Genjutsu Training Starts 

(A.N: Thanks frank ivkovich for supporting me on Patreon, it means a lot buddy ^~^)

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80 Power Stones I will release one chapter on Saturday 

160 Power Stone I will release one chapter on Sunday 

250 Power Stones I will release two chapters on Sunday


(A.N: The price of The chapters went up a little because I think the Story has progressed to a satisfactory level also they are still very low compared to other novels where it is 2000 or something also

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After placing everything in the rooms Kaida was just sitting in his room seeing the garden and resting a little when Hae called

"Both of you come out of your room, lunch is ready"

Kaida went to the dining room followed by Shisui, where he found Yomi helping his aunt place all the food on the table

Since all the work was already done both Kaida and Shisui just sat down at the table to eat

"So Kaida what are your plans now," Hae asked while sitting

"Nothing aunt, since I have nothing to do I was thinking about going to the training ground to train a little…" Kaida stopped while speaking when he felt a sudden chill on his spine

"Listen here gentlemen, Yomi told me that you are a training freak, you train for 12-16 hours a day is that correct" Hae asked with a smile, which though looked as normal as always, but Kaida instinctively knew that it was anything but normal

"Sometimes," Kaida said as he moved his head in the opposite direction

"I don't want to comment on how you lived till now, but from now on you are not allowed to train for 16 hours in any condition, I know training is important but enjoying life is also equally important

I can't watch you all the time, also I don't want to restrict your freedom of choice but this type of training will have a bad effect on your mental health when you grow up, you will miss this time, so try to enjoy it a little more" Hae said once again smiling

This time Kaida could feel that it was the same gentle and motherly smile his mother used to make when she tried to make him understand something

"Okay Aunt, I will not train that hard so don't worry," Kaida said

"Okay now eat your fill, and tell me if you want something special for dinner"

"No Aunty whatever you make is delicious," Kaida said while eating

Hae smiled and then looked toward Shisui and asked

"You are going to stay for some time right, I am not allowing you to go on another month-long mission before 2-week rest at least"

"Don't worry mom, I have a little student here whom I have to teach, so I am planning to take a rest for some time"

Shisui said while pointing toward Kaida

"OH! What are you going to teach him brother" Yomi asked Shisui

"Brother?" Kaida asked

"Aunt said that I can call him Brother and Her aunt," Yomi said smiling ear to ear

"Nothing too big Some genjutsu, and some basic Chakra hiding techniques"

"Oh!, can I also learn this genjutsu"

"No I am sorry, but you will not be able to learn the same genjutsu as him, but I can teach you some different sone" Shisui replied

"Why can't I learn the Same genjutsu as him" one aging feeling competitive,

As Kaida was already more powerful than her, she was 100% sure that even if Ryota, Kiba, and she attacked Kaida together Kaida could still win, She didn't want Kaida to be so much more powerful than her, so they could always be with each other

"Kaida will learn Genjutsu special for Sharingan users, and since you don't have one, you can't learn those

But worry not with enough practice, normal genjutsu can also reach the same level as those genjutsu techniques" Shisui continued trying to make things fair for both of them

But Yomi knew that even if both She and Kaida learned equally powerful techniques, Kaida would become more proficient over time, because no matter how much she tried to train she couldn't reach the same intensity as Kaida

And though she didn't know, this Unique bloodline of Kaida was strengthening his body as well as increasing his chakra reserves, and if we include the Unique powers of Sharingan then any normal ninja didn't stand a chance in growth rate

She looked toward Shisui and said

"Thank you brother but I am going to learn Sensing and tracking techniques for specialization from tomorrow, So I don't think I will have time to learn Genjutsu in between"

Shisui understood what Yomi was feeling so he added

"No problem, but you can still learn how to defend against genjutsu, it is one of the must-have skills for any ninja"

"Okay brother," Yomi said with a cheerful smile

"Okay enough about training now everyone focus on the food," Hae said

And everyone once again started eating, in between Hae kept on talking about small topics like how the food tasted or which type of food Yomi and Kaida liked

After eating Hae said

"You guys can go back to your room and rest don't even think about going to train for at least one hour" There was no room for discussion

All of them nodded their head, and then Shisui looked toward Kaida and asked

"When are you going to start your specialization training"

"Oh! Grandpa said to go to Konoha Hospital after 3 days so hopefully, I can start my training the day after tomorrow"

"Okay so we have 2 days to get you to the basics of genjutsu, if my guess is correct then as soon as you learn the basics of Genjutsu to a satisfactory level, your sharingan will evolve into 2 tomoe Sharingan"

"How long do you think it will take me to learn the basics of Genjutsu to that level?" Kaida asked

"For a normal Ninja learning even basic takes anywhere between 2-6 months, but for a Uchiha, it only takes 1-2 months," Shisui replied

Kaida just nodded his head, the reason why he wanted to learn this as soon as possible was because he was constantly feeling that his eyes were etching, and he was unable to do anything about it

It was a very weird feeling, though he also felt that his eyes were becoming more powerful day by day

"Now go and take a rest for 1 hour, after that we will begin your Genjutsu training, Yomi you can start after you get comfortable with your specialization training"

Both of them nodded their head

Yomi then went to Hae so that she could help with the cleaning, to which Hae agreed as she got someone to talk to, but Kaida also asked for the same these declined as he was going to train after one hour so he should rest while he can

Not having any other option Kaida went to his room and slept a little

After one hour Shisui went to Kaida's room and Knocked

"Kaida it's time to start our training"

"Coming," Kaida said waking up from his afternoon nap

They both went to the garden as Genjutsu is not something that will destroy the property around them,

Shisui looked toward Kaida and said

"Now Kaida tell me what you know about genjutsu," Shisui asked Kaida

"Nothing much just some basics that were taught to us in the academy, like it attacks our nervous system, also our chakra flow gets disturbed a little due to that, and if we disrupt our chakra flow, we can come out of genjutsu"

"Hah! Looks like I will have to start from the very basics of Genjutsu, even though you know about Genjutsu all of your Knowledge is just superficial, nothing practical, for example, you are already in genjutsu, which you didn't even know" Shisui said and then vanished in thin air and appeared behind Kaida

Kaida was Shocked by that, he had very good chakra control, so if even he was unable to deduce that he was in a genjutsu then normal genin and even some chunin didn't even stand a chance to Know about that

Also, Just this implication of appearing behind the back of the enemy without them noticing is too powerful, now was slowly understanding how truly powerful Genjutsu truly is…




Next Chapter: Basics are not simple

Next Chapter: Training In Basics 

Next… chapter: 2-TOMOE-SHARINGAN

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