

(A.N: Hey guys, Your friendly neighborhood and Shameless Author is here, I have a simple question to ask Today

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"Congratulations Kaida you have finally gotten 2 tomoe, I didn't know with just this much Your Sharingan would evolve, hell you have not even cast a single genjutsu and now you have 2 tomoe Sharingan

Every Uchiha will question their life choices after hearing this" Shisui said while smiling

"Thanks, Brother," Kaida said and then stopped the chakra flow in his eyes

"But Since you have already awakened 2 tomoe, do you still want to learn Genjutsu or do you want to completely focus on Medical jutsu" Shisui asked

"After seeing how easy Sharingan makes it to cast genjutsu, I would be a fool to not learn this" Kaida said Smiling

"Right, now you can take some rest and familiarize yourself with the Upgrades we will continue training from tomorrow," Shisui said while patting Kaida's back and pushing him toward his room

Kaida just nodded his head and went to his room, there he sat in a meditative pose and started examining his chakra reserve, to confirm the theory he had come up with

After 5 min he thought

'Sharingan Do increase your chakra reserve, when I awakened my Sharingan my chakra reserves increased by 1.5 times, mow though the effect has reduced and it has only increased by 1.3 times with my Chakra reserve it is still a very huge amount

Now I can make 85 Shadow clones, and my learning speed will increase by leap and bounds, also with this upgrade the chakra required for using Sharingan is reduced so it is also much more beneficial now'

Normal neither a Senju nor a Uchiha will have this much Chakra in them, maybe Someone with protagonist luck may have more chakra than even Kaida, but aside from them no normal ninja will have this much chakra

But since Kaida had both bloodlines he luckily benefited much more than one can imagine, Normally A Uchiha has only enough chakra to make 2-4 shadow clones when they awaken their Sharingan So the enhancing effect of Sharingan is not very apparent, but it was completely different for Kaida

With Him having enough Chakra to make around 40 Shadow clones he was able to make the most out of this effect

Kaida once again activated his Sharingan to check something, he started dividing his chakra into yin and Yang Chakra then he let the chakra flow normally Yin Chakra moved toward his eyes before, the only difference was that the movement became more stable and steady

But Kaida's focus was not on this Yin Chakra but on the Yang chakra that was left behind, that chakra got dispersed in the surroundings Since it was very unstable after removing Yin Chakra from that

The ratio of the chakra left behind was also 85:15 just 85 percent was Yang Chakra, and Since Kaida was not focusing on Maintaining it, it naturally got dispersed,

'Sharingan Normally focuses on Yin chakra and its stability, So I can't use it to make Yang Chakra Stable' Kaida thought after trying to do so

I can still use Sharingan to easily divide my chakra into Yin and Yang, but the rest of the process has to be done by me only, this is going to be a little difficult but let's try it anyway

He once again used sharingan and divided his chakra the yin part automatically moved toward his eyes since his sharingan was activated, but Kaida's main focus was on Yang Chakra he tried to maintain its form the same way he was doing for Yang chakra Luckily Yang chakra was not as volatile as Yin chakra, so maintaining its form was easier than maintaining Yang chakra

Then she stretched his hand ejected yang chakra from his hand, and formed it like a ball just like Shisui, the difference was it didn't look like a ball and more like an eaten chewed gum

Kaida was still happy with this,

'With this, I should be able to qualify for learning Medical Jutsu, Let's see till which ratio I can maintain Yin chakra with the help of Sharingan'

He once again started dividing the chakra and then when it reached the ratio of 85:15, he didn't stop and continued to divide the chakra Slowly it reached 90:10, but from here Chakra started to become unstable, and then with each rise of 1% It became increasing Unstable

'look like 90:10 is my limit for now,' Kaida thought

After that, he continued using Sharingan to get a better feel of all the new and enhanced uses of Sharingan like the distance he can see increased

Now Kaida can read from a paper placed 150m away from him, and even count the legs of a centipede more than 100 m away from him, he also felt that color became more vibrant now, he tried to look at chakra but he could use any jutsu in the house so he didn't try that

'no doubt Uchiha were feared that much just 2 tomoe Sharingan is this awesome, what will 3 tomoe Sharingan bring in my arsenal' Kaida thought with a smile, then decided to take a nap

After updating Sharingan the mental fatigue Kaida felt was very high, it was around 4 pm, normally Hae would have called him for a Snack but Shisui had already told her about Kaida

She was very happy, and she also knew that he would better rest for now, So Hae didn't disturb Kaida and he slept till 8 pm after a short nap of 4 hours he woke up, surprised by the fact that he had slept for so long and still feeling sleepy

'looks like I underestimated the fatigue caused by the upgradation of Sharingan, even though the fatigue was not this much in the starting, it kept on increasing with time,

Well it makes sense the sudden changes my body faced can't come without any consequence' Kaida thought after waking up

He went to the hall, only to find Yomi sitting there

"come Kaida Yomi just arrived we were just about to ask her about her day," Hae said

Kaida nodded his head and sat there, Yomi was able to see that Kaida was looking very exhausted, but she just thought that he had practiced very hard for the whole day, which was normal for Kaida

"Now Yomi tell us about your day," Hae said

"Okay I will start from the start, at Hokage building I was waiting for my new sensei after some time he came to me and asked if I was Yomi, and introduced himself as Isao Yamanaka

I was very happy that my sensei from the Yamanaka clan, was very polite, so I was very happy, I thought he was a very nice person which he is, but I think he has a double personality because when he started teaching me his whole personality changed from polite to strict

I had to practice for the whole day with just a break for eating, but one thing is for sure he is a very good teacher, and I was able to learn very much even though I had just worked on increasing my senses but I am sure I will many things in these 2 years" Yomi told the whole story to everyone

"It's great that you got a good sensei, now we have two things to celebrate," Hae said

"Two things?" Yomi asked

Hae looked toward Kaida and asked

"Well do you want to tell her yourself"

Kaida nodded his head looked toward Yomi and activated his sharingan

"You Fu**king upgraded your sharingan, did you learn Genjutsu in just 2 days" Yomi said in shock then remembered that she was in front of Hae and Shisui and whispered

"sorry…" while hiding her face

"No problem, I was also shocked about this, but he had still not learned Genjutsu but just basics were enough to upgrade his sharingan," Shisui said while laughing

"Now he once again got an upgrade will I ever be able to catch up to him" Yomi talked to herself

"Don't compare yourself with other Yomi, also you are comparing yourself with the wrong person, Kaida is an anomaly here if you compare yourself with an average civilian ninja you are already more powerful than 98 % of them when they were your age, so don't belittle yourself?" Shisui said after hearing what she said

"okay" Yomi replied, but she was still a little sad about the increasing gap between her and Kaida

"Now Since we have Two reasons for celebration, let's go out to eat something different," Hae said trying to increase the mood of everyone

Kaida was just too tired to say anything but he looking toward Yomi he couldn't remain silent so he asked

"what do you want to eat Yomi, my achievement is just a normal one, and it is not as great as yours so, tell us what you want to eat"

Yomi felt guilty for bringing down such a joyous mood just because of her selfishness

"I am sorry for acting like this, I am not sad anymore," Yomi said smiling

"Okay let's go you guys have still not tried the restaurant in the Uchiha compound right, let's go I am sure you will like it," Shisui said

Then they went to one of the most famous restaurants in the Uchiha compound, even though it was on a little expensive side, but Since Shisui was an elite jonin money was never an issue for them

After eating to their heart's content all of them went back to the house, both Kaida and Yomi directly went to their room Since they were very tired for different reasons

Also, Kaida wanted to be in perfect shape tomorrow




Next Chapter: Konoha Hospital 



Next Chapter: Disciple privilege 

Next Chapter: Resources

You can read all of them on Patreon (^~^)

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