Bandit Extermination Part-2

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


Image of Ayame in comment section, also please answer the question at the last of the chapter

(A.N: Thanks cottony, PaTTes, Marcus_Scales, Orion_7925, carlos123995, ranaltor, Daoist2xDOsd, Ph4ve, kingsin , Zkopa_, D_R_5303, PrinceofReaders and everyone else for the Power Stones buddy :D)

Kaida activated his sharingan and found him 70 meters away from them he used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and appeared behind the ninja, with a sword in his hand he slashed directly toward his neck 

Feeling that his life was in danger the ninja jumped forward though he was able to save his neck a cut mark appeared behind his neck, seeing that he had no chance of making out alive he crushed the poison in his mouth and died

Yukihiro appeared next to kaida

"Most ninja are very loyal to their village and choose the village over their life most of the time

Go handle your friend I will handle the rest"

"Okay sensei"

Kaida used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and appeared next to Ryota and Yomi,

Seeing that blood in front of them both of them were puking their guts out, Kaida too felt like puking after seeing so much blood but was able to control himself 

*bark bark* 

Kiba was trying to help them, Kaida saw that and said

"let them be buddy," Kaida said to Kiba while patting him 

Kiba and Kaida sat in the corner and waited for them to finish puking, Yukihiro stored the body of the ninja in a scroll and buried everyone else in the ground 

Then came and sat with Kaida

"Killing never gets any easier, it's us who get stronger," Yukihiro said with a sad face

When Ryota and Yomi were done puking Kaida went and offered them some water, after they went back to the place where they spent their night and took a rest for 1 hour there, where Yomi and Kaida talked with each other

"Are you all right," Kaida asked

"sighs Yeah, I'm okay... It's just... I didn't expect it to turn out like this." Yomi said

"I know, it's tough. But we did what we had to do"

"I know, but... (looks down) taking a life, even if they were bandits... it's never easy."

"I understand. Remember what Sensei said? Sometimes, as ninjas, we must make difficult choices to protect the ones we care about." Kaida said

"I know, but it doesn't make it any less painful," Yomi said while clenching her fists 

"Yeah, it is painful. But we're a team, and we'll always have each other's backs."

"Thanks, Let's focus on protecting the village and keeping everyone safe."

"That's the spirit, now go and take some rest"

Yomi went into the tent and took a little nap

"Nice motivational speech Kaida" Yukihiro said while sitting next to Kaida 

"ha-ha, thanks sensei" Kaida chuckled a little

"when they wake up we will go back to the village, we will rest for today and take another mission tomorrow, 

Kaida I am telling you now, but the land of fire is infested by so many bandits not only because our village is lacking ninjas, but also because other villages are trying to use this time to weaken the economy of Konoha 

Most of our transport ways are filled with bandits, and since other villages are supporting them, these bandits are running wild and killing innocent people here and there

The consequence of a power struggle between villages is paid by normal people, we have to take mission regularly we don't have a choice"

"I understand sensei, and I am sure they will be all right by tomorrow"

They also took some rest and went back to the village, since there was no need to save chakra now one used movement jutsu to reduce the time of the travel,

They reached the village in 3 hours, and bid farewell to each other Yukihiro went the submit the report of the mission, and Yomi and Kaida went back to their house

While Ryota and Kiba went to the Inuzuka compound to tell his parent about the mission

For that day none of them did any training and just took a much-needed rest, the mental exhaustion of this mission was very high for Yomi and Kaida decided to stay with her

After staying indoors for the whole day they went out for an evening walk ate dinner and came back, till now Yomi was back to normal

Kaida seeing this thought

'why I was so casual after killing those bandits the first time, maybe because of sharingan or anger for Ayame, I didn't have time to think about what I did

Now that I think about it I didn't have any problem with killing them now too, was that because I had already killed someone, or something else

Well I think is for sure they 100% deserve that, so even if I was given a second chance I would still kill them'

At night one of Yukihiro's clones came to their door to tell them that they had to meet at the village gate at 5 AM tomorrow

Next day …

Kaida and Yomi woke up at 4 AM and completed their bathroom need, wore their mission attire, and went toward the village gate Yukihiro was already present there, and Ryota also arrived in 2 minutes using body flicker jutsu

"So how are you guys feeling" Yukihiro asked mainly focused on Yomi and Ryota

"We are fine sensei," Ryota said and Yomi nodded her head

"That's good we once again have a mission of bandit extermination, this time it is near a village and they are harassing the villagers the chances of any ninja involvement are low but still keep your guard up"

"Yes sensei" all three of them replied

After that, they once again started running toward the location of the mission, and since it was not that far, they reached the location by 4 PM,

(A.N: since we here can achieve a speed of 44km/h on Earth, I think ninjas can also run at that speed if not higher

So team 13 Can cover a distance of 200-300 km in 10 hours is believable right)

They first went to the village from where the request had come, a looking village guard was guarding the gates of the village, Yukihiro showed the mission request to him and that old man took them to the house of the village chief

"Thank god you people arrived, the bandits had given us the time of 3 days to give them half of our crops and 1 million Ryo, otherwise they would kidnap every girl from our village

And today was the last day of that time"

"No problem old man, can you tell us the location of their camp"

"Sorry but none of the villagers had ever gone to the bandit camp and come back, so we don't know the location of the bandit camp," the Village chief said with a sad face

"Well, we will take care of that," Yukihiro said and stood up, three of them followed him out of the village, accompanied by the village chief and village guard

"Ryota can you find the traces of the bandits" Yukihiro asked

"Yes sensei" Ryota and Kiba got to work, Kaida also activated his sharingan to find the traces of the bandits

Ryota stopped his searching and looked toward the village chief

"Sir, do bandits come to the village on horses"

"Yes Three bandits came yesterday on horses to remind us of the deadline," the village chief said

"Now that makes it easy, sensei I can trace them back," Ryota said

"Okay we will follow you," Yukihiro said

And everyone started running behind Ryota, though Kaida was also able to follow the footsteps of horses, he decided to follow Ryota and save some chakra

They arrived at the bandit camp

Which was in the bamboo forest, they had made 3 makeshift houses and one main house in the center which was probably where their leader resided

Yukihiro decided to help them this time he spread his chakra field and sent them toward the bandit camp

"There are 27 bandits in the camp 24 in those 3 huts and 3 in the centre, no ninja," Yukihiro said

"Sensei how were you able to find that" Kaida asked the question in the mind of everyone 

"Chakra can do many things boy sensing is one of them, now that I remember you guys have to do a specialization right, one of the things you can learn is being a sensor ninja, but leave that aside we have a mission to complete

Go one you guys know the drill"

 (A.N: I had increased the size of chapter and removed the mistakes from starting chapter, even uploaded for 60 day straight

now an important question if I Open A patreon Accounnd will anyone support me?🥹)