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(A.N: hey guys our power ranking is now live, so if you like what you are reading then please vote for this fanfic 

And here is something from my side for every 

50 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

100 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

150 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: Thank you, you all are supporting this novel, and I am very grateful for that, I hope you guys will like this chapter ^~^)


After killing the ninja the clones kept on maintaining their position but when even after 10 minutes even after waiting for so long they didn't find any other ninja so they dispersed themselves and Kaida and Yukihiro got the memories of the clone and their chakra back 

All of them were running at their full speed, and in just 10 minutes they were somehow able to travel 43 kilometers, suddenly Yukihiro raised his hand and all of them stopped Kaida and Yukihiro got the memories of their clones

"What happened Yukihiro is there any problem," Hiroto asked 

"No Hiroto sama, the enemy is already dealt with we will take just a 10-minute break after which we will once again start our journey"

Hiroto and Renji nodded their head and took a little rest Yukihiro and the team did a little talk

"Sensei looks like we only had 2 pursuers so we don't have to worry about being ambushed, but still we should change the direction as they may have sent a signal of our expected path," Kaida said to Yukihiro

"I was thinking of the same thing now that the problem is dealt with we don't have to take this longer route so let's take a detour and go back to the pre-planned route we received from Hokage Sama 

Also, Ryota if you find anything unusual during our travel, you swiftly tell me, and if any you find any anomaly or enemy and don't have time to tell me then you guys know the secret code which we have already decided during our stay in the land of noodles" Yukihiro said 

Everyone nodded their head Yukihiro went to Hiroto and Renji to tell them about the change of plans while Kaida and the team were discussing something else

"So do you think that we will face another team of enemies like before" Ryota asked 

"Nope, not a chance first of all now the only thing they will get after attacking us again is revenge and I don't think they will once again send so many powerful ninjas just to get some revenge also they can't find out the exact path we are going to take,

So the chance of getting in an ambush of the same level as before is pretty much zero" Kaida said

"Also we are strong enough to defend ourselves if any attack of such level happens again," Yomi said with a confident voice

"No Yomi you are wrong there, the only reason we were able to win in our previous fight is due to Ryota 

If he had not sensed the arrival of the enemy this early we would not had the chance for the surprise attack that we used to reduce the enemy number,

Even though we also would have sensed the enemies, but by when we have sensed the enemy there is very little we could have done 

And fighting 20 experienced ninjas group would have been one hell of a task, and I don't think that we would have left uninjured from that fight" Kaida said

Both Yomi and Ryota started contemplating the consequences of the fight where they had to fight 20 ninjas in which some of them were chunin and jonins 

Kiba was standing still with a smug smile on his face as he was the one who had identified the enemy approach, so he was sure that he was the MVP of the previous fight 

While they were discussing this Yukihiro also returned after conveying the message to Hiroto and Renji,

So he was able to hear Kaida's answer and he was very happy that even though his student were geniuses they didn't had arrogance which is one of the main reasons why most of the geniuses die on a battlefield after giving Yomi and Ryota some time to think deeply about that he spoke

"Ok team rest is over so it's time to get back to the business let's go"

They once again carried Hiroto and Renji on their back and started their journey back to Konoha, this time they didn't face any ambush or anything so they were easily able to reach Konoha before sunset 

Hiroto and Renji decided to walk for the last one kilometer as they are the elder of the village and can't compromise their image after reaching inside the village Hiroto and Renji sat in the carriage already waiting for them at the village entrance 

"You guys can go and rest a little I will go and report our mission, but be ready you guys may be called at the hokage office for your reports too as this mission is upgraded to A rank mission, 

due to the ambush and that too on the higher side so your reports may also be required, but don't worry the payment will also increase to match the level of the mission" Yukihiro said, everyone nodded their head

"sensei we still have 2 days till the effect of the soldier pill wears off, so we will be in the training ground till then," Kaida said 

"Okay, I will send someone there if the requirement arises," Yukihiro said and left for the Hokage office 

After Yukihiro left Ryota said

"You guys go to the training field I will meet you there in half an hour, I want to meet my family"

"Okay but remember not to tell them about the mission till the report is completed," Kaida said

"hey do you think I am stupid of course I will not tell them about that, I also studied with you so I also know about the rule along with my parents," Ryota said somewhat offended by the warning 

"I know bro but, you are looking too excited to brag about this" Kaida said with a small smile on his face 

"Which I am, but don't worry I am not stupid enough to do something like that, okay bye," Ryota said with an awkward laugh and used body flicker jutsu to go back to his home

The reason why they were acting in such a way to share the details about this because the details of the mission are a critical topic 

After the report Hokage may make the mission classified so if share the details of such a mission then there is a very high chance that you may be labeled as a traitor, and even if the higher up accept that it was a mistake then also your carrier will be hard to progress after this and you may remain a chunin for rest of your life 

Kaida and Yomi went to the training ground and the first thing they did was start training their movement jutsu 

Even though strength is important, they were able to sense that they couldn't be the most powerful in the world (At least shortly) and even if they somehow became the most powerful in the world, there would be still number of ways in which you can die like an ambush, poison, assassination, etc, as even though stronger ninja as resistant to such things but not immune to them 

So movement jutsu is of phenomenal importance here, as in case they are in a fight they know they can't win they can at least run away from there 


(A.N: If you have any ideas or reviews please post them in comment section, your ideas are much appreciated ^~^