Kaida vs Jonin

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: This is a HAPPY NEW YEAR gift from my side, 😊)


(10 min before…)

Kaida was looking toward his enemy he was sure that Ryota and Yomi would not be able to handle 6 chunin by themselves

Even though he had told Yomi to run away at times of danger, there are many variables in the play, he didn't even want to think what would happen if she was not able to run, or if any enemy ninja attempted any surprise attack and she was not able to run away in time

So even though he knew that he had to fight a Jonin who had much more battle experience, the only thing going on in His mind was 'complete the fight as fast as you can and go help your friend'

The moment he saw the enemy from the tree he was in, Kaida threw a kunai fully coated in fire chakra, the only reason he threw the kunai was to distract the ninja and make an opportunity for an attack,

Just as Kaida had expected, the ninja sensed the kunai and dodged it, using that moment Kaida appeared behind the ninja using wind instantaneous movement and slashed downward with his sword completely covered in fire chakra

But was shocked to see the ninja dodge the attack, and even at a speed that was astonishing in the least

Due to which attack this attack which could have been lethal was only able to leave a single wound on the ninja

'well he is a Jonin, I should not have thought I would be able to kill him in a single attack' Kaida thought

After that, he began forming a fireball, and that's when he made eye contact with his enemy, but the ninja suddenly started making a hand sign though Kaida didn't require a hand sign to make a fireball it still required 2 sec to completely form the fireball and throw it 

Kaida quickly made a fireball and threw it at the ninja, 

Though Ninja saw the fireball heading toward him he didn't evade or stop the hand sign and just before the fireball was going to reach him 


A huge smoke wall appeared in front of the ninja and an armadillo animal appeared when the smoke faded 

'fuck now he has a defense-type summon too, great this is going to be tricky' Kaida though

"Fuck, that hurts, where the hell you called me Kazuki," the summons asked

"Toshi this is important, the boy in front of us is strong, I am already injured by him, we have to get rid of him anyhow, so just protect me the best you can, I will focus on offense"

Kaida was not going to wait for them to make a plan, he already had used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and appeared behind Kazuki, since fireball was predictable and now the enemy had a shield that looked quite sturdy (his summon)

Kaida made many wind blades and threw them toward both Toshi and Kazuki, he was sure that they would get hit by the attack since both of them were distracted 

But the summon sensed the attack and used the shell on his back to defend both himself and Kazuki, Kaida's wind blades were strong enough to tear through a 1-inch thick steel plate, but they were unable to penetrate the scales of Toshi

Kaida was able to see that Toshi was hardening his scale using chakra, expecting the fight to drag on Kaida used wind instantaneous movement jutsu and created some distance between them

He quickly made a shadow clone and sent him toward Ryota and Yomi's location and since the clone had 15% of his chakra, Kaida was sure that it would be able to handle the situation 

Now he can completely focus on His fight he used wind instantaneous movement jutsu again to travel back near Toshi

Since he can penetrate his defense using any of his jutsu, Kaida decided to use kenjutsu instead

He coated his sword with fire chakra and started fighting Toshi in close combat, Toshi too used his claw to defend but he was not able to defend against all of Kaida's attacks and was getting wounded slowly

Kazuki wanted to attack Kaida but Kaida always maintained a position such that Toshi would always remain in between them, and whenever Kazuki decided to create some distance between them Kaida always seized that opportunity to attack him

In just 5 minutes Toshi was full of minor injuries and Kazuki was unable to land a single attack on Kaida, he was sure that if Toshi was not there Kaida would have surely killed him,


Suddenly a red smoke emerged from some distance, it was a clear symbol of retreat for Kazuki and others from their leader, and since the color red means he was saying that he had no chance to retreat,

"Toshi I am retreating just hold him for some time I will unsummon you after reaching a safe distance," Kazuki said

"Okay, but don't expect me to stop him at the cost of my life okay" 

"don't worry I have no intention of killing you now that you are running with your tail between your legs if you want to run then run fast," Kaida said with a smirk

Though this angered Kazuki, it was a very big blow to his ego for him to run away from a boy this young, but he was not going to put his ego above his life

Even though Kaida had said that he was not going to continue to attack them, Kazuki still kept Toshi summoned and ran 2km away from Kaida

Till then Kaida and Toshi were face to face with each other both of them were ready to attack and defend at any moment

When Kazuki was a safe distance away from Kaida he unsummoned Toshi as he didn't want to lose his partner 

Then kept on running toward their temporary base, now that their mission had failed they had to report it back as fast as they can


(A.N: Don't worry chapter length will be 1.5 times from next chapters ^.^ )