Joining Uchiha clan 

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80 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

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250 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: The price of The chapters went up a little because I think the Story has progressed to a satisfactory level also they are still deficient compared to other novels where it is 2000 or something also

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"In that case, I would like to request to join the Uchiha clan, but if there are some problems with that, then I am perfectly okay with just permission to live with my brother and Aunt"

"Hahaha, good, there is no problem in allowing you to join the Uchiha clan, You can fill out all the forms and take the identification from the reception by tomorrow 

Also, Shisui keeps him away from those elders I like the honesty of this boy, I don't want him to change after facing the politics of the clan, also boy what is your Age?"

"I am 8 a half-year-old clan leader"

"Oh so you are the same age as Itachi hah, you two may become sparing partners for each other, don't worry my Son will not disappoint you," Fugaku said, smiling while talking about Itachi

"As you wish clan lead" Kaida replied 

"Now you guys may go back, I have some meetings to attend"

Kaida and Shisui went on their way toward their house now that they got permission from the clan head no one could stop Kaida from coming to the Uchiha compound now, as for moving his belongings to Shisui's house, this was a straightforward task as he only has to make some shadow clone and all the work will be done in no time 

"Now that you are part of the Uchiha compound, you should know what benefits you will get now," Shisui said 

"what do you mean," Kaida asked

"Kaida why do you think Ninja from certain clans are more powerful than normal civilian ninjas"

"Because they work hard and have the right guidance, also secret techniques of their clans," Kaida said he used to think the reason for the strength gap between normal ninjas and ninjas from certain clans

"well that is one of the reasons but not the complete reason, clan has many resources that may help you in increasing your strength in a short amount of time, at least compared to civilian ninja 

The resources start from the meditation room, which not only helps you to refill your chakra faster but also helps you increase your chakra control, then there is a pill that has concentrated nutrients and supplements to increase body recovery function after hard physical exercise and increase your strength a little more while rebuilding your torn muscles 

Then there is also a special room that helps you in increasing your mastery in the chakra nature you are proficient in"

Shisui went silent for some time allowing Kaida to process all the information, he just got 

After some time Kaida asked 

"So any ninja from the clan can take these resources whenever they want"

"Of course not, these resources take lots of money to acquire or build, So even our clan which is one of the most rich and powerful clans doesn't have these resources in excess"

"then who gets to use these resources" Kaida asked with a little confusion on his face 

"Do you remember what I told you about the reward from the missions we take from the clan" 

"yes, with money you get contribution points…" Kaida went silent after saying that like he understood what he wanted to know

Shisui smiled and then continued 

"yes using that contribution point you can use those resources, this is the reason why most of the ninjas from the clan just take missions from the clan only those who have some urgent requirement for money take missions from the Hokage building as from here you are getting both money and resources"

"Then there is no chance for any civilian ninja to get those resources" Kaida asked feeling that this system is very unfair toward the civilian ninja 

"No, they can get those resources, in two ways, 

One if they join Anbu forces, or once they become jonin level ninjas then they can ask for these resources, though it costs much more than what we are paying for it" Shisui answered completely understanding why Kaida asked this question 

Hearing Shisui reply Kaida still felt that it was still unfair but at least they got to use these resources at some point in time, also this world was never fair for everyone, 

if you want something for yourself then you have to work hard for it, sometime you may also have to fight to get what you want, the higher you set your expectations the harder you have to work

"Brother can I see these rooms you are talking about," Kaida asked at least wanting to see what these special rooms looked like 

"Of course you can, you know what you can even use the meditation room if you want, I can pay for the Chakra room right now, as I have just purchased a very expensive pill"

"You don't have to I just wanted to take a quick look," Kaida said not wanting to burden Shisui with something

"Don't worry meditation rooms are not that expensive, you can use that for 2 hours for just 5 contribution points

Oh right you don't know, you get 10 contribution points for completing any D-rank mission from the clan"

Kaida then agreed to use the meditation room, knowing that the cost is not much for Shisui, but then one question came to his mind

"Then what is the cost of using this Chakra room you were talking about"

"They are costly 200 contribution points per hour, also you can at most use them for 5 hours a day, by completing a B rank mission you can barely use it for 3 hours," Shisui said reluctantly shaking his head

After that, they went toward the mediation room not that far from Clan headquarters 

The building was not that different from other buildings in the area just it was a big huge-3 story building with each floor having at least 20 rooms, both of them entered this building

"I want to book a room for 2 hours" Shisui went to the receptionist and spoke

"Yes sir what level do you want"

"Level 3," Shisui said after looking toward Kaida once 

The receptionist also looked toward Kaida then once again looked toward Shisui and confirmed

"Level 3 sir?"

"Yes" Shisui confirmed 

"That will be 20 Points, sir," the receptionist said after checking the register 

"Brother you said that it will only take 5 contribution points," Kaida asked feeling a little confused 

"I forgot to take your chakra level into consideration for normal genin that was enough but since your chakra level was already this high you require better room for it to show any effect," Shisui said with a smile 

Now the receptionist was shocked how this boy had so much chakra, due to her curiosity She activated her sharingan and was shocked to see how much chakra Kaida possessed, he was at most 9-10 years old and had so much chakra that it could be compared to experienced jonin

(A.N: For extra unnecessary Knowledge, Jonin is not a position one can become easily, most ninjas have a goal to become Chunin only, if Genin is level 5, then Chunin is level 20, and Jonin is level 50, so reaching that level even in term of chakra is very big achievement 

We just don't understand this because we usually compare the chakra of Naruto with others, he had more chakra than Kurama a tailed beast, so he is an exception and we can't use him for the comparison 😉 )

Shisui suddenly activated his Sharingan looked toward the receptionist, and said…


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