Iwagakure’s Fate

(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Yup I know I am super late and I am sorry, as you guys know I had an accident at the start of this new year and the pain resurfaced once again so I have to take another break and I am sorry for the delay, from now on I will try my best to not make such delays anymore once again thank you all for supporting me 😊)

While Konoha was having a meeting about how to proceed after being attacked during such an important mission, Iwa was also having a meeting in Kage's Office 

Onoki (the kage of Iwa) with a hunched back said to one of the consultant 

"how the hell did we fail such a simple mission we knew the path they would take the number of ninjas they would deploy the timing of the mission everything about them was Taken into consideration then how the hell we are the ones who took the loss"

"We don't know sir according to the report they were unlucky, because they faced Yukihiro on this mission, and he is considered an S-rank ninja if we only talk about Kenjutsu, and his ninjutsu is also nothing to scoff at"

"They fucking only had one Jonin and we had sent 20 ninjas, you are saying that one fucking Jonin was able to kill 15 ninjas and safe everyone too"

Another consultant said 

"Sir in the report it was said that they fell for an ambush, and due to that they suffered such a loss"

"Are you a fool that is the reason why I am so angry, we had made so many preparations so that we could ambush them not the other way around"

"Sir Konoha have many clans which excel in Sensing and tracking technique, I believe it was the Inuzuka brat from the team who was able to sense them somehow, also according to the Kazuki's statement

One of the genin which we have not taken into consideration was more powerful than him, he was alone able to hold Kazuki till Yukihiro handled our other Jonin

Even other genin were also somehow able to compete against our chunins"

Onoki's expression became stiff after hearing that, with a serious demeanor he said

"How the hell is Konoha able to produce such geniuses again and again, previously that Yellow Flash was somehow able to handle our thousand of ninjas, and now there are these brats that can hold their ground against a trained jonin, hah! I am getting too old for this shit"

Even though Onoki was Visibly pissed one of the consultants still mustered the courage and asked the question that was in the mind of everyone present there 

"Sir what should we do about them now"

"what the fuck are you talking about obviously we have to deal with them as soon as we can otherwise the future of Iwagakure will be darker than now"

"But sir if we want to successfully eliminate them we will have to send at least 30 more ninjas and 3 to four of them have to be Jonin, and even though we are relatively in better condition than Konoha we are still facing a shortage of ninjas 

It will take at least 3 days to assemble the team and for them to reach the land of noodles it will take even more time, I don't think we will have that much time for this"

"What if we try to set another ambush and their way back, can we manage to send our ninjas till they're at least" Onoki asked 

"Sir we can manage that but I don't think they will be stupid enough to use the same path once again, there are very high chance that we will only be wasting our manpower without any result"

"So we don't have any way to deal with some brat and a single join, how did Iwagakure become so weak," Onoki said with his anger continuously rising 

"Sir there are some ways we can deal with this situation, but in them, we will be losing much more than we will gain, if you make a move yourself we can easily eliminate them, but Iwagakure will become a laughing stock for other village in that case 

Or we can call some of the jonin from the mission early, but we will once again put the reputation of Iwagakure at stake"

"Leave it's not worth it we have already taken so much loss for such a simple mission, but make our spies in Konoha Active and ask them to find out more about this f***ing team, now you can go back "

Onoki had many complicated thoughts in his mind for 3 consecutive great ninja wars Iwagakure was always on the losing end as their single goal during every single ninja war was to get some fertile land for their village so that their village could become a self-sufficient village 

Not only they were unable to get any fertile land but they even lost a huge number of their shinobi, Onoki though powerful were not able to get their village the thing it needed the most The fertile land 

The only main reason for this was that Konoha kept on producing these geniuses who were able to change the tides of the battles alone 

Konoha from the start of the village era was the only village to have many S-rank ninjas at the same time, he had a feeling that it was Iwagakure fate to only have this infertile land, as even though Iwagakure is one of the most united hidden villages it still has its difficulties from fertile land to finance 

Onoki was pretty sure that if he left this bunch alone no doubt they would also grow up to Jonin the rank of those geniuses so he was determined to eliminate them as soon as possible so that in the next great ninja war they don't have many unknown variables 


While many higher were ranking their brains on the matter of the mission team 13 faced, team 13 themselves were enjoying the time of their life by exploring the land of noodles and trying many types of noodles

Till the time the meeting ended they had already tried most of the noodles types in the village, after the meeting ended Yukihiro called the team for a meeting

"So, did you guys enjoy the time of your stay here" Yukihiro asked 

"Yes sensei, though the village was not as large as Konoha the number of noodle types it has is unimaginable, I didn't even know some of them were edible," Kaida said 

"Hahaha I know the first time I tried those noodles I also had the same reaction have you tried the noodles with stones topping"

"Yes sensei," Ryota said while patting his pocket 

"Well it's great that you enjoyed your stay in the land of noodles but it's time for us to go back to our village, I got a letter from the Hokage office stating that we have to carry those two as we carried them here 

The village doesn't want to take any risk this time also we have to take a different route for our travel and since we are also ordered to go back as soon as we can, so we will be leaving in 30 minutes all you have to eat a soldier pill" Yukihiro said 

"But we would still have to halt during our travel so that THE RENJI SAMA can have his much-needed rest," Ryota said with clear disdain in his voice

"hahaha don't worry Ryota this time we will not be taking any breaks since they are also going to eat a soldier pill each" Yukihiro said while laughing 

"They are ninjas, I thought they were part of the civil council," Kaida said with surprise on his 

"Well calling them a ninja will be a little difficult because they only have enough chakra to barely qualify as a genin but their political skill is very high, at least is true for Hiroto Sama, he has made many deals with various villages which have helped our village very much during peacetime

Anyways due to the low amount of chakra, they can't use movement jutsu so even if they had eaten the soldier pill at that time we would still had to carry them, and due to the effect of the soldier pill they would also had to take a 1-day rest this was the reason they had not eaten the soldier pill" Yukihiro said 

"And now they can eat the soldier pill because they can rest all they want in the village" Kaida completed Yukihiro's sentence 

"Exactly, now get ready we will leave in 30 minutes"

After 30 min they left for the village since both Renji and Hiroto had already eaten the soldier pill they didn't have to take any breaks on their way back, that's why even though they had to take a longer route they reached the village in just one and half day 


(A.N: Thankyou for reading, if you liked the chapter than please don't forget to vote for the novel ^~^ )