is 2 powerstone less than the decided amount, still 98 is also great, but I hope next week we will be able to complete the target

This chapter is also thanks to 2 new reviews I got this week)

After 2 hours all of them arrived at the village gate, where a caravan was ready to head out, it was different from the normal caravan Kaida was used to seeing it had many carts filled with items and even 2 carts for some people to sit

Yukihiro arrived there after them, seeing them watching the caravan like that he said

"This is a caravan of a very wealthy merchant, only they can afford to post-mission for a full ninja squad most small merchants only hire small-time ninjas as their escort, they don't have much money to issue an escort mission"

Kaida remembered hearing something from Ayame's dad, now that I think about he never told me his name

Since it was a well-organized caravan, where everyone was doing their job team 13 didn't have much interaction with anyone, they just showed the paper that they would be escorting them and that's it

"Kaida you will be in front, Yomi and Ryota you will be on left and right I will handle back, if you find any problem try to handle it on your own, I will interfere if you guys need my help, any objections"

"no Sensei," all of them said

This was the first time Kaida took a step out of Konoha after coming to this world, he felt a little happy

They traveled for half a day without any stop when the night was slowly approaching Ryota came to Kaida and said

"There are 10 people hiding ahead of us, I can smell blood from them"

"An ambush ha, how far are they," Kaida asked while thinking of a plan, but deep down he still didn't want to kill anyone

"They are 1 km away from us, wait they are moving away I think they are running"

Kaida quickly made a shadow clone and sent it toward the direction pointed out by Ryota 

His clone found 10 fully bandits looking people running away

"hmm they must have seen the size of the caravan and flew thinking that ninja must be its escort" After confirming this clone dispersed itself

Kaida received its memory and sighed, he didn't have to kill anyone, but there was one person who was not happy about this

Yukihiro had sent his clone to follow Kaida's clone, when he saw the bandit, he was expecting Kaida to fight them but instead of seeing him getting ready for a fight, Yukihiro saw that Kaida was sighing in relief 

Yukihiro now understood what Hokage was saying Kaida and Yomi don't know the consequences of their action, even if they have power they don't have the resolve to use that power for good

Though Yukihiro could have killed them it was Kaida's decision, not his, Kaida had to face the consequences of his decision 

The rest of the mission was completed with no more problems and they went back to the village on the third day

 When they entered the village Kaida was shocked to find a familiar face there 

Ayame's father was running toward the Academy, Kaida used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and appeared in front of him, then he saw it

A face full of tears and grief, Kaida had a bad feeling about this

"What happened mister, why are you crying," Kaida asked now all of his team members arrived 

"Kaida san, my daughter my daughter is kidnaped, those bandits kidnapped her please save her, please save my daughter" 

"calm down first and tell us what happened" Yukihiro came in front and asked

"We were going back to our village after selling our goods, but we were attacked on our way back, the ninja who was protecting us died during the attack, they kidnapped all the girls and stole all the money, please save my daughter"

Yukihiro looked toward his team and said

"This is a rescue mission time is essence, I am going to the academy to register the mission Kaida you take him to the hospital and patch him a little he is going to lead us to the location"

Yukihiro said while pointing toward a sword mark at Ayame's father's leg

"yes sensei," Kaida said and picked him up and took him to the hospital using wind instantaneous movement jutsu 

Just in 20 minutes, they were back at the village gate Yukihiro said 

"Yomi since you don't have any movement jutsu you will stay here and I will not hear any objection"

"yes sensei," she said begrudgingly, completely deciding to learn a movement jutsu as soon as possible 

"Kaida I am taking him and you will take Ryota and Kiba on your shoulder, we will need him to find those bandits

 old man points us toward the direction where you were attacked"


The old man kept on pointing in the direction and Yukihiro and kept on using wind instantaneous movement jutsu to travel both of them had eaten a soldier pill by now

In half an hour they reached the attack location, there were still bodies lying there, two ninja, rest of the men who were killed by bandits just for fun

"Old man you will stay here," Yukihiro said, then looked toward Ryota and said

"find the direction they went" 

Without wasting any time Ryota and Kiba got to business and started running in a direction 

After 20 min they were in front of a hideout in a cave there were some bandits outside laughing 

Kaida was shocked to see that they were the same bandits he had seen during his previous mission

Now he was angry with himself, if he had killed them then and there none of this would have happened 

"We are going to silently kill these bandits so that they will not alarm other bandits and don't harm the hostages"

Just when they were making plans to save the hostage Kaida saw something

He looked toward the entrance of the cave and saw a bandit dragging a half-naked girl out of the cave 

"Throw her in the hole" he threw her body and went back 

Kaida was stunned seeing this, his anger and haterade grew to an astronomical amount because that girl looked like Ayame

The anger was not toward the bandit it was toward himself, if he had killed those mutherfuckers before she would not have to go through that

His anger grew to such an amount that he started having pain in his eyes, without him knowing he activated his one tomoe SHARINGAN 

Suddenly the whole world became clearer to him he was able to see every little detail now, and that's when he noticed 

The girl was still alive all thanks to Sharingan, Kaida was about to jump toward the cave when he felt a hand on his shoulder 

"Kaida you will put everyone's life in danger if you let your anger get the best of you, there are still hostages inside"

Kaida understood what Yukihiro was saying he took deep breadth and said

"Sensei, I will save everyone not a single person will die can I go now"

Yukihiro looked into Kaida's eyes for some time they nodded their head

Kaida ran in the opposite direction and made 20 shadow clone 

Each one of the clones used Earth Release: Earth Military Movement Technique and went inside the ground and slowly made their way toward the cave 

inside the cave, there was 3 room in the first one they stored item they stole in 2nd, the 5 women they had captured, and in the last room 12 bandits were eating and laughing

since only 2 bandits were there in 2nd room 2 of Kaida's clones came out of the earth from their blind spots and put their hands on their mouths while the other two came out and sliced their throat 

those bandits died without anyone knowing how one of the Kaida's clones dispersed itself so that Kaida would know that the hostages were safe 

while this was happening Kaida saw two bandits outside the cave fighting to decide whole would first enjoy the girl's body, it was getting increasingly difficult for Kaida to control himself just when he was about to lose his cool, he got the memory of his clone he made a clone and dispersed it 

He used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and appeared right behind one of the bandits and punched his head 

Kaida was doing physical exercise while carrying a weight of 330kg for quite some time, but since he never had a chance to try his strength, even he didn't know how much powerful he had become

So when he punched using his full force the head of the bandit blasted open and the other bandit who had just seen the head of his friend last open was shocked beyond belief just when he was going to call for help 

Kaida gripped his neck and with a twist of his hand he killed the bandit then he ran toward the girl 

Took off his jacket and placed it on Ayame's upper body, feeling Ayame open her eye

"Kaida san is that you, hah I knew you would come to save me, I had not allowed them to touch me no matter how much they had beaten me, I love you Kaida can only you be allowed to touch me" she said before she closed he eyes again 

Not understanding how to describe his feelings Kaida just sat there keeping Ayame on his lap then his clone came out of the cave with the remaining 5 hostage one of them ran toward Kaida 

"Ayame are you alright Ayame," one of the old-looking women asked

"She is just unconscious, please take her with you my clone will escort you to a safe location," Kaida said then passed Ayame to one of his clones and 5 of them escorted them toward Yukihiro's location 

Hearing the commotion outside, a bandit came to check the situation

He was the same bandit who threw Ayame out, Kaida could have easily killed him without giving him any chance to inform his partner, but he was too angry to give him such an easy death 

(A.N: for this chapter, I actually don't want power stone that much just tell me if you liked the chapter or not, though you can still give power stones with that, but I would primarily like to know your review of the chapter)